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Lillys First Avatar Tutorial

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:43 pm
by Lil
Quote from Lil on August 1, 2013, 17:01

Avvie with spiffy shiny red spot of light Tutorial. (This Tutorial was made with Gimp 2.6.11)

Some of the tips came from tutorials on Narniaweb. Others I just made up myself.
One of the tutorials I used parts of, used to be posted on this forum before the site Crash. Their Name was "WanderingRanger"

Start with an image 100x100. I took found a Avatar Base from and downloaded it.

Duplicate the base and set to Screen 40%. To Duplicate simply find the "Layer" tab and look for the option "Duplicate Layer".

I found it especially helpful to work with the Layer control open (Ctrl + L ) Once there you can keep track of which is the base layer and set it to Various settings.

Duplicate the Layer again and set to Dodge 40%. Flatten image. (Click on the Image Tab, a few down from "File", then Scroll down to Flatten Image.)

Then open the texture you see below. (File/Open as Layers)

Set to "Screen" and Position it as you like.

There. Hopefully If I've remembered right your Avatar should look somewhat like this.


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