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Summer Challenge 2016!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:33 pm
by Tenethia
For those of you who are new, every year we have a summer challenge, in which we read one of the Chronicles and reflect on it together. Reflections are pretty much your reaction, in any form, to what you're reading. A reflection could be a short story, a poem, a drawing, a spiritual reflection, an essay, a video, comic strips (*coughhack* (*cough*))... Seriously, though, anything. The possibilities are endless.
This year (the sixth summer challenge!) we're going to be reading Prince Caspian, from August 1 to August 8.

Monday, August 1 -- Chapters 1 and 2
Tuesday, August 2 -- Chapters 3 and 4
Wednesday August 3 -- Chapters 5 and 6
Thursday, August 4 -- Chapters 7 and 8
Friday, August 5 -- Chapters 9 and 10
Saturday, August 6 -- Chapters 11, 12, and 13
Sunday, August 7 -- This will be a day for catch-up reading in case you've fallen behind, or a break, if you're on schedule.
Monday, August 8 -- Chapters 14 and 15.

Re: Summer Challenge 2016!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:29 pm
by hobbit_of_narnia
I'm in!! (As long as we're not incredibly busy.........)

Re: Summer Challenge 2016!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:43 am
by narniac101
I'M IN, TOO! *can't wait*

Re: Summer Challenge 2016!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:32 pm
by Ajnos
Our new semester starts this week and I'm lecturing the week of the challenge but I plan to listen to the audiobook on my drives to and from uni and will share and give reflections as time allows. The Summer Challenges are lots of fun and get you to think about the books in a different way to just reading them so I encourage as many to take part as they can.

Re: Summer Challenge 2016!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:17 pm
by Swanwhite
I'm in! :)

A little behind obviously, but I've read the first 4 chapters and started working on some reflections. I'm back home after a long time traveling and am looking forward to exploring the Pevensies return to home with you lovely people.