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Advatges and Disadvatages of Narnia Fanfic

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:04 pm
by jasmine_tarkheena
I'm sure there a lot of fanfics out there that have created their own version of each Narnia story. Perhaps there are advantages and disadvantages of writing your own version of each book. I thought we have a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of writing your own version of each Narnia Book in Fanfic.

One way could be is that each story could be told in first person. Though it could be tough since there are so many different point of views. I guess you could write your own version of The Silver Chair and tell it from Jill's perspective in first person.

Another way is to broaden out each story that it's not already in the book. There are a lot of gaps to fill in. But of course, you can't really change what CS Lewis wrote. You could broaden out the Dawn Treader setting sail from Cair Paravel. You can even broaden out Prince Rilian in Underland with the Lady of the Green Kirtle.

And yes, I know that fanfics like to pair two characters or add a romance. Personally, I much rather ship an cc and oc (like what I did with Emeth and Marietta in my LB fanfic or even Gale and Carlotta in my Lone Islands fanfic) or two oc's than ship two cc's (Digory and Polly or Eustace and Jill or Tirian and Jill). And of course, in a fanfic, you could broaden out Caspian and Ramandu's daughter's relationship or even Frank and Helen's relationship.

So what are some advantages or disadvantages of writing a Narnia fanfic? If you were to write a Narnia fanfic, what things would you change? Would you add a romance between two characters or broaden out the ones that are canon (Frank and Helen, Cor and Aravis, Caspian and Ramandu's Daughter)? Would you even have it told in first person? Please, share some ideas.

Re: Advatges and Disadvatages of Narnia Fanfic

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:22 pm
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
Overall, I am opposed to fanfiction rewrites of a story that just change one thing because it can be seen as plagiarism and not really a fanfiction. Although, I think it would help one's writing skills to rewrite SC in first person.

I do like fanfictions of missing scenes. There are things that can't be included in canon for length or because they don't further the plot as much and this is where fanfiction succeeds because it can appeal to readers who want more. Like, writing about missing scenes between Aravis and Cor as Ariel has done.

Also fanfiction can have crossovers with other series and genres, which could never be done in canon, so that's interesting.

If you write any really, really good Narnia fanfiction, though, you might want to consider copyrighting it in a country where Narnia is in the public domain, such as Canada.