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TLC Forum We'll leave the lamppost on for you. 2023-10-17T21:14:27 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/app.php/feed/topics 2023-09-14T01:21:20 2023-09-14T01:21:20 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=951&p=88266#p88266 <![CDATA[Non Narnian Fan Fiction • Superbook: Treasures In Heaven]]>
Chapter 1


It was a solemn day in the land of Israel. At a vineyard, servants waited outside of the home of Gideon, who was the owner. Meanwhile, inside the house, he spoke briefly with the steward. Though he could hardly talk. A servant girl who had been hired to care for him gave the steward a look.

"Alexis, how is he?", asked the steward.

"I'm afraid this is it", said Alexis.

"Alexis", said Gideon, "I want to thank you for caring for me during my last days. You served me well during your time as one of our servants. I even thought of you as a daughter when you first came."

"And you have been like family. I would like to continue to be one of the servants, if that is possible."

"I'm sure both my sons will appreciate it. In speaking of, could you send for them? I would like to have my last words with them."

"Yes, of course."

Then Alexis and the steward left. Alexis went to look for Gideon's two sons, Sahara and Thomas while the steward went outside to the other servants.

"Master Sahara, Master Thomas", said Alexis.

"Alexis, beautiful as always", said Sahara, taking her hand and kissed it.

"Alexis", said Thomas, who also took her hand and kissed it, "How is father?"

"He is near his last breath", said Alexis, "He wishes to speak with you."

Alexis lead Sahara and Thomas to where Gideon was. Once they were both in, she stepped outside to give them privacy. She joined the steward and the rest of the servants.

"I'm afraid he's at the end", said the steward.

The servants bowed and are about to pay their respect to their master. In the bedroom, Gideon was in his bed, and was near his last breath.

"The time has come", said Gideon in his dying face, "Sahara, as my oldest son, you are in charge of the vineyard now! But remember, half of it belongs to Thomas! So you two must work together."

"Yes, father", said Sahara.

Thomas was in tears, giving Gideon a hug. Though he reassured him that they would meet again one day. After awhile, there was a funeral procession, where professional mourners came to pay their last respect.

(Superbook Theme)

Present Day

Chris Quantum was looking through his storage closet where he kept his halo-nine games. However, he noticed there wasn't any room in there. Gizmo, a red robot, went to see what it was all about.

"Chris, check out the latest halo nine games", said Gizmo.

"Yes, Gizmo", said Chris, "Though there is a problem. I don't have room in the storage."

"That is a problem. Perhaps you should build a bigger one."

"I don't think that's possible."

In the meantime, Joy Pepper came over to see what was happening.

"Hey Chris, Gizmo", said Joy, "What is going on?"

"I don't have any room to store all my halo-nine games", said Chris, "Man. Ever since we became Christians, who knew it would be this hard to have so much?"

"I hear you there."

All of a sudden, a flying saucer device showed up.

"Superbook!", said Chris, Joy, and Gizmo.

"Wait, Superbook", said Gizmo, "Not this time!"

Then they were whisked away by a open book to time travel tunnel.

"I am taking you to a place where you learn how to store up Treasures in Heaven", said Superbook.

Bible Times

Chris, Joy, and Gizmo landed where the vineyard was. Chris and Joy decided to look around at the vineyard for a bit.

"Where are we?", asked Joy.

"My geo-censor indicates that we've landed in a vineyard in the land of Israel, during the time of Christ", said Gizmo.

"A vineyard, huh?", asked Chris, "I never knew that there were so many grapes that grew here."

"Look! It looks like some are picking them already!", said Joy.

"Aren't they a little small?"

"My geo-censor indicates that these grapes aren't ready to be picked", said Gizmo.


"Look, here comes someone!", said Joy.

They looked up and saw it was Thomas driving a chariot to check things out in the vineyard. He stopped and was not happy to see what was happening.

"Those grapes are not ready to be picked!", said Thomas, then noticed Chris Joy and Gizmo, "Are you are our new servants?"

"New?", said Gizmo, "Oh, yes, very new."

"Chris, Joy and Gizmo", said Chris.

"I am Thomas."

"That's a really nice vineyard you got there", said Gizmo, "Perhaps, with all these grapes, you could use them to make grape soda."

"Grape soda?", asked Thomas, a bit confused.

"Oh yes. You don't have that. Never mind."

"Master Thomas", said Alexis, running over, "Thank goodness I've found you... what is happening?"

"The servants are picking the grapes", said Thomas, "And they're not ready!"

"Yes, that's right", said Gizmo.

They went to see what was happening. Chris, Joy and Gizmo stood by while Thomas tried to negotiate with the steward.

"What is going on here?", asked Thomas.

"I'm sorry, Master Thomas", said the steward, "Your brother said to pick them."

"But they won't be ripe for days."

"Master Sahara said to mix the ripe ones with the ones we've already picked."

"Why would he do that?", asked Alexis.

"He said that no one would noticed, and that we would make more money this way."

"Who's Master Sahara?", asked Chris.

"Sahara is my brother!", said Thomas, "We inherited the vineyard from our father. It's been in our family for generations. But now he wants to make money off of it!"

"I can sense that nothing good will come out of this", said Gizmo.

Chris, Joy and Gizmo waited outside with Alexis Thomas went inside and tried to reason with Sahara. Gizmo had an idea: he used his camera eyesight to look through the window. They watched intently.

"So you've heard of my plan", said Sahara.

"I will not let you ruined this vineyard!", said Thomas.

"Oh, we're far from being ruined!"

"Father said to work together!"

"He also said I was in charge!"

"You have no right to make any decisions without me!"

"Get used to it!"

"Alright then! We'll divide the vineyard!"


"I want my half! You can do what you want with yours! Now sign this!"

"I'm not signing anything!"

"Sign it!"

"This vineyard is going to make me the richest man in Israel! I'll die before I divide it!"

"I will get my half!"

"I don't think so! Once the money starts rolling in, so will you, just begging to have every part of it!"

"So that must be Thomas's brother, Sahara", said Chris.

"And I must say he does not look friendly", said Gizmo.

"I am a servant girl, having served under their father, Gideon", said Alexis, "He was a good man. But now...."

"It sounds a sneaky way to run a business", said Joy.

[Well, it's a start. Hope you enjoy this new Superbook adventure]

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:21 am — Replies 4 — Views 39339

2023-08-30T21:26:35 2023-08-30T21:26:35 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=950&p=88258#p88258 <![CDATA[Narnian Fan Fiction • The Adventures of Tirian and His Merry Narnians]]> The Last Battle (My Version). Yet I sometimes wonder what it would be like if Narnia hadn't come to end in Narnia. Jill was hoping that the end of the world of Narnia was still a long way off. Well, what if it was? First off, it wouldn't be called The Last Battle. It would have some elements from the canon book and my version; except there is no battle of Stable Hill and Emeth does not seek out Tash but instead stays with his love interest, Marietta, an Archenlander and tavern maid. In the mean time, Tirian, along with Eustace and Jill, as well as Jewel, Poggin, Puzzle, and Farsight, are living as outlaws in the Western Wild.

I do not own Narnia or any of the canon characters. They all belong to CS Lewis. I only own my OC's (both from my previous fanfic and additional ones).]


A recap-

When Tirian heard from the eagle, Farsight, that Cair Paravel had been taken by the Calormene navy (which was a really powerful naval force), no one shed a tear or said a word. Now Narnia has been taken by the Calormenes, which they have been wanting to do for a long time. Meanwhile, Poggin had an idea.

"Why not hide in the woods, or even up in the Western Waste beyond the great waterfall and live like outlaws?", asked Poggin.

"Then what?", asked Eustace.

"We might gradually get stronger and stronger, for Talking Beasts and Archenlanders would be joining every day. And at last they’d come out of hiding and sweep the Calormenes (who would have got careless by then) out of the country and Narnia would be revived."

"I see", said Jill.

"After all, something very like that had happened in the time of King Miraz!"

A Week Later

A week has passed, and Tirian, Poggin, Jewel, Puzzle, Farsight, and Eustace and Jill have been living as outlaws in the Western Woods. Plus, the bear and boar joined them.

"What do you suppose the Calormenes plan to do?", asked Eustace, "Now that they have Narnia?"

"They have been wanting to do this for a long time", said Poggin, "I have a feeling that they will want to build palaces and temples in the regions of Narnia."

"Is that so?", asked Jill.

"Oh yes. Even Rishda Tarkaan, a very powerful man, will want to build himself a palace in Narnia."

"What I don't understand why would he want to build temples when he doesn't even believe in his own gods or any of the supernatural", said Tirian.

"And what about the tavern maid at Chippingford?", asked Eustace, "What has happened to her?"

"I do not know. Rishda could have kidnapped her as he intended to. She could have got away at one point. Wherever she may be, well, who knows?"

In the meantime, Rishda, Shift and Ginger were looking over the temples and palaces being constructed. Many were slaves and professional builders who have come to build.

"Just imagine Narnia with great cities, palaces, temples, and pyramids", said Rishda, "It shall be one of Calormen's greatest achievements."

"Oh yes, captain", said Shift, "And you have us as your humble servants."

"Oh yes, and I received word that the warriors of the Tisroc (may he live forever) have the city of Anvard, in Archenland, under siege. It's been a successful raid."

"And how many more Calormenes would arrive here?", asked Ginger.

"Oh, a great deal more than the 30 of us when we first arrived. Yet one of my young officers..."

"You mean Emeth", said Shift.

"Yes, the rash boy... the nerve that he turned back on Tash for a naive barbarian."

"The tavern maid", said Ginger, "If I recall, you'd kidnapped her to make her your wife."

"Yes, yet she she was clever enough to get away."

The city of Anvard had been under siege by Calormenes. Homes and palaces were burning. Even the castle was ablaze. The Calormenes took those who lived there captive and they were being sold as slaves. After awhile, the Tisroc's banner raised over the castle of Anvard. Now it has seemed that Calormenes have conquered the Northern countries.

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:26 pm — Replies 2 — Views 40542

2023-08-28T01:17:16 2023-08-28T01:17:16 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=949&p=88247#p88247 <![CDATA[The Bird and Baby • Favorite Bible Stories]]>
I think one of mine is from Jeremiah, where he had the Word of God written down by Baruch. Then Baruch read it to the people in the Temple. Then it was read to King Jehoiakim, who cut it into pieces and tossed it into the fire. It did not destroy God's, Word though. God told Jeremiah to have Baruch write His Word all over again.

Anyone on here have a favorite Bible story they would like to share?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:17 am — Replies 3 — Views 7102

2023-08-21T16:00:13 2023-08-21T16:00:13 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=948&p=88229#p88229 <![CDATA[Summer Challenges • Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader']]> Dawn Treader" this year.

This is the thread for posting reflections each day after reading the two assigned chapters.

Reflections can be in the form of art-work, poetry, fan-fic-lets or just written summaries of your thoughts. Don't worry if you fall behind. You can post anything on any day. The dates below are guidelines:

Mon 21 Aug: Chapters 1-2
Tue 22 Aug: Chapters 3-4
Wed 23 Aug: Chapters 5-6
Thur 24 Aug: Chapters 7-8
Fri 25 Aug: Chapters 9-10
Sat 26 Aug: Chapters 11-12
Sun 27 Aug: Rest/Catch Up
Mon 28 Aug: Chapters 13-14
Tue 29 Aug: Chapters 15-16

Statistics: Posted by Ajnos — Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 pm — Replies 30 — Views 83370

2023-05-01T19:47:31 2023-05-01T19:47:31 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=945&p=88181#p88181 <![CDATA[New Member Introductions • Introducing myself (finally)]]>
As you can see, my username is NarnianAtHeart, but feel free to call me Polli.
I am under 18, I love art, reading, writing, and using weapons (Disclaimer: I don't use them on people, but targets :D).
I am a Christian. This means that I believe that the Lord came to die on the cross to pay for all my sins -and yours too-. What gets me through tough times is knowing that God loves me and will look after me.

Feel free to message me through the forum!!

Statistics: Posted by NarnianAtHeart — Mon May 01, 2023 7:47 pm — Replies 2 — Views 40234

2023-04-23T02:48:24 2023-04-23T02:48:24 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=944&p=88171#p88171 <![CDATA[Narnian Netflix Projects • Director for Narnia Films?]]>
I think Walden's VDT fell flat when Michael Apted was the director instead of Andrew Adamson. It wasn't the same without him!

I actually don't really see Christopher Nolan, best known for The Dark Knight Trilogy and Inception, directing a Narnia film franchise. I don't see Steven Spielberg doing it, because he is a big time producer, with movies like Jaw and E.T. and Jurassic Park. I don't even see Peter Jackson, director of The Lord of the Rings Film Trilogy, doing it. I mean, nothing against any of those because they are great movie makers. Peter Jackson was unheard of when he directed The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and got most of it right. The Hobbit was well done from a cinematic view point but that's kind of besides the point. Christopher Nolan had his own take of Batman than Tim Burton, and capture the feel just right. Steven Spielberg had made some great movies, like E.T., Jurassic Park, and Lincoln. But I don't see any of them doing Narnia.

Narnia films won't be the same without Andrew Adamson. Though, I will greatly appreciate for whatever director the film series will have, that he or she has a creative vision. Perhaps, a lesser known instead of a big time Hollywood director would be nice for a change! :)

Any thoughts on a director for Narnia film series?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Sun Apr 23, 2023 2:48 am — Replies 1 — Views 37106

2023-04-21T19:33:32 2023-04-21T19:33:32 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=943&p=88167#p88167 <![CDATA[Narnian Netflix Projects • Transition from Earth to Narnia in Films or Series?]]>
The way that CS Lewis described in each of the books are great. Yet somehow, some of these will probably be re-imagined for a film or series.

I think in LWW, we have next to nothing to worry about. It's pretty simple, with going into the wardrobe. So I don't see why they would have to re-imagine that.

In PC, the book describes as the Pevensies feeling as something is pulling them, then at an instance they're in Narnia. The way they did it in the Walden was a this huge epic train station disappearing and the train going by. It will be interesting how a new PC film will do the transition there.

In VDT, the book describes it as the picture in the bedroom getting bigger. In the Walden, they had the water gushing out the painting and flooding the room. It might be cool to see the picture bigger, and make us wonder, "Is the picture getting bigger or are the kids getting smaller?" Yet again, it might not happen that way.

In SC, it's pretty simple as well. All it is Eustace and Jill getting away from the school bullies and they find a door that leads to Narnia.

In HBB, I think we have next to nothing to worry about since there's no transition from Earth to Narnia involved. That is unless they decide to have it end with the Hunting of the White Stag and have the Pevensies come out of the wardrobe, given that it takes during LWW.

In MN, it might be a little tricky. Digory and Polly put on the rings and disappear into another world. Then they come up on the the pools in the Wood Between the Worlds. Then they jump into a different pool that leads into different worlds- Charn and Narnia that is.

In LB, it might be a little trickier. It's taken from a different perspective. Tirian calls to the Friends of Narnia for help. Then a moment, Eustace and Jill show up. So that might be a little tricky on how to do the transition.

Any ideas on how a film or series would do transition from Earth to Narnia? Should be kept simple? Will a movie or series have to re-imagine some of these?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:33 pm — Replies 0 — Views 10464

2023-04-17T02:37:02 2023-04-17T02:37:02 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=941&p=88159#p88159 <![CDATA[General Narnian Discussions • Calormenes Smell of Onions and Garlic?]]>
Then the dark men came round them in a thick crowd, smelling of garlic and onions, their white eyes flashing dreadfully in their brown faces.
How is that? I know there's been controversial debate about how the way the Calormenes are portrayed as racist. But how could they smell of garlic and onions?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:37 am — Replies 1 — Views 3806

2023-10-17T21:14:27 2023-04-15T20:04:34 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=940&p=88154#p88154 <![CDATA[General Narnian Discussions • Advatges and Disadvatages of Narnia Fanfic]]>
One way could be is that each story could be told in first person. Though it could be tough since there are so many different point of views. I guess you could write your own version of The Silver Chair and tell it from Jill's perspective in first person.

Another way is to broaden out each story that it's not already in the book. There are a lot of gaps to fill in. But of course, you can't really change what CS Lewis wrote. You could broaden out the Dawn Treader setting sail from Cair Paravel. You can even broaden out Prince Rilian in Underland with the Lady of the Green Kirtle.

And yes, I know that fanfics like to pair two characters or add a romance. Personally, I much rather ship an cc and oc (like what I did with Emeth and Marietta in my LB fanfic or even Gale and Carlotta in my Lone Islands fanfic) or two oc's than ship two cc's (Digory and Polly or Eustace and Jill or Tirian and Jill). And of course, in a fanfic, you could broaden out Caspian and Ramandu's daughter's relationship or even Frank and Helen's relationship.

So what are some advantages or disadvantages of writing a Narnia fanfic? If you were to write a Narnia fanfic, what things would you change? Would you add a romance between two characters or broaden out the ones that are canon (Frank and Helen, Cor and Aravis, Caspian and Ramandu's Daughter)? Would you even have it told in first person? Please, share some ideas.

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:04 pm — Replies 1 — Views 38200

2023-04-15T16:24:55 2023-04-15T16:24:55 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=939&p=88152#p88152 <![CDATA[Narnian Netflix Projects • Villanious Crush in Narnia Movies?]]>
MN- Andrew does fantasize about how Jadis will fall in love with him. She might like him in return. Though it would be pretty pointless.

LWW- Edmund is attracted to the White Witch, but I wouldn't call this a crush. I think it's because of his desire for power.

HHB- Prince Rabadash wants to marry Susan. He hates her for turning him down but it makes him want her all the more. That's a villainous crush in a movie I would accept. It could make an interesting twist if they show Rabadash as a nice guy in Cair Paravel and show his true nature in Tashbaan.

PC- I actually don't see that happening in this. Miraz is a married man, so there would be no point.

VDT- I don't see that happening in even this. Hey, this story doesn't even have a villain.

SC- I think the closest we come to is the Lady of the Green Kirtle and Prince Rilian. She most likely enchanted him to ask her to marry him. Perhaps she knew he was heir to the throne of Narnia and thought that the only way she could become queen of Narnia legally was by marrying him.

LB- I actually don't see that happening in this either. I know I did one in my LB fanfic, but I actually don't see it happening in a movie. Shift is an ape, so that would be too weird. The only human villain in this is Rishda, but I don't see him crushing on a heroine in a movie.

So any thoughts on a pair of goodies and baddies or villainous crushes in Narnia movies?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:24 pm — Replies 2 — Views 4741
