April 4th -- Writer's Group Chat Log

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April 4th -- Writer's Group Chat Log

Post by Tenethia » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:12 pm

Writer's Group opens

Cardinal :... I don't see that people are on time to Writer's Group!
Cardinal: Weeeeeeeell, that's ok, because neither is your leader!
Sir-William: *comes in blazing trumpets*
Cardinal: William!
Cardinal: So good to see you
Sir-Edward: *does the same*
Cardinal: This is Tenny. I shall be RIGHT back
Sir-William: Wait, you're Tenny?
Sir-William: *tries to do the math*
Tenethia: Back
Tenethia: So sorry
Sir-Edward: smiley-lol

Ariel's Memorial and General nonsense
Tenethia: Alright, anybody know where Ariel is?
Sir-William: Shall we hold a memorial service for her?
Tenethia: Good idea.
Sir-William: lol
Tenethia: It'll give us a chance to practice our solemnness, and creative speech writing.
Tenethia: Ed, you and I will be mourners. Will, you lead the service
Sir-William: Sure
Tenethia: Well... get started ;)
Sir-William: Come on, Ed, start mourning, and do it loudly and with lots of emotion. We need to show Ariel when she comes that she was missed!
Sir-William: Oh Dear Ariel! *puts hands over face in gried*
Sir-William: +f
Tenethia: *weeps bitterly*
Sir-Edward: NOOOOOOOOO!!!
Tenethia: *or sweetly, in remembrance of many joyful moments together*
Sir-William: We shall miss your presence on this Earth(or just in Writers') for as long as we all shall live together
Sir-William: We will always remember the happy times we had with you *is sad*
Tenethia: *wails grow*
Sir-William: *sheds a few tears*
Tenethia: *volunteers to share memories of Ariel!*
Tenethia: I've always seen that done at memorials
Sir-William: lol
Sir-William: *is solemn again *
Sir-William: And we will look forward to seeing you again one day...Amen
Sir-William: Now you can share the memories, Tenny
Tenethia: *giggles*
Tenethia: *looks very sad and happy at the same time!*
Sir-Edward: (How do you do that?)
Sir-William: (Make sure they're the ones that Ariel would be very embarrassed if we knew about them)
Tenethia: *snorks*
Tenethia: of course
Tenethia: *proceeds to the front of the room*
Tenethia: Friends, Romans, Countrymen... lend me your ears!
Tenethia: I come to bury Ariel not to -- oh wait, sorry, wrong notes *pulls a different stack of note cards out of her pocket*
Sir-William: *Turns over helmet and dumps a gallon of built up tears out*
Sir-William: lol
Tenethia: *snickers*
Sir-Edward: (It would be very embarrassing if Ariel came in just now)
Tenethia: We remember Ariel fondly today. She has gone to we know not where.
Sir-William: Haha, I'm counting on it
Tenethia:P the grocery store.
Sir-William: LOL
Sir-Edward: (Is "Bells" Gypse?)
Tenethia: We remember her smile, her laughter
Sir-William: *nods with head down*
Tenethia: We remember the writing she so kindly shared with us here in this very *sniff* room
Sir-William: *sniff sniff sniff*
Sir-William: *waters nearby plants*
Tenethia: The time she pretended to be that centaur and nearly smoldered me with her awesome smolder
Sir-William: *one lip turns up in a sad-happy smile*
Tenethia: The time I burnt her turban right off her head!
Sir-William: lol *is sad*
Tenethia: The time she forgot her name and had to ask one of the mods...
Sir-William: lol
Sir-William: Maybe that's what she's doing now
Sir-Edward: She will be missed
Sir-Edward: Ok! Ok
Tenethia: She will be... *wails* V-v-v-v-v-ery missed!
Sir-Edward: Enough GRIEVING!!!!
Sir-William: lol, YES very missed YES!
Sir-William: PARTY!
Tenethia: *celebrates Ariel's trip to the grocery store -- or otherwise*
Sir-Edward: For crying out loud!
Sir-William: Haha
Tenethia: Gypsy says hi
Tenethia: *passes out the root beer*
Sir-Edward: *mixes it with ice-cream*
Sir-William: No, you just said "hi" Just kidding *says hi back to Gypse*
Tenethia: :P
Tenethia: Well, shall we proceed without her?
Sir-Edward: Gypse?
Tenethia: She's not here
Tenethia: Ariel
Sir-William: Yes, I think we should
Sir-Edward: Oh!
Sir-Edward: Indeed
Sir-William: I'll log
Sir-Edward: Better then grieving....
Tenethia: Wonderful, be sure to get Ariel's memorial
Sir-William: Lol, I was literally just thinking about that
Sir-William: Done
Tenethia: smiley-razz
Tenethia: Wonderful!
Tenethia: Ariel will be right in!
Sir-William: Ok
Tenethia: I busted her
Sir-William: *wonders who Bell is*
Sir-Edward: Gypse?
Tenethia: I don't know
Tenethia: Alright, Ariel might not be coming
Tenethia: I don't know.
Tenethia: Does anyone have something to share?
Ariel.of.Narnia: I'm here, I'm here
Sir-William: Yay!
Ariel.of.Narnia: (You weren't kidding about the memorial service. O.O )
Sir-William: lol
Tenethia: It's about time you showed up!
Tenethia: No, I wasn't
Sir-Edward: ARIEL!
Tenethia: William opened the service
Sir-William: Haha
Ariel.of.Narnia: *snickers*
Sir-Edward: Hey...um...we were just talking about you.
Ariel.of.Narnia: (note to self: get TLCers to run my funeral)
Tenethia: I gave a speech in remembrance
Sir-William: A very good one too
Bells: *wanders in*
Sir-William: We can all stop talking too, if you want to read up :P
Bells: O.o
Sir-Edward: Hello, Bells!
Tenethia: Shield?
Ariel.of.Narnia: My chat history doesn't go far enough up.
Tenethia: William will email it to you
elanorelle: Test
Ariel.of.Narnia: Elanor!
elanorelle: Okay, better.
Sir-William: Oh right, lol, I forgot about that *goes to email*
Tenethia Ela!
Sir-Edward: Hey Elanor!
Sir-William: *waves*
elanorelle: Hello everyone.
Tenethia: Does anyone have anything to share today, or can we continue with our memorial service?
elanorelle: I was thinking of sharing the story I shared with you, Tenny. The archivist one.
Sir-William: *has sent the funeral to Ariel*
Tenethia: Ooh, by all means, Ela! *steps aside and gives you the floor*
Sofia Fairy: Wow.. a lot in here
Sir-William: Hi, Sofia
Tenethia: Hey, Sofia, we're in Writer's Group!
Ariel.of.Narnia: *is laughing over her memorial*
Sofia Fairy: Okay. Write away
Sir-William: lol

Elanorelle shares ~

elanorelle: SO, I had this idea after almost losing a paper in the trash at my volunteer job. It's a silly and short story. There isn't a title but if anyone has an idea I'd like to hear it.
Sofia Fairy: And Happy Easter to all
Sofia Fairy: 'kay
Sir-Edward: Indeed
elanorelle: Ahem, okay. Here goes:
“What's so particularly special about Ederne Morris? Nothing. That's what I say.” The old woman pushed up her slipping spectacles. “Same goes for Randall Vinter, but we still have to file him away. Such a waste of space.”
Ms Ainsworth, as everyone called her, looked through the newspapers and documents placed on her desk and frowned. “I suppose they'll want me to file this too. I have half a mind not to, but I know I'll do it anyway.”
She mumbled the title of another article and shook her head. “They'll want me to do something with this, but it isn't worth the time.” She thought a little harder as she read it through. “You know, I'm going to go against them, just this once. That will teach them. It's only a trivial piece, shouldn't cause much harm if it isn't in the records.” Away the paper went, into the trash bin beside her desk.
“57 years I've been working here and not once have I ever done something like this!” said Ms Ainsworth as she clipped, clipped, clipped away and hummed a tune long since forgotten by everyone but herself. She was nearly through when the article, buried deep in the bin with the rest of the unwanted scraps, came to mind and wouldn't leave her alone. “No, no. It's done and gone. Can't be helped.”
As always in these quiet evenings, she filed everything, put away her scissors and stuck her pen in her small carpet bag before dimming the lamps and blowing out the candles. She wrapped her coat around her shoulders and creaked the ill-fitted door closed, securing it with the click of her keys.
“Ms Ainsworth?” someone said from behind, but she didn't hear. “Ms Ainsworth!”
“My goodness!” she said, and turned with wide eyes, putting her hand delicately on her chest. “Mr Drake, you should never approach me like that. I am much too old for any of those jokes.”
“I apologize, Ms Ainsworth.”
“What do you want, young man?” she said, and fidgeted with her bag.
“I need to get in,” he said and pointed toward the door she just locked. “It /is/ Wednesday.”
“Oh, right, of course. Here is the key. Now, don't forget to lock up when you're finished,” she said and Mr. Drake nodded and bid her a good evening.
As she made her way down the hall a strange feeling came over her. She couldn't stop thinking about the paper at the bottom of the bin – as if it did not want to be forgotten. She had never experienced anything so overwhelming before. “Is it really that serious?” she asked herself, continuing through the darkened rows of books.
It was beginning to feel more serious with every step she took.
“Could someone a thousand years from now need it? What if it's the deciding factor in some great calamity when no one will be able to recall such a small detail? Could my stubbornness bring about death in the peace we have now? Or even another terrible war? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.”
Poor Ms Ainsworth was so flustered at the thought of possibly causing a war that she turned around and walked back to her little room. The door was propped open and she saw Mr. Drake at the furnace in the back.
“Mr. Drake!” she called from the doorway. “Stop, stop whatever you're doing!”
“Ms Ainsworth, I thought you left,” he said when she reached him.
“No, there is something very important I need to find. Where is the bin?”
“The bin of paper?”
“Yes, of course, Mr. Drake! War is at stake here,” said the woman wringing her hands.
He laughed. “War? My dear Ms. Ainsworth, I do believe you are exaggerating.”
“I am not! I never exaggerate. Please, where is it?”
He pointed to the corner. “It's right there. I haven't touched it.”
“Thank goodness!” said she and dumped the contents out onto the floor and got down on her knees to rummage through it.
“What on earth are you doing? And at your age too!” He rushed over to get her up off the ground but she pushed his hand away.
“Aha! Here it is!” She held up a fragment of a paper with a silly grin on her face. Mr. Drake helped her up. She thanked him and apologized for the mess and handed him her prize to make up for it.
His brow furrowed. “You were upset over this?”
“You never know what might happen, Mr. Drake. That small piece of paper may become very important in the future.”
“Indeed. I hope it will. For your sake.”
elanorelle: The End.
Sofia Fairy: Great
Sir-William: *applauds*W, that was very good!
Ariel.of.Narnia: *wants to know what's on that paper!*
Sir-Edward: Amazing!
Sofia Fairy: lol
elanorelle: Thanks.
elanorelle: *wants to know what's on the paper too*
Sir-Edward: lol
Sofia Fairy: lol!
Tenethia: *does too*
Tenethia: Comments, anyone?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Besides how badly I want to know what's on that paper?
Ariel.of.Narnia: :P
Sofia Fairy: Ela, you're a great writer, the descriptions of the places and character's personalities were very great as well.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Very well-written
Tenethia: Yes :P
Sir-William: Wow, that really made me think. It's always slightly emotional for me whenever I use some old newspaper for fire starter. I see the flames licking up on to the paper, and the words fading into ash, knowing that no one will ever read it again. But I don't usually mind if it's about some shoe that's 50% off.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Mrs. A reminds me a little of a lady I work with too.
Ariel.of.Narnia: lol, Will
Sir-William: I should have used the plural verb twice in that paragraph
Sir-Edward: lol
elanorelle: Thank you Sofia and Ariel. Will, I get the same feeling now whenever newspapers are in the trash. :P
Sofia Fairy: You're welcome ^_^
elanorelle: I was inspired by an incident of losing part of an article in the trash. It's amazing what three hours alone, in a dim room, with only paper and scissors for company can do to a person. Inspiration like to strike during that time.
Tenethia: *nods seriously* Of course!
Ariel.of.Narnia: smiley-lol
elanorelle: Does anyone have any ideas for a title?
Sofia Fairy: No, sorry..
Tenethia: *considers*
Tenethia: ‘Life Trials of an Archivist’?
Tenethia: smiley-razz
Ariel.of.Narnia: "Tenny 60 years down the road"?
Sir-William: Lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: :P I kid, I kid
Sir-William: Hahahaha!
Sofia Fairy: I hope I don't live that long. O.o
Tenethia: For the Preservation of Peace?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha, that's a good one
elanorelle: I like the latter one of yours, Tenny.
Tenethia: Ooh yay!
Tenethia: Any further comments?
Sofia Fairy: Does anyone have any ideas for a story?
Tenethia: *looks about expectantly*
Tenethia: What sort of story, Sofia?
Sofia Fairy: Well, I've already said mine..
Sofia Fairy: Any thing that comes to mind, I guess?
Tenethia: That's wide...
Tenethia: Original? FanFiction?
Sir-Edward: Any genre in particular?
Sofia Fairy: No, not particular.. just wide anything.
Sir-Edward: Sci-Fi? Medieval? Magic?
Tenethia: What areas do you LIKE to write in, Sofia?
Sofia Fairy: Well, I myself like magic and fairytales..
Sofia Fairy: Of course Frozen
Sir-William: To give us an idea, what was the last thing you've shared at Writers' (if anything) I can't remember
Sofia Fairy: Kitties
Sir-William: Oh, that's right. You wrote that story about Elsa and Anna with the cat, right?
Sir-William: The one you did off the cuff?
Sofia Fairy: It was about a young, Egyptian princess who had an old, black cat that could speak and the princess voiced her concern for its possible passing away and leaving her.
Sofia Fairy: That was the one before my last
Sir-William: Yes, I remember that one too, it was very good
Sofia Fairy: And the cat told her that it would be a star watching over her until they were both in heaven together
Tenethia: Try watching Frozen once through and looking for parts of the story that the screenwriters didn't expand on.
Sir-William: And that has to do with "kitties"?
Sofia Fairy: I do have my own idea as to how Elsa got her magic powers.
Sofia Fairy: It's short
Sir-Edward: From her mother right?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Be back later
Sofia Fairy: No
Sir-Edward: She was an ice queen of something..
Sofia Fairy: ‘kay
elanorelle: That's cool, (no pun intended). It would be interesting to know how that came about.
Sir-Edward: *waves*
Sofia Fairy: It's more simple than that..
Sir-William: Well it sounds like you've got that part of it figured out pretty well
Sofia Fairy: I'll share.
Sir-William: Ok
elanorelle: *has to keep reloading chat*
Tenethia: ‘kay, Sofia

Sofia Fairy shares ~

Sofia Fairy: Elsa was born in Winter, during the Time when the Northern lights would appear over the north side of Arendelle.
Sofia Fairy: The king and queen gave a great celebration for Elsa (who was born with light brown hair)
Sofia Fairy: sometimes during the Northern light appearances, magical snowflake would fall. No one was concerned with the magic of these because they didn't affect anyone in any way when they touched the skin of someone.
Sofia Fairy: while the celebration was happening, some of these snowflakes began to fall. Unbeknownst to the king and queen, a snowflake fell on baby Elsa's face.
Sofia Fairy: She grabbed the snowflake and, doing what babies often do, she put it into her mouth. It dissolved, spreading it's magical powers through her body.
elanorelle: *wander away for a bit*
Sofia Fairy: The next morning, Elsa's hair had become an ask blonde color, which concerned the parents and they didn't know why.
Sofia Fairy: Later, her first powers were revealed, and the parents just believed that she'd been born with these powers, unaware of the snowflake incident.. that's just my idea..
Sir-William: Wow, I really do like it.
Tenethia: It's a good thought!
Sir-William: It also makes perfect sense, right Tenny?
Sofia Fairy: Thanks
Sir-Edward: Indeed
Sir-William: I could just see your story playing out like a movie in my mind
Sofia Fairy: lol, me too
Sir-William: It must have been the most beautiful snowflake in the whole world, though
Sofia Fairy: I imagined it was glowing white on the inner side and a light blue on the outer.
Tenethia: It really does make good sense
Sir-William: With tinges of blue around the edges and sparkling like glass and, of course, ice. Completely transparent and throwing reflective rainbow light in all directions.
Sir-William: Yes, exactly
Sofia Fairy: Yeah
Sofia Fairy: That’s cool too.
Sir-William: But it's your story so you get your way
Ariel.of.Narnia: (Actually, I have to go. sorry)
Sir-William: Bye, Ariel!
Sir-Edward: Bye!
Sofia Fairy: Bye, Ariel
Tenethia: *hugs Ariel and waves*
Sofia Fairy: *an ash blonde, sorry
Tenethia: Anyone else want to share?
Tenethia: S'okay
Sofia Fairy: Didn't mean to put ask :/
Sir-William: I was a little confused about that, thanks for clearing that up, hehe.
elanorelle: That's an interesting theory, Sofia.
Sir-Edward: Sadly my animating took up most of my time so I didn't have enough time to write anything big.
Sofia Fairy: Thanks ^.^
Tenethia: It's ok, Ed
Sofia Fairy: That's okay
Sir-William: But he's done now, so he can go back to it soon enough
Sir-Edward: Indeed.
Tenethia: Yup.
Tenethia: Well, if no one has anything...
Tenethia: *twirls gavel*
Sir-Edward: Going..?
Tenethia: Going once...
Tenethia: Going twice
Tenethia: *bangs gavel* Writer's Group is closed.

Writer's Group dismissed ~
Lady Tenethia, Moderator and Contributor
This is my favorite scripture passage ^.^
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