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Hello there!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:07 pm
by asterodia

Hello! I'm Asterodia (a name apparently derived from the Greek astêr (star) and rhodos (rose))

I first heard whispers of this place from a chronicler who specializes in ancient tongues, but stumbled upon it quite suddenly yesterday while looking up some of Tolkien and Lewis' arguments on Fantasy for my honours thesis.

I'm a freelance creative with background in web development, design and film - but storytelling and animation are my passion. I love drawing and writing, and have been working intermittently - and turbulently - on getting a finalised novel onto paper for many years. Lewis is one of my favourite authors and theologians, alongside the likes of George McDonald and Tolkien. Some of my other favourites include The Last Unicorn by Peter S Beagle (not to be confused with the substantially stranger film that it has some relation to) and the works of Flora Thompson and Elizabeth Gaskell. I also love animals, cooking and gardening.

When it comes to forums I'm more of a lurker than a participant, but the community here looks lovely and has a wonderful atmosphere. I am very excited to explore the content of this realm. 🌸

Re: Hello there!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:24 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Hello, Asterodia, and welcome! I’m taking a stab in the dark and assuming that you’d heard of us through Ajnos? Super cool. :)

I’m Ariel (Hebrew, “lion of God” :) ) and I’ve done my share of lurking around the site — back before I set up an account and got involved! I’m now one of the staffers here and always open to help out if you have any questions!
I’m a Christian young woman who’s into a number of fandoms and hobbies. Narnia is my biggest fandom, followed by Middle-earth, and several others such as How to Train Your Dragon, Sherlock, Marvel, and Disney. I love story, so I enjoy reading and writing; I like to mess around with video editing and Photoshop; and cake decorating has grown into one of my largest hobbies, especially since I started up an Instagram account for it last year. :)
I know you said you’re more of a forum-watcher, but please feel free to jump into any thread that piques your interest! We’d love to hear from you and get to know you better!

Re: Hello there!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:37 pm
by kristi
Hi Asterodia, I'm Kristi (derived from the Greek, I suppose). Glad to meet you and glad you introduced yourself. I'm a fan of Narnia, Tolkien, the Wingfeather Saga and other odds and ends. Also puttering along on some book writing for publication as I can. I'm more visible in the chatroom, but hope you enjoy your time here however you spend it!

Re: Hello there!

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 12:48 am
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
HI Asterodia, I'm the Hermit of the Northern March (a name I picked as a teenager who wanted to sound anonymous and it has kind of stuck). I'm glad you said hi. It's awesome that you like animation!
I'm a girl and a Christian. I'm not really a hermit, but I am an introvert. I came to this site because of Narnia, but I also love LotR and a number of the movies other members like on this site. Right now, I am taking intermediate Spanish and Art History 2 in addition to working as a nurse. Because it is mid-semester, I am wondering about the logic of continuing to take college classes when I no longer have to, but I know I'll be glad I did later, so I am taking them.

Re: Hello there!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:44 am
by hobbit_of_narnia
Hello Asterodia! I'm Hobbit. I'm not around as often as I should like (nor as often as I used to be), since I no longer share a time zone with anybody else that I know of on the site, but I hope to maybe run into you in the forums sometime! Some of your interests sound very similar to mine. :)