June 6th -- Writer's Group

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June 6th -- Writer's Group

Post by Tenethia » Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:49 am

Writer's Group opens ~

Tenethia Brandybuck: Writer's Group shall come to order!
Tenethia Brandybuck: Will, if we brainstormed with you a bit now, would you be able to start writing your story if we did a 15-minute sprint a little bit later?
Sarah: oh, hey guys!!!
Tenethia Brandybuck: Hi, Albero!
Sarah: For some reason my computer was muted.........
Sir-William: Oh, yeah, that sounds fun.
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck: Great! Then go right ahead
Kristi: *waves*
Sarah: What doth art we be-eth doing-eth?
Sir-William: What do you guys think I could do with an artist who can make anything physical (or sometimes abstract) objects come to life if he can draw them well enough?
Sir-William: Like if he needed something he could just draw it and then grab it
Tenethia Brandybuck: *brain explodes*
Tenethia Brandybuck: It's like Lord of the Beans!
Sir-William: Lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: Oooh
Ariel.of.Narnia: Cool!
Tenethia Brandybuck: ♫ A fifth bean! that could give anything
Tenethia Brandybuck: (sorry, Will)
Sarah: *snerkle*
Sir-William: lol
Sir-William: Like, say, if he draws something right but doesn't shade it right, the object might be made of the wrong material but with all the wrong parts.
Tenethia Brandybuck: *has an idea!*
Sir-William: Right parts, I meant
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ooh... even cooler!
Ariel.of.Narnia: *can just imagine a tin Gandalf hat or a fabric scepter...*
Tenethia Brandybuck: He's probably secretly Santa Clause *eyebrow raise suspiciously*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha
Sir-William: lol
Sir-William: Good point
Tenethia Brandybuck: Or one of the elves.
Sarah: *snerkle*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Whoa. Tenny, that's actually a good idea!
Sir-William: That would be weird but it does make sense
Tenethia Brandybuck: That would explain where they get their materials all the way up at the North Pole *suspicious eyebrow raise again*
Ariel.of.Narnia: It would explain how kids write their letters and then end up getting what they want just a few hours later!
Sir-William: *nods seriously*
Tenethia Brandybuck: Yeah!
Sarah: *snerkle*
Tenethia Brandybuck: This artist could also work for an armory and be a secret weapon in time of war *nodnodnods*
Sir-William: But then, and I'm still hesistent on this part, he could draw abstract facts by simply spelling them out maybe, like COURAGE say, and then swallow it to feel braver?
Tenethia Brandybuck: Interesting...
Sir-William: Haha
Ariel.of.Narnia: (@Berry: Sorry, I don't believe you. )
Sir-William: I'll talk to him for you, Sarah
Sarah: *steps back in to the shadows to snuggle my new puppy*
Sir-William: But I think things like smarter make more sense or increased memory
Tenethia Brandybuck: (The artist could change all caps talking into lower case talking!)
Sir-William: Bravery sounds too....well something that you have to do yourself
Sir-William: lol
Sir-William: Yeah, there's that
Tenethia Brandybuck: Will, were you looking for a more serious type of story or a more humorous, or is that just an idea you want to have something to do with?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Maybe he wants to achieve something abstract (like "world peace"), but hasn't figured out how to draw that effectively?
Sir-William: I was thinking more as if everyone in the story thought that it was serious, but it would be largely funny to us.
Sir-William: Or something like that, anyway
Sir-William: LOL
Ariel.of.Narnia: Hahaaha!
Sarah: *steps back into shadows*
Tenethia Brandybuck: Or he got lower case words instead of world peace!
Tenethia Brandybuck: Will, I like that idea.
Sir-William: Thanks
Sarah: I do, too
Sir-William: Good, on to the Writing sprint?
Tenethia Brandybuck: Think you have some ideas to play with?
Sir-William: Who me? And did anyone here about the triple crown winner?
Tenethia Brandybuck: Yes you
Sir-William: +hear
Sir-William: um...
Sarah: What?
Ariel.of.Narnia: ??
Sir-William: I love it when someone else comes up with the sprint initiative because then I have to challenge myself with foreign material
Sir-William: Some horse called Pharoa or something won the Triple Crown for the first time in over 30 years
Tenethia Brandybuck: OK
Tenethia Brandybuck: Ooh cool
Sarah: I have a quick question pertaining to a short story I'm writing
Sarah: What's a good last name to go with the name Lydia?
Tenethia Brandybuck: *votes Strawn*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Smithers? Rhuland?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Menard?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Halstead?
Sarah: Menard
Sarah: I like Menard
Tenethia Brandybuck: *grins*
Sir-William: Big Chief sit on fire and put it out? Sorry, just kidding
Tenethia Brandybuck: *snickers*
Ariel.of.Narnia: *snerk*
Sarah: Huh?
Ariel.of.Narnia: He was suggesting a last name.
Tenethia Brandybuck: OK, so... everybody up for a sprint?
Sarah: I'm still confused
Sarah: I'm always confused
Sarah: About everything
Tenethia Brandybuck: Poor Albero
Sir-William: I'll do it. That way I can say I wrote something for Writer's
Sarah: I'm really slow on the uptake -.-
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Berry: It’s okay
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck: Alright, so... prompts.
Tenethia Brandybuck: 1. The artist who works for Santa Claus.
Tenethia Brandybuck: Because if Will won't use it, I'll steal it
Tenethia Brandybuck: 2. A cashier's worst nightmare
Sir-William: lol
Sarah: And I'm in the middle of writing a story with four photo prompts that I found
Tenethia Brandybuck: 3. The night Prince Cor got stolen.
Tenethia Brandybuck: 4. Any story that you are currently writing that you need to work on.
Sir-William: *is always fearful of writing about canon characters*
Sir-William: Probably I'll nab the cashier
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck: You have two minutes to brainstorm while I try to grab something from somewhere
Tenethia Brandybuck: Alrighty
Tenethia Brandybuck: Everyone ready?
Sarah: I've already been writing
Sarah: So yeah
Tenethia Brandybuck: Ok
Sir-William: Yup
Tenethia Brandybuck: Alright then! On your mark
Tenethia Brandybuck: Get set...
Tenethia Brandybuck: GO!
Sarah: (Should I set a timer?)
Tenethia Brandybuck: I've got it
Sarah: K
Tenethia Brandybuck: (it's actually going to be 17 minutes, since we're just going to 6:30PT)
Sarah: K
Sir-William: K
Ariel.of.Narnia: *is guaranteed to take longer*
Tenethia Brandybuck: Of course
cor: Who's Sarah?
Tenethia Brandybuck: Albero
Sarah: BERRY
cor: Oh!
cor: Okay then
Sarah: Sarah isn't my real name. Just saying
Sarah: I wore the name to a costume party here once
Sarah: And I haven’t been able to change it
cor: Okay
cor: *idles again*
Tenethia Brandybuck: *wave*
Tenethia Brandybuck: And stop!
Tenethia Brandybuck: I have a whole story written now!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Hahahahaha, I'm only 142 words in.
Sarah: I'm not quite done....
Tenethia Brandybuck: Aw
Tenethia Brandybuck: Well, I can share first to give you guys some more time, if you'd like
Sir-William: I'm done
Ariel.of.Narnia: Sure
Sir-William: Sure
Tenethia Brandybuck: (572 words here, Ariel)
Sarah: Yes please, Tenethia
Sarah: 364 here
Tenethia Brandybuck: I took the prompt about the cashier.

Tenethia Brandybuck shares ~

Tenethia Brandybuck: /Oh no/ I thought, /it's not possible!/ I shifted the change around in my hand. /I have not just done this./ But I had. There it was: one quarter, one dime, a nickel, and two pennies.
Forty-two cents that I had somehow ended up putting into my pocket during my shift.
“Pockets are off-limits for cash and coupons,” I remember the policy had said. Yet, somehow, I had done it. /Oh no, no, no, no!/ What was worse was that I had no recollection of doing so! I couldn't remember putting change in my pocket, but I must have.
/When on the earth?/ I wondered as I looked at it in disbelief. /Is this somebody's change that I didn't give them, or somebody's change that I put into my pocket instead of the register?/ At any rate, I was in big trouble.
The water was running for dishes off to my left, and the sound of pots and metal clattering in the kitchen area was off to my right, but my conscience was louder than all of the other noise. /You have to go tell Miranda about this./
I groaned inwardly, and grudgingly pushed open the stainless steel door to go back into the front. Miranda was only a few feet away from me. I put the change on the counter and shifted back and forth, still not quite wanting to confess that I'd been irresponsible and stupid enough to put change in my pocket instead of the register. /You have to, so just do it. Get it over with./
I plodded over to her. She was a bit distracted putting waffle fries into bags and calling out orders, so I followed her from the prep area to the counter and back. “Hey, Miranda?” I said tentatively.
“Yeah?” she replied as she put a Chick-fil-A deluxe sandwich into a carry-out bag.
“Um, somehow I managed to put change in my pocket during my shift, and I'm not sure how, but it was like forty-something cents, so I just put it over there on the counter.” I gave a kind of nervous chuckle.
Miranda looked slightly confused and said “Okay?" in a "Well, if you say so, but... ok, whatever" tone..
I hurried away, glad she hadn't been shocked and appalled, and grateful she hadn't felt inclined to lecture me.
On the way home, I began telling Mom about my day, and how crazy things had been. “I started the day out great!” I began. “You dropped me off just in time to get breakfast before it ended! It cost me almost six dollars, and --”
My voice trailed off.
It was mine. The money that I had “somehow managed to put into my pocket during my shift” was mine all along.
I burst into laughter, relieved that I had no done something so thoughtlessly, and embarrassed that I had not remembered the money was mine to begin with.
“You said there was a problem today?” Mom prompted, raising an eyebrow at my laughter.
“Oh, it was nothing, Mom. Nothing at all!” A goofy grin spread across my face as I laughed at myself. It was nothing, after all.

Tenethia Brandybuck: The End.
Ariel.of.Narnia: smiley
Sir-William: Wow, that was amazing, Tenny! In fact I found it disturbing how real it sounded.
Ariel.of.Narnia: *snickers knowingly*
Tenethia Brandybuck: Now, the question is... is that a true story or not?
Sir-William: I was wondering that
Tenethia Brandybuck: What do you think?
Sir-William: I'm not going to climb out on a tree limb, sorry. You, Ariel?
Tenethia Brandybuck: Hahaha
Sarah: I think it was a true story
Tenethia Brandybuck: It WAS a true story. Very good
Tenethia Brandybuck: That... kinda happened to me last week *rolls eyes heavenward* Aheheheheheh
Ariel.of.Narnia: I knew it was a true story.
Sir-William: Wow, it did sound as if you were just narrating something that really happened, and I guess that must be why.
Sir-William: Maybe you should rename it, "Tenny's tribulations"
Tenethia Brandybuck: *snerk*
Tenethia Brandybuck: I actually DO need a title
Tenethia Brandybuck: By the way, the boss high-fived me and thought it was hilarious
Tenethia Brandybuck: I went in the next day to clarify it so that I wouldn't get in trouble
Sir-William: *whew* that's a relief
Sir-William: Glad it worked out
Tenethia Brandybuck: Me too
Sir-William: My turn?
Sir-William: I don't even know what this jazz is I wrote
Tenethia Brandybuck: I'd like to know if there are any comments actually
Ariel.of.Narnia: (brb)
Sir-William: Oh, wow, sure
Tenethia Brandybuck: Mainly technical things. And if there are verbs or things I could use to make it more descriptive
Sir-William: great time for Ariel to have to pop for a moment
Sir-William: Now it's up to me
Sir-William: *looks for descriptive verbs*
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Ariel.of.Narnia: back
Tenethia Brandybuck :there she is
Sir-William: What a relief, Ariel, save me!!
Ariel.of.Narnia: I think there might have been a tad too much detail (like the deluxe sandwich), but that might just be me
Tenethia Brandybuck: Oh yeah?
Sarah: No, I was thinking the same thing
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck: *takes note*
Sir-William: *disagrees, but Ariel is usually right*
Sir-William: Detail is, after all, my greatest weakness
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Will: I've been wrong before.
Sir-William: Yeah, whatever
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Ariel.of.Narnia: Detail is a very good thing. you just don't want it to distract you from the story, which is what that sandwich did to me.
Tenethia Brandybuck: *nods* Okay
Sir-William: Yeah, I always add too much detail to my story. Eventually people forget that time existed and that only detail does.
Tenethia Brandybuck: Did it feel... oh what am I trying to say... life-like. Like it was actually happening, or something like that
Sir-William: As I said, even before you told me it was real, I thought that it sounded like a narration.
Tenethia Brandybuck: *victorious fist-pump*
Ariel.of.Narnia: It sounded very distinct, Tenny
Tenethia Brandybuck: Which means?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Very... exact.
Sir-William: I could envision the whole story as it progressed.
Tenethia Brandybuck: Now is that a GOOD thing?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Maybe it's just because I knew this story was real
Ariel.of.Narnia: Yes
Sir-William: lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: And yeah, what Will said
Ariel.of.Narnia: Vivid
Tenethia Brandybuck: *nods* Good, Will. I was trying to get /that/ feel.
Tenethia Brandybuck: Fabulous!
Tenethia Brandybuck: Alright, if nobody has further comments on how I might improve? William may go next.
Sir-William: By the way, no comments, please. This is story is too stupid to deserve them

Sir-William shares ~

Sir-William: Stephany had been taking care of customers for most of the day now, here at Wal-Mart, but she knew that in half an hour she would be able to go home. At least the building was always kept at a moderate temperature that always made it comfortable to be in, but the job was nonetheless tiring.
Suddenly an earthquake hit and all was chaos! Bottles and jugs were falling off the shelves all along the isles and people were screaming and running for cover. Fortunately the building was meant to withstand an earthquake, but it was still scary. What made things worse as well was that several customers were trying to use the distraction to get ahead in their lines.
There were only three such determined individuals in her isle: A palm tree, an Ent, and a Jack Russel Terrier. Ceiling lights where falling down around the three but they were not fazed. Besides, when the lights hit the ground they did not go out but rather just changed color...which was strange.
Soon the store was illuminated in various different hues of light. Then with one final shake the earthquake knocked over every peanut butter container in the store at once and congealed into one solid, but unusually liquid, mass and poured down each isle. None could escape it and it overcame all in its path. Stephany closed her eyes and waited for the end, but the Ent stopped the wave of peanut butter with simply a wave of his hand.
"Hey, you, girl," The palm tree said waving one its fronds in front of her face. "I believe I was trying to buy some double A batteries?"
Stephany tried to force moisture back into her dry throat and then nodded. She fetched a plastic bag to put to the batteries into and returned to the counter. The palm tree slid his credit card through the reader and then frowned.
"Why isn't it taking it?" he asked in confusion.
"What now," thought Stephany, but then her question was suddenly answered when an automated voice came over the loud speaker.
"Self destruct initiated, please evacuate the building."
Stephany woke with a start from the Adirondack chair that she had dosed off in. The sun was lower in the sky she noticed. But one thing was certain:
That was a cashiers worst nightmare.

Sir-William: The End
Tenethia Brandybuck: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha, I saw that bit coming.
Tenethia Brandybuck: Ditto :P But that's still a pretty funny one
Sir-William: Lol, thanks, let's move on and forget about it, shall we?
Ariel.of.Narnia: :P
Sarah: gtg
Tenethia Brandybuck: Awww
Ariel.of.Narnia: ( Bye, Berry)
Sarah: *hugs all and sadly disappears*
Tenethia Brandybuck: *hugs Berry and waves*
Tenethia Brandybuck: William needs to work on not being embarrassed at the work he does
Ariel.of.Narnia: Good, you two practice that while I finish up.
Sir-William: Lol
Sir-William: Yeah, well Islie and I have that in common, unfortunately.
Sir-William: I think I wouldn't mind if I could see my story through the eyes of my readers
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Sir-William: Yeah, haha
Sir-William: anyway
Tenethia Brandybuck: Your readers think your stuff is awesome
Sir-William: Good, that's good, that's...yeah, that's good
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck: Poor Will
Tenethia Brandybuck: Ok, moving on for his benefit!
Sir-William: Thanks you!
Sir-William: Hey, do you know how to stop a rhinoceros from jumping up and down on your bed?
Sir-William: Put super glue on the ceiling! lol
Tenethia Brandybuck: *snork*
Ariel.of.Narnia: That's some strong super glue... and ceiling
Sir-William: lol
Sir-William: How do you now when there are three elephants in your refrigerator?
Ariel.of.Narnia: ?
Tenethia Brandybuck: how?
Sir-William: You can't close the door all the way. Hahaha
Ariel.of.Narnia: Pfffft
Sir-William: Or because there are footprints in the butter
Ariel.of.Narnia: O_O that's a lot of butter
Tenethia Brandybuck: *snork*
Ariel.of.Narnia: I think I'm close to done...
Ariel.of.Narnia: Keep talking
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck: Ummmmm...
Tenethia Brandybuck: *tells you about her day*
Tenethia Brandybuck: Today, one of the MODs described me as her "list rockstar"
Tenethia Brandybuck: To another manager while I wasn't there
Tenethia Brandybuck: *overheard*
Sir-William: Acknowledged
Sir-William: Once upon a time a man in Timbuktu loses his dog
Sir-William: He puts an add in the newspaper about it an mentions that the dog is very shaggy
Sir-William: A man in the United States reads this add in the papers and sees a shaggy dog on the street that matches the description
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Sir-William: So, he puts a leash on the dog and buys a one way ticket to Timbuktu
When he arrives at the door of the man that had offered the reward in the paper for the dog, he knocks on it. The owner answer. "I found your dog the American says." The owner shakes his head and replies, "My dog was shaggy but not that shaggy. LOL
Tenethia Brandybuck: smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck: Ariel has five minutes to finish or I'm closing Writer's
Sir-William: lol, ok
Ariel.of.Narnia: *sigh* fine... *tries*
Tenethia Brandybuck: Sorry, but I can't let us go forever
Ariel.of.Narnia: smiley-razz
Ariel.of.Narnia: That's okay
Ariel.of.Narnia: Might as well close now
Ariel.of.Narnia: I'll share it next week
Sir-William: T’was fun :)
Tenethia Brandybuck: poor Ariel
Ariel.of.Narnia: smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck: Well, thanks for your participation everyone
Tenethia Brandybuck: Writer's Group is officially closed

Writer's Group dismissed ~
Lady Tenethia, Moderator and Contributor
This is my favorite scripture passage ^.^
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