Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by Ariel.of.Narnia » Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:44 am

Lilyyyyyyy! That last stanza for Dark Island! Ach! I love it. Especially-especially because of the way it ties into the repeated lines. (I'm a sucker for that kind of thing.)

Chapter 9:
There seems to be a little bit of Israel's wilderness wanderings in this book: whenever they sail for a length of time without finding land, an antsiness and/or despair sets in. Things were certainly bleak after the storm prior to Dragon Island, but it wasn't that long ago when Edmund was wishing he was in America with his parents and Susan rather than sailing in Narnia; now they fear having reached a sea that goes on forever. There is a difference in that Israel was given what food they needed, but they complained about lack of variety and they worried about water too; but there's also a similarity in that, despite Caspian's Aslan-approved vow, Reep's desire for Aslan's country, and so on, there's actually very little mention of him in regards to this voyage.
How the monopods never saw Lucy sitting right there I'll never know....
Curious, isn't it, how Coriakin didn't make his presence known after having been turned invisible? He was to rule them, guide them, but... he hasn't for however long the spell's lasted. Unless invisibility spell was cast not that long ago. The Chief doesn't exactly give a timeline events, and I've no doubt the invisibility would have worn on them rather quickly, to the point of becoming "mortal tired" and waiting "ever so long". (Also... if it wasn't all that long ago, might that explain Aslan's invisibility on this island, even though he was plainly visible on Deathwater? ... I'm suddenly getting a much shorter version of events in my mind now! I took that "ever so long" at face value, but didn't consider that maybe Coriakin's then-prediction of Lucy's coming "presently" might actually be accurate.)
"Merely in the way of business, as you might say, and no offence, I hope." *snerks* Oh, there are several ways to take that, Chief....

Gonna have to stop with just one chapter tonight.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by Ajnos » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:16 pm

Love the Dark Island poem, Lily, especially the rhyme structure and repetition.

I get what you mean about the sailors being like Israel, though it's also so typically human (grumble grumble grumble). And I remember from HHB how good Lewis is at representing fickle human attitudes. At least Caspain gives them a wake-up call on Ramandu's Isle when he threatens to leave them behind.

I meant to say some chapters back that the Dufflepud story is the one where CS Lewis gets most like Lewis Carol in his writing. From the Duffers, to their silliness, to the weird stuff in the magician's house (and coridors growing longer).

I have SO MANY questions about Ramandu's Island. Why is the table all set up? Why is RD there? (I kinda get Ramandu's role; it feels like his job is to welcome the sun, and give advice to travellers).Was there a time when sailors frequently arrived seeking the end of the world, and if so, when? The Pevensies didn't know of any who returned from the Utter East in their day. And how is the stone knife "safe" just lying on rhe table like that? Hmm.

I've been working on rhese the last few days (had the first 3 ready yesterday but didn't get to post. Will finish tomorrow or Friday)

Chapter 9
They came to the Island of Voices
The dwellers made rather bad choices
Got themselves "uglified"
Then because of their pride
Turned unseen, now known only by noises.

Chapter 10
Lucy the gentle, the Narnian Queen
Braved a magic house (she tought) unseen
To undo the spell
But was tempted as well
Could she forget a good friend being mean?

Chapter 12
There's an island where dreams can come true
Want to go? I don't think you do
Found Lord Rhoop in the dark
Made them flee once embarked
And the albatross helped them get through.

Chapter 13
They came to the Island of Sleepers
Whose beards had grown out just like creepers
They dared not to eat
Till fair maiden did meet
The brave mouse went first, good old Reepers!!

Chapter 14
They learned on the Isle of Ramandu
How the spell of deep sleep they could undo
World's End they must find
And one stay behind
And all but one sailor would come too.

And I just realised I forgot about Chapter 11, will come back to that too when I can :D
Thank you for the set Happy!!

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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by Lily of Archenland » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:14 pm

I hadn't considered that Aslan's invisibility was evidence of the spells shortness, Ariel; I just assumed the spell effects were highly localized, and the local presence of Aslan was effected!
Challenge mode for me... not sure I *quite* pulled off this sonnet attempt.

Chapter 13
The Vigil at the End of the World

Soft purple as the clouds, the island's smell;
But crimson as the sun was the table.
The feast spread out as rich as tale could tell,
And strangely stars shone from past all fable,
When came they to the long-lost sleepers three
Whose hearts beat slow and hair and beards were grown
Past reason, in that low land by the sea:
So near to where the sunrise' bed is known.
The king and friends sat watch in breathing shade
And, fearful, wanted for some secret truth
To come out of the night, til lady bade
Them join the feast, and Mouse put her to proof.
Then gladly they set in beneath her eye,
As starry sire approached with bright'ning sky.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by Ariel.of.Narnia » Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:15 am

That's what I'd thought too, Lily, that Aslan's being on the island subjected him to the spell somehow, even though that clearly is not the case for those from the Dawn Treader. But if he had arrived at some point after Deathwater, before the Duffers cast the spell, then I think it makes even more sense that he's invisible in accordance to his own rules.

Chapter 10:
Coriakin is a bit off an oddity, eh? Doors that won't close, a collection of masks hung up on the walls, the bearded glass, a corridor that may or may not go on longer than it appears to (I think it possible Lucy could have been spooked enough to believe it so, but she also has more experience with magic than I). But his library, mm. I'd like his library. :D
I wonder if Coriakin's book smells like any other book or if it's special. (Yes, I like the smell of books.)
I still remember the time Kristi told a story of a cup and a sword and a tree and a green hill during a Christmas party in the chatroom. 'twas a beautiful story indeed.
Does the page of the visibility spell always revert to blank after one has turned the page? Or do the images go invisible when the book is used to cause invisibility? Or does the page go blank in the presence of something invisible?

Chapter 11:
How long has Coriakin been in charge of the Duffers? The place has such a sense of establishment, it feels it must have been for a very long while (though one never knows, what with magic and such). Then again, he could have been in this place for a long time, and the Duffers only a more recent development. I just wonder, since he "begins" to grow fond of them.
Is magic inherent to the stars, I wonder? Or was it something Coriakin learned over time? He and Ramandu seem so different (though the closest thing to magic we see Ramandu do is put Rhoop to sleep).
"Their normal way of resting". How long did it take the Duffers to adapt to being Monopods? Was it as if they'd always been, or a gradual learning?
Of course, the real question here is... why on earth did Coriakin turn them into Monopods? (I'm full of questions this time through, it appears.)
Bold of Reep to assume Monopods could float on their feet. Also... "intelligent"?
His map would be a sight to behold, even without the living pictures.

Chapter 12:
How desperate Rhoop's cry is! To beg to be let off the land, even if his ticket out is just another horrible nightmare that might slay him. Considering the tortures he must have endured the last seven years, there's nothing to say that a nightmare ship wouldn't be just as bad, but such is his desperation that he'll take anything to get away.
"That is the sort of talk that brought me here." Who did the lords find to talk to about this place?
When they tried to get out of the Darkness on their own, they couldn't find the way. When Lucy put her hope in Aslan, he calmed their fears, guided them out, and destroyed the Dark completely. I think this may be my favourite scene in the book, excepting the three's meeting him at the end of the book.
Linking a Rhoop fic I wrote last year. This takes place after the events of the book, but now is a fitting time to share it: ... e-Darkness
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by Lily of Archenland » Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:43 pm

Chapter 14
Table of Hope

The clock turns backwards gently, at the table.
An ancient silver Star's returning, day by day, to youth.
Sunbirds flock to another meal, wailing their wondrous truth.
All sailors would go on, if they were able –
recalled to the hope and glory of yesteryear,
In spite of dragons and sea-serpents and Dark island's fear;
And the last harrowed victim of dreams
Returns him softly to hope of rest.
The Sun shines brighter on their quest
Than it ever has before, it seems.


Chapter 15
Mermaids Underneath

The upside-down kingdom is flowing towards the sky
While the shadow of the ship, like some old monster, passes by.
The knights and lords and ladies in their watery Maying day
Are astounded by our presence and our most peculiar way.
They shake their jeweled fists to see us drawing near,
And when the captain spots them he recalls sirens with fear.
They always breathe a water strange and bright,
Sweet and strong as liquid light.


Chapter 16
World's End

They glided, sleepless, through the blazing light,
And drank eachother's health with its rich glow.
No merfolk threatened or pondered their passing now,
As they came to a great shoal of silvered white.

Aslan's own gardens grew upon the seas.
They lengthened days, reflecting back the sun.
All stood in wonder of the blaze of lilies,
Whose adventurous smell makes you wish to leap and run.

The shores of Paradise, it seems, are here!
Hearts are so full men do not need to eat.
There is no room in wonder left for fear,
And only one fine challenge left to meet.

As shallows near, a fey mood takes the King:
He rages like his uncle to fulfill the final quest.
The Lion appears to draw his bitter sting,
And he must say farewell to friend and guest.

This is the end, on the verge of the sunrise.
Our heroes row for home, and a Lamb's soft eyes.


One quick note I hadn't noticed before--- only Alberta objected to the changes in Eustace? Harold may have been more accepting??
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by Ariel.of.Narnia » Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:36 am

Chapter 13:
The buildup to Ramandu's island is so peaceful. Smooth sailing (literally!), bright days, open skies, and -- despite my earlier observation of wandering-Israel-like tendencies when no land is in sight -- everybody is so relaxed and happy. And then we get to the island, all "pillowy" hills and dim, purple smells, and later find out about the Table and Rhoop's restful sleep.
"Lands behind the sun". Again, who on earth did these lords find to hear all this information? In this case, it could have been Ramandu, I suppose, but still. Wonder what happened to the crew....

Chapter 14:
I've had a moment like what Edmund says about seeing this sunrise being the most exciting thing of their voyage, even though other events sound more exciting. It can be something seemingly small, but it just hits right.
Hm, Ramandu seems to indicate that Coriakin has been governing the Duffers for rather a long while. They're not so recent then, though I suppose a star sees time differently.
I quite forgot that Rynelf puts forth a rather rousing speech. It's the sort of thing Reep has said a few times.
Ha, and Caspian takes the situation in hand here much as he had in Narrowhaven. He chooses his words and tone carefully to frame things just so.

Chapter 15:
Can you imagine what it must have been like for the Sea People to see Reep? Lucy, at least, looked something like themselves, but unless there's some kind of deep-sea rodent, Reep would have been very strange creature indeed!
The water has a foretaste (heh) of the "further up, further in" concept. The closer they sail to the Utter East, the more light there is -- to the point of the water being light itself, apparently. And when they drink the water, the light only increases, but they find they can bear it. And it's all beautiful and delicious and satisfying.
Interesting that Reep imagines the world as a round table.

Chapter 16:
For all that I've admired Caspian taking charge and speaking shrewdly, we've met with a flaw in his manner. Here, he's overstepped and intended to forsake his duty as king, and is set right by Reepicheep mainly.
Ach, my favourite part of the series: meeting with Aslan here at the edge of the world.
"I will not tell you how long or short the way may be; only that it lies across a river. But do not fear that, for I am the great Bridge Builder." Man, I actually got a little misty-eyed here. I've never had this reaction to that bit before. I just feel so... full. A smidgen of what that light-water would be like.
"We shan't meet you there. And how shall we live, never meeting you?" This has shades of (Apostle) Peter saying to Jesus, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." To be with the Lion is life itself.
*insert obligatory gushing over "another name"* Favourite line in all the Chronicles, you know how it is.
Speaking of shades of (Apostle) Peter, the question about Eustace's return sounds something like Peter asking what would become of John. Aslan's response is a little like Jesus' too: "Do you really need to know that?" and "What is that to you?"
Gotta love the coda on Eustace's behaviour. He's a changed boy, no mistake.

@Lily: Heh. I get the impression that Aunt Alberta may be the greater driving force of the Scrubbs, though that may be because of the description of their house -- it's her domain, so of course it abides by her rules.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by Ajnos » Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:41 pm

Here are my last 3. Chapter 11 was proving rather annoying. I'm not entirely happy with 16, but it will do. Will comment on the your other final posts a bit later:

Chapter 11
The Magician was called Coriakin
To him the Duffers would not hearken
But Lucy was kind
And new sense they did find
When Reep taught them skills to go raftin'.

Chapter 15
Then onto the East they did sail
Drinking liquid light from a pail
A sea kingdom beneath
A secret to keep
So that common sense might prevail

Chapter 16
At last they could sail no more
Journey's end for all travelers but four
A Lamb on the beach
From your world Me you'll reach
Back three went to their home through a door.
Thank you for the set Happy!!

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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by jasmine_tarkheena » Fri Sep 01, 2023 4:04 pm

The scene where Caspian wanted to reach Aslan's country but was told he could not go, it almost made me think of David who wanted to build a special house for God. Both Caspian and David have a heart set on the "unseen." Even though it wasn't wrong for Caspian to reach the world's end, he could not go. It wasn't his time. It wasn't wrong for David wanting to build a special house for God. God told him he would not do it. Instead, it would be his son Solomon that build the temple.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by renegadeoftheshire » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:11 pm

I finally finished the summer challenge! So sorry for being late. Here are some of the drawings! :D More incoming since I can't fit all of them.

(I know you guys don't really like double posting, but I kinda have to here. My apologies)

Renegade of the Shire
eustace dragon eye with aslan reflection.jpg
eustace dragon eye with aslan reflection.jpg (201.28 KiB) Viewed 25270 times
640D91A8-7D52-47FC-8CCA-AAE03AD8303C.JPG (141.04 KiB) Viewed 25270 times
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art by an online friend!
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2023 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader'

Post by renegadeoftheshire » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:13 pm

Last drawings! Hoping to work on a Dawn Treader project pretty soon, so I might post it here when finished :D
IMG_0436.jpg (113.04 KiB) Viewed 25270 times
IMG_0434.jpg (114.73 KiB) Viewed 25270 times
Heather turning to gold in water.jpg
Heather turning to gold in water.jpg (183.1 KiB) Viewed 25270 times
art by an online friend!
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