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March 12, '16 Writer's Log

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:57 pm
by narniac101
Writer's Group opens ~

Ariel.of.Narnia: Writers' is on tonight, but I'll be back in a few minutes. Talk amongst yourselves.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Whoa, don't everyone come in at once. :P
Lil: Trundles in
Ariel.of.Narnia: Hi, Lil and Elanor!
Squirrel 6196183: *rides in on armored Wyvern*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Hi, Ed.
elanorelle: Hey all
Ariel.of.Narnia: How are y'all this fine evening?
Sir-Edward: Forsooth!
elanorelle: We looked for houses (to rent at the moment), so a bit tired.
Sir-Edward: Forsooth = doing well
Lil: That is tiring
Lil: @ela
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Elanor: I'll have to ask you about that later. @Ed: lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: Alright. so. does anyone have anything to share?
Sir-Edward: *cricket noises*
Lil: (Where's our most excellent Fisherdess?)
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Hey, y'all!
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Sorry I'm late
Ariel.of.Narnia: I haven't the slightest.
elanorelle: Hey, Tenny!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Hey, Tenny!
Sir-Edward: Tenny! *hugtackles!*
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): I believe her Excellency had a party to throw this evening
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Hi, Ela!
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Hi, Ariel!
elanorelle: The only thing I wrote this week was a research proposal.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ah, such is the life of a leader.
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): OOF! *hugtackles back!* Hi, Ed! Congratulations on your sister's congrats
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Ela: lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: Tenny and Lil, do you have anything to share?
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Not, I, unfortunately
Lil: Tennyson? Do we know where our most beloved fisherdess is?
Ariel.of.Narnia: I'm in the midst of writing something, so I have nothing to share either
Sir-Edward :*spies a prompted coming from far off yonder....*
Lil: *washed the car today* does that count?
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Ed: have you one? @Lil: she's apparently partying tonight
Ariel.of.Narnia: (lol)
Sir-Edward: I washed THREE cars! O.0
Lil: *qails before your might*
Sir-Edward: (well actually it was a car, a van and a truck)
Ariel.of.Narnia: *dies*
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): *snorks*
Lil: *only did two*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Sir Ed of the Order of Excellent Car-Washing!
Sir-Edward: So shall it be!!
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Oh, Mighty Edward! We bow before the awesome powerz of your maaarrrvelous might!
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): *snerk*
Sir-Edward: lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: *unsheathes sword and re-knights him under that title*
Sir-Edward: At least it's better then my last title....
Ariel.of.Narnia: Anyway...
Ariel.of.Narnia: Dare I ask?
Sir-Edward: I can't remember if it was rat slayer or slime thrower....
Ariel.of.Narnia: Heh
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Sliiiiime Thrower Mighty Car Washer!
Ariel.of.Narnia: So. Since we're all here with nothing to share, are we up for a prompt?
Sir-Edward: Indeed!
Lil: A prompt?
Lil: What sort?
elanorelle: I'm up for a prompt.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Well, if you've any ideas, feel free to propose. If not, I'll be pulling prompts from a couple websites
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): *does laundry; is up for laundry and writing about Smeagol in the forum and that's about it right now*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Heh.
Lil: I had a prompt once
Ariel.of.Narnia: So any prompt suggestions before I pick a couple at random?
Lil: (did I send that to you Tenny?) but I forgot it
elanorelle: I have nothing.
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Lil: sounds like an invitation to rewrite "I've Got a Dream" but with prompts. :P
Sir-Edward :lol
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): I... don't thinks so
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): smiley-razz
Lil: :P
Ariel.of.Narnia: Okay, here's the first one I've got: "Every morning at 9:00 a.m. sharp, you get a call on your cell phone. The speaker says “I know what you did” and then hangs up. This has been going on for two weeks straight. What did you do and how do you react to these calls?"
Sir-Edward: I'd change my phone number
Lil: Ditto
Ariel.of.Narnia: *snork*
Lil: or block
Lil: *got a voicemail from an attorney once*
Ariel.of.Narnia: o.O
Lil: It was a wrong number.
Lil: *breaths sigh of relief*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Oh, that's good
elanorelle: My sister got a call from the penitentiary once.
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Whoops
Ariel.of.Narnia: Yikes!
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Arli... always gets calls from juvenile hall
Ariel.of.Narnia: Okay, so that idea's out the window. How about "You have been chosen to help carry the Olympic Torch for the 2016 Summer Olympics. It’s finally your turn to carry the Torch and you are so nervous you might throw up. You take the Torch from its previous carrier and start running. As cameras flash and the world watches, you trip and go sprawling. Write this scene."
Lil: No. :P
Lil: (joking....)
Ariel.of.Narnia: :P
Ariel.of.Narnia: I'll keep looking for a decent one...
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): *dies*
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): I would. so. die.
Sir-Edward: I would jump up shouting "five million views on youtube!!" and keep running
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): *snork*
Ariel.of.Narnia: *dies*
elanorelle: I might do the first one (an idea sprung on me), depending on what else you find.
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): And the torch would go out and the world would hate you.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Start with: "Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath, and walked over to where he was sitting."
Ariel.of.Narnia: Or: "Have the main character in your novel (or short story) write a letter to you. What would they say? Have them write whatever you want."
Ariel.of.Narnia: Or: "You went to bed like any other night and were out like a log in minutes. But when you woke up, you weren’t at home. You were in a car (that wasn’t yours), wearing clothes (that weren’t yours), and holding a bag full of money (that wasn’t yours). Suddenly, a police car turns on it’s lights to pull you over. What do you do?"
Ariel.of.Narnia: Any takers so far?
elanorelle: Hmm. I'm deciding between two.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ed? Anything caught your interest yet?
Ariel.of.Narnia: *personally thinks that an expansion of "five million views of youtube" could get pretty funny*
Sir-Edward: The only problem with most of these for me, is that they are too grounded. They chose things like: the time frame (for instance the cellphone one could not be written in ANY other time other then the last seventeen years or so)or the main protagonist him\her-self. perhaps something less-and yet more- specific. for instance: you must write a story about a person exploring a wreck and something befalls him\her? (maybe it's just me :P )
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): You're welcome to take the prompts and adjust them of course smiley
Sir-Edward: Hmmm...*thinks*
Ariel.of.Narnia: You could feel free to change a few elements. Like, instead of "Angela", go with "Aaron" or instead of a phone call, make it a note on your front door.
Lil: I have a few prompts?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Go for, Lil!
Lil: 1. Write a scene that starts with "Darling, stop."
Lil: 2.write a scene that involves an escape. There should be a bowl of fruit in there somewhere
Lil: (sorry I just thought of the pinboard I have )
Ariel.of.Narnia: (I think I need to have linkage to this pinboard. :P )
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): No you don't :P
Ariel.of.Narnia: (Ah, you're right. I have 200 ideas to work through first. :P )
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): smiley-razz
Lil: 3. Your hero and villain are trapped in the same room
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ooh
Lil: *can't remember the rest of that one sorry*
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): smiley-razz
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): It's enough
Ariel.of.Narnia: (*works on her own story*)
Lil: I sent the board to tenny
Ariel.of.Narnia: Anything struck your fancy, Ed?
Lil: Tenny? Will you send it on?
Lil: Or (sorry this one was too good to keep.) write about a full moon rising over the sea
Sir-Edward: I think I’ll go for the one with the one where you wake up in a car (that wasn’t yours), wearing clothes (that weren’t yours), and holding a bag full of money (that wasn’t yours). and Suddenly, a police car turns on it’s lights to pull you over.
Ariel.of.Narnia: *nods*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Lil, have you seen something you want to write?
elanorelle: I'm going for the phone one.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Okay. Shall we try for 30 minutes?
elanorelle: Sure. Probably won't finish in that time, but I can try.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha, you can always say you need an extension.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Alright, ready, set?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Go!
Lil: I feel rather bereft of inspiration
Ariel.of.Narnia: :S sorry
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): *is rather ber-whatchamacallit of brainpower in general tonight*
Sir-Edward: Bereft?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Heh. Just get some sleep tonight, okay, Tenny?
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Naw, I have too much to do.
Ariel.of.Narnia: *Oreius scowl*
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): *is looking too intensely at other things to see*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Uh-huh...
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ten minutes to go. How're you guys doing?
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Half done with this load of towels!
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Wait, are we talking about writing? o.o
Ariel.of.Narnia: Well, do you think you'll finish laundry by the 30-minute mark?
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Yes!
elanorelle: Erm. Not too well. It's going in the right direction, though.
Lil: I'm going to head out
Lil: Headache. Time change
elanorelle: Night, Lil.
Lil: *hopes Tenny will send me the log*
Tenethia Brandybuck (Mod): Ariel will!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Good night, Lil!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ela and Ed, do you need more time?
elanorelle: Yeah
Ariel.of.Narnia: Heehee, okay. I do too, so...
Sir-Edward: Heh
Ariel.of.Narnia: Does another 10 minutes sound adequate or no?
Sir-Edward: Very adequate! (unless it's not)
elanorelle: My feelings exactly.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Smiley-lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: Iiiii'm still working on mine. But if either of you are done, feel free to share.
Sir-Edward: Just wrapping it up (sorta)
Ariel.of.Narnia: Okay. Extension then!
elanorelle: Test
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ah, there you are
elanorelle: Yup
elanorelle: Chat is misbehaving. -.-
Ariel.of.Narnia: No kidding. that was weird
Ariel.of.Narnia: Well, we'll see if Ed makes it back or not. if not, then we'll at least have something to share for next week.
elanorelle: smiley-razz
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ed! Hi!
Sir-Edward: I'm BACK!!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Dunno what happened there, but we seem to be alright now
Sir-Edward: Sorry, technical difficulties, would you like me to share?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Go for it!
Sir-Edward: Right, here goes.

Sir-Edward shares ~

Sir-Edward: This is the story of a young, fourteen-year-old boy named Archer Bumblenab, and the Adventure that took him far across the kingdom to save the world. As some people who have had adventures might know, however, a vast majority if the most epic and memorable quests do not start out the way they intended. So it was with young Archer Bumblenab. Every day he would start his routine, getting out of his small bed high up in the eighty-fifth-and-a-half floor of Barron sticklegarner's skyloft apartments. the "and-a-half" in his room's title was due to an unfortunate accident that occurred three months previously that involved stove, a firestone and an very unfortunate rabbit. After getting up Archer would eat a satisfying breakfast of pumpkin chestnuts, fresh bread, and large tankard of lemonade. After which he would set of for the grindle pits, a thoroughly unpleasant place overseen by Barron sticklegarner, where the majority of people worked in order to eat, sleep, and continue living. the adventure began rather unexpectedly one chilly fall night when, Archer, after a long days work in the grindle pits, returned to the skyloft, climbed the 1,244 stairs to his small, now halved apartment, and promptly threw himself into bed, falling asleep almost instantly. then awoke with a sudden start as the loud noise of wheels rattling on cobblestones jarred the sleep from his eyes. he made an involuntary noise of alarm in his throat and jolted up in his seat- he was in a carriage he realized with a shock, "maybe I've been kidnapped!" he thought wildly, and looked quickly down at his hands to see if he was restrained. an even stranger sight met his eyes then restraints however, not only was he wearing clothes that were not his, but on his lap was a fine, red, satin pouch embroidered with none other then the royal seal itself! he gasped and stood up as if the small pouch had burned him, and promptly bumped his head on the ceiling of the carriage. rubbing his head to alleviate the pain, he fumbled for the handle of the carriage door and pushed as hard as he could, but to no avail, he was trapped inside. turning around he stared at the small, satin pouch now lying on the carriage floor. perhaps that held the answered he seeked. he thought. starting forward, he scooped up the little red pouch, and with trembling fingers, opened the top of it. the shimmer of polished gold flickered across his face and his eyes widened. reaching into the pouch he grasped the irregular object inside and pulled it out into the light. it was a crown. the most magnificent crown he had ever seen.(though to be fair he had not seen very many) It was solid gold and many faceted gemstones were inlaid into its polished band. Archer gasped. it was breathtaking. he rotated it slowly in his hand then noticed a small piece of parchment tied onto the rim. tilting his head, he unfastened the knot and let the small piece of parchment fall into his open hand. then, putting the crown back into it's satin enclosure, he opened the small wrinkled piece of parchment to read what insight it might have into his predicament. holding it up to the faint moonlight streaming through the window, he made out a single bold-lettered word written in black ink: RUN.

Ariel.of.Narnia: O_O you /are/ going to continue, right?!
Sir-Edward: *puts on innocent expression* mayyybe....
Ariel.of.Narnia: *shakes head* you have a way of pulling me in with the way you describe things (I've a feeling it's best not to ask about that "unfortunate accident". and then you leave me out to dry with that.
Sir-Edward: Sorry
elanorelle: Oh dear. You'll continue this, right.
Sir-Edward: I definitely hope to
Sir-Edward: Lest I be murdered in my bed...
Ariel.of.Narnia: *snork*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ela, how about you, is yours done?
elanorelle: I have it mostly done.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Fire away, Ela!
elanorelle: First off this concerns characters from Zootopia.
Sir-Edward: From what now?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Zootopia is Disney's latest film, about a bunny cop and a fox con-man
elanorelle: *nods* I really liked it, and the characters... so ya know.
elanorelle: Yes

Elanorelle shares ~

elanorelle: The clock changed to 8:51 when Judy glanced down for the seventeenth time that morning. She took a deep breath and tightened her grasp on the steering wheel. Nine minutes.

Nick flipped through several manila folders on his lap. “You're quiet this morning.”

“Long night.” She kept her eyes fixed on the road.

He opened one, took out the sheet and looked over the details. “Go out?”

She made a sharp turn, her brows narrowing at the suggestion. “No. I was sorting through some info for a new case.”

He replaced the paper. “Come on, Carrots, you're always working. You need to get out more.” He set the pile of folders on the seat between them. “Why don't you ask for time off? I can cover for you. Unless, of course, you don't /trust/ me.” He smiled, examining her face to see if she would respond in her usual way.

His cell rang and as he reached for his pocket he felt himself straining forward against the seat belt. The folders, with all their unstapled papers, were sliding to the ground. Then it all stopped: he was knocked back into the seat and the files were a mess on the floor of the car.

“Hey!” he said, eyes wide and claws stuck in the seat. “No need to kill me! I thought we were over this.” He looked over at Judy and noticed her eyes flit from the clock then back to the street. She adjusted her grip on the wheel and moved the vehicle forward until a yellow light flashed to red just ahead of them. “Carrots, something wrong?”

“What makes you say that?”

He pointed up at the signal. “Light's green.” The engine gave a slight rev as they made their way past the mall, quiet at that hour of the morning. “Well, you aren't talking about any of the cases and you almost killed me with that stop back there, and it wasn't done purposefully. You can't tell me you're normally this – well - this jumpy.”

She looked at him and forced a smile. “Believe me, nothing's wrong. Not a thing.”

“If you say so.” He reached down and gathered up the files, muttering to himself about organizing them when he noticed a familiar name. He lifted it from the rest of the unsorted papers.“The Hedgeson case again. Think you have a lead?”

“I wouldn't call it a lead, exactly. But, I've been going through some records and certain details aren't matching up -,” she looked down at the clock – 9:00 – and looked back up, “-with uh, with Mr Hedgeson's testimony.”

“You mean the break-in claim?”

“Yes, remember when he-”

Her cell buzzed in the cupholder, filling the car with an unsavory noise. She reached for it but Nick pushed her arm out of the way. “I'll take this and put it on speaker, you're driving.”

Ariel.of.Narnia: *grins*
Ariel.of.Narnia: I love Nick. Have I mentioned that?
Sir-Edward: Eek! It's 11:52! I should get some sleep!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Alright. Good night, Ed!
Elanorelle: 'Kay, night Ed.
Ariel.of.Narnia: I guess I'll say more next week, Ela.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Writers' dismissed!
Sir-Edward: Night! I shall await the rest of the stories next time! FAREWELL!!

Writer's Group dismissed ~