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TLC Forum We'll leave the lamppost on for you. 2023-04-15T16:44:44 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/app.php/feed/topic/902 2023-04-15T16:44:02 2023-04-15T16:44:02 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=88153#p88153 <![CDATA[Re: The Magician's Nephew]]> Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:44 pm

2023-04-15T10:32:40 2023-04-15T10:32:40 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=88151#p88151 <![CDATA[Re: The Magician's Nephew]]>

Statistics: Posted by knightofnarnia — Sat Apr 15, 2023 10:32 am

2023-04-15T16:44:44 2023-04-12T00:43:39 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=88115#p88115 <![CDATA[The Magician's Nephew]]> The Magician's Nephew will be the first movie to be adapted. It would certainly be a fresh start, since most others have done The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe first. Perhaps the tag line could be, "How it all Began."

Here is a list I have of what they should do and should not do:

For what they should not do-

1. Not to make it about "saving the world". There's actually not really any armies to fight against (unless they decide to have a cosmic battle with the stars in the sky). No, no. The conflict should be about Digory bringing evil to Narnia, and what's he going to do about it. Is he going to able to save his mother who is about to die from an illness? I'd like the plot to be focused on that.

2. No Digory and Polly romance. In the book, Digory mentions that his father is away in India and his mother is sick and she's about to die. Polly mentions that all of her friends are away on Holiday. So it's like they each needed someone to play with. However, I really don't want the movie to ship them. It's one of those things I'm usually kind of worried about. I actually don't see it happening. The only romance in MN I can see happening are Frank and Helen, the husband and wife, and they become the first king and queen of Narnia. I know that there are those who ship Tirian and Jill in The Last Battle, which I'm kind of worried about in a film adaption. The only romance in Narnia I see happening are Frank and Helen, Cor and Aravis, and Caspian and Ramandu's daughter. But no shipping of Digory and Polly. They're just friends!

Now what it should do-

1. The score should sound magical. I'd like the stars at the creation of Narnia to sound like angels. The music should sound beautiful, with piano, strings, harp, flute. This is important especially if it is going to focus more on the characters. No need for big epic music with drums, trumpets, and big male vocals. I mean, that could work for The Horse And His Boy and The Last Battle, but not so much with The Magician's Nephew.

2. Despair and Hope is really important. We should feel the despair for Digory with the possibility of losing his mother and feel that same despair when evil is brought to Narnia. Then really feel the joy when Digory has "undo" the wrong when he brings the apple back to plant the Tree of Protection and also feel that same joy when his mother is recovered from the illness.

Any ideas on what The Magician's Nephew movie should and should not do?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Wed Apr 12, 2023 12:43 am

2022-03-20T20:08:46 2022-03-20T20:08:46 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=87334#p87334 <![CDATA[Re: Bad Ideas and Fears of what Could Happened in Netflix 's Narnia]]>
It would seem natural that the title of The Horse and His Boy would carry Shasta and Aravis as a romantic couple. While they do end up getting married, it is actually later in life. When they first meet, it doesn't start off as a romantic relationship. Yet, it would seem tempting to advertise it that way. That is, unless someone was to say, "Hey, wouldn't be better if we do it this way instead of the obvious thing?"

As for casting the same actress to play the White Witch and the Green Lady, like what BBC did. Now I don't think they were trying to allude that they're the same person... it may have been for budgetary reasons. And no wonder that we were so worried that Walden was trending in the direction of setting up the White Witch to become the Lady of the Green Kirtle. It would be like casting the same actor to play Prince Rabadash in The Horse and His Boy and Rishda Tarkaan in The Last Battle, which I don't want either. I would like Rishda to be his own villain, much like the Green Lady to be her own villain. And of course, each of the villains need to be his or her own villain.

Now maybe there could still be some implications, "Oh, Rishda Tarkaan..ah, you know, he was in direct descent from the Tisroc Rabadash" or whatever. I think I would much rather want the implications that the two Calormenes are related, somewhat than having them be the same person.

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:08 pm

2022-02-16T19:37:20 2022-02-16T19:37:20 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=87300#p87300 <![CDATA[Re: Bad Ideas and Fears of what Could Happened in Netflix 's Narnia]]> The Horse and His Boy would be advertised with Shasta and Aravis as a couple.

In The Last Battle, there's a moment where Tirian calls Jill "sweetheart". However, I don't think he did in a romantic way. I think he was being friendly and protective.

It would be tempting for Netflix to go down the romance path if there is one guy and one girl or there are three main characters and one of them happens to be a girl. So a romance, even a love triangle, would be easy for the market profitability. It's like a filmmaker's brain would go there immediately.

And even a villainous crush can be tempting, though I feel kind of dumb talking about it. It would seem the easiest thing is to have Rishda having attraction to Jill. I mean, whichever villain would like her? The two other villains are an ape and a cat, so it would seem natural it's going to be the Calormene captain that's going to like her. So yeah, it would seem natural for a filmmaker to think that Rishda would have an attraction to Jill and have him throw her into the stable because he won't take "no" for an answer.

It may not end up being any of those, but we should throw it at there. Besides, how are they going to find time for a romance, including a love triangle and a villainous attraction, in The Last Battle? The plot is about the last days of Narnia, so how will they find time for a romance?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Wed Feb 16, 2022 7:37 pm

2022-02-16T17:14:38 2022-02-16T17:14:38 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=87299#p87299 <![CDATA[Re: Bad Ideas and Fears of what Could Happened in Netflix 's Narnia]]> Each his or her own I would like them to hint at it between Cor and Aravis. I sometimes wonder if C.S. Lewis sometimes hint at it, "'You know that lion wasn't trying to hut you' Cor said. 'I know.' Said Aravis. Both looked in each others eyes and both knew the other knew about the lion." Really Lewis could you make it less obvious :lol: But it's useless since no one is making anything :x

Statistics: Posted by knightofnarnia — Wed Feb 16, 2022 5:14 pm

2022-02-15T21:34:12 2022-02-15T21:34:12 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=87297#p87297 <![CDATA[Things We Hope To See For Netflix's Narnia]]> Voyage of the Dawn Treader came out in theaters, it didn't fare well as Narnia fans were hoping. After that, the franchise died. So now that Netflix is rebooting Narnia, sort of. Okay, it's The Chronicles of Narnia, but they're not with BBC-Mini series, which stopped after The Silver Chair or with Walden, which stopped after The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I sometimes wonder if the logo will look different. And there's no knowing if they're starting over with The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe or will they take a new turn and start with The Magician's Nephew.

So I am excited and nervous all at once that it's happening. We should also talk about what we hope to see Netflix do. It's like when you read the books, there are moments you're like, "Imagine seeing this in a movie."

So here is a list of what I hope to see Netflix do for Narnia-
3. The Woods Between the Worlds in The Magician's Nephew- I think this would be difficult to visualize. But imagine what vision the director could have for this. It could also be good opportunity for sound design. So the scene where Digory comes out of one of the pools and finds himself in the wood, it could be like a string of music. You know, not some big epic music, but like a soft orchestral sound. Then we see Digory and Polly relaxed and able to exercise free will. I am hoping to see how this will be visualized and what music score could they do for this.

2. The Unwelcome Fellow Traveler in The Horse and His Boy- Now they could go in the direction of making so epic, meaning that it is a big helicopter shot. But it shouldn't have to be that. Instead, perhaps show expression on Shasta's face as he is slowly walking, and Aslan is talking in the background. It should be like what is like to be this boy learning more about himself. That's what the plot of The Horse and His Boy should be about. Not only that, but when He is hearing Aslan in the background, he is realizing that Aslan has been working behind the scenes. Shasta has had a lot of bad stuff happened to him, but everything turns out alright Aslan helps Shasta realize that he was meant to save Narnia and Archenland. So I am hoping to see the unwelcome fellow traveler.

1. Emeth's Encounter with Aslan in The Last Battle- I think this could easily get cut out. The difficulty with it is that you deal with multiple endings. It's a common problem in movies. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King struggled with multiple endings and got a lot of criticism for it. So I could see the same thing happen in The Last Battle. So having these multiple endings is a very hard thing to do. I can see they would struggle with keeping the scene with Emeth in there. Who knows? The scene where Narnia is coming to an end could easily be another 20 minutes. It is such an iconic moment, and I hope they include it. It's like, they should take time on to feel what a dark place Narnia is in, and take time to feel the joy in Aslan's country. They shouldn't like rush through the plot then when those from Narnia's past are together again, they shouldn't be like, "Okay, we can end the movie there. Let's start to rolling the credits." No, I would like for Netflix to take time in Aslan's country. Not only that, but also see Aslan from Emeth's perspective. This was someone who was serving Tash, but he had no idea he was actually serving Aslan. It is also showing that hope is offered not only for Narnia, but also for Telmarines, Archenlanders, and Calormenes as well. So I am hoping the scene with Emeth is included.

Some honorable mentions are Caspian's resurrection in The Silver Chair, Digory giving his mother the apple in The Magician's Nephew, Aravis and Lasarleen in Tashbaan in The Horse and His Boy, and the deep friendship of Tirian and Jewel in The Last Battle.

So what are some things you hope to see Netflix do for Narnia? Any moments you would like to see done on screen?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:34 pm

2022-03-09T01:30:35 2022-02-14T23:33:34 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=87295#p87295 <![CDATA[Re: Bad Ideas and Fears of what Could Happened in Netflix 's Narnia]]>
I think we're seeing in a lot of reboots and sequels and midquels and prequels that they're bringing back an old character and and use that to reinvent a character. It seems that everyone is related to everyone now in media. Maybe if the White Witch ends up being a popular villain, which she kind of already is, it could be something to worry about.

As with the romance, often times in Hollywood, it's done for the purpose of marketing. For instance, the original Jurassic Park book didn't have a romance between Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler as their relationship was just professional. However, Steven Spielberg put a romance between them in his big blockbuster movie. Obviously it was done in a way to advertise it, and lot of movie makers are into shipping. However, it doesn't have to be that in Narnia. The Last Battle should explore on the deep friendship of Tirian and Jewel, like what Sherlock did when it explored on the friendship of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Mon Feb 14, 2022 11:33 pm

2022-02-13T12:50:53 2022-02-13T12:50:53 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=87292#p87292 <![CDATA[Re: Bad Ideas and Fears of what Could Happened in Netflix 's Narnia]]> But some of your ideas or Fears seem terrible I agree with you that I don't want that :shock: . (Except maybe a kiss between Cor and Aravis at the end of HHB espicially if they advance the timeline a little). But it is no use theorizing about something that is probably never going to happen :x Thanks Netflix for buying something with no intention of using it.

Statistics: Posted by knightofnarnia — Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:50 pm

2022-02-12T23:32:48 2022-02-12T23:32:48 https://www.thelionscall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=902&p=87290#p87290 <![CDATA[Bad Ideas and Fears of what Could Happened in Netflix 's Narnia]]>
First of all, there are two things that I certainly don't want to happened.

1. I think the first that comes to mind is that I don't want is to have the plot to be taken from the original source. What I mean is that I expect changes to be made because that's what adaptations do. I think the main issue I had with Walden's Voyage of the Dawn Treader was that it took so far from the original source. Instead of being about finding seven lost noblemen, they made it about finding seven swords to fight the green mist. So hopefully Netflix doesn't do that. For instance, while The Horse and His Boy is kind of a "saving the world" type story, it should really be about Shasta making this journey to "Narnia and the North", and learning about himself. It's like, "I'm not the son of the fisherman Arsheesh. Who am I then? Am I a son of a Tarkaan myself or of the Tisroc?" "Oh, I must be something Northern." It should be about that.

2. Now, whichever actress Netflix cast as the White Witch in The Magician's Nephew and The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, I don't want Netflix to put her in The Silver Chair. I mean, they should not allude to the idea that the White Witch and the Lady of the Green Kirtle are the same person. They're not, despite of all the speculations that's been going on over the years. While it's true they cast Barbara Kellerman in the BBC as both the White Witch and the Green Lady, they didn't even address that they're the same person. I think they did it for budgetary reasons. So, it's something that has to be made clear, kind of like, "Oh, why aren't Prince Rabadash and Rishda Tarkaan the same person? Do I need to list the reasons?" In The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, there's a prophecy that the reign of the Pevensies at Cair Paravel would mark the end of the White Witch's reign and of her life. What else? Aslan killed her, and he meant it! In The Silver Chair, old Narnians address, "Those Northern witches have always meant for the same thing. But in every age, they each have their own way of getting it." So it's clear there that they're not the same person. Netflix should make new things. It would be like casting the same actor to play Prince Rabadash in The Horse and His Boy and Rishda Tarkaan in The Last Battle, which I don't want either. It's a huge concern for Narnia fans because it seemed that Walden's Voyage of the Dawn Treader were trending in the direction of setting the White Witch up to become the Lady of the Green Kirtle, and Narnia fans were freaking out, "No!" So yeah, let each of the villains be his or her own villain. You can have two Northern witches in Narnia history but they don't have to be the same one. You can even have two upper class princes or Tarkaans or whatever in Calormene history, but they don't have to be the same one.

Now I'll get on the record of what is a combination of a "no' and "fear". What I mean is that it's like, "I don't want to happen" yet at the same time I'm kind of fearful of it-
Romance is kind of the thing for Hollywood these days. I mean, it could happen with Digory and Polly in The Magician's Nephew, Shasta and Aravis in The Horse and His Boy (though they end up getting married), Eustace and Jill in The Silver Chair, and even a love triangle with Tirian, Eustace, and Jill in The Last Battle. I mean there are two guys and one girl. So they're both going to like her. So Jill, while she could care less, she would have to decide does she want to be with Eustace or does she want to be with Tirian. I think romance often happens because it's the easiest way for marketing. Often in Hollywood, if a guy and a girl are that close, they have to be in love. If you think about it, real life is not like that. I mean, how often in Hollywood productions do we see a guy and girl have a close friendship and that's it? It doesn't happen very often. I think there's good opportunity for Netflix to have a guy and girl being close friends that it's not necessarily romance. I think another that's on the trend is where an evil villain has an attraction the main hero or heroine. It would actually work well for The Horse and His Boy, because it is such a major conflict. Prince Rabadash wants to marry Susan, it's like, he can't even sleep. He actually hates her for rejecting his marriage proposal, but it makes him want her all the more. I guess there is kind of an villainous attraction in The Silver Chair. The Green Lady had one point enchanted Prince Rilian to ask her to marry him (it's more of an afterthought though). And another possible way it could happen is Rishda having an attraction to Jill in The Last Battle. I mean, the two other villains are an ape and a cat, so it's the Calormene captain that's going to like her. There's a moment in the book where Rishda tries to make up for his unbelief in Tash by hurling all of the heroes into the stable, and setting it on fire as an offering to Tash. It would be the easiest thing for Netflix to have Rishda having an attraction to Jill, and she would have to go through the stable because he won't take "no" for an answer. While I don't think romance of any will happened, I am kind of fearful of it. Thought we should throw it out there just in case.

So now here's what my fear is-
I'm afraid that the portrayal of the Calormenes will be stereotyped. I mean, it deals with culture of slavery, arranged marriages, worship of gods and goddesses, human sacrifice to Tash. The upper class, Tarkaans and Tarkheenas, tend to be self-indulgent. It would be easiest thing to say, "Oh, they're all like that." Aravis is kind of arrogant, but she has character development. She learns that there's so much more than just big parties and extravagant lifestyle, which is the total opposite of Lasaraleen. Emeth worships out of love and devotion, and he's not anything like Rishda. If the Calormenes are done right, who knows? Both Rabadash and Rishda could end up being iconic villains. Even Aravis and Emeth could both end up being iconic characters, because they both get to enter Aslan's country. Emeth is my favorite character in the whole series. He doesn't have a very big role in the book, but I'd be fine if Netflix wants to give him a bigger role. So yeah, I am afraid that the portrayal of the Calormenes will be typecast.

So what are things you don't want Netflix to do for Narnia and what are you afraid of what could happened?

Statistics: Posted by jasmine_tarkheena — Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:32 pm
