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Re: How do you say it?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:43 am
by hobbit_of_narnia
That's how I used to pronounce it, too. Uh-RAY-viss. It sounds more musical that way. Lately, though, I've been pronouncing it AIR-uh-vis because that's the way most people I know pronounce it.

Re: How do you say it?

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:12 pm
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
Aslan- Az-lan

Aravis- Air-ruh-vis

Archenland- Arch-in-land

Calormen- Cal-are-men (Though, the Spanish pronunciation of the word, "calor", meaning hot, makes more sense.)

Coriakin- Core-e-ah-kin

Jadis- Jade-iss

Lasaraleen- Lass-uh-rah-leen

Octesian- Auk-taze-ian

Tisroc- Tiz-rock

Re: How do you say it?

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:42 pm
by ShiofNarnia
Aslan - Az-LAN

Aravis - Air-uh-vis

Archenland - Arken-land

Calormen - I'm not sure if I'm consistent with this one; either Cal-or-men OR Ca-LORE-men

Coriakin - Cor-ee-ah-kin

Jadis - JAH-dis

Lasaraleen - For the longest time I didn't know how to pronounce this, but I think now I would say: Luh-zair-uh-leen

Octesian - Auk-teeze-ian

Tisroc - Tiz-rock

Re: How do you say it?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:18 pm
by cor
Aslan - Ass-lan

Aravis - Air-uh-viss

Archenland - Arck-en-land

Calormen - Cuh-lor-men

Coriakin - Cor-a-kin

Jadis - Jay-dis

Lasaraleen - Laz-arr-uh-leen

Octesian - Oct-ess-ian

Tisroc - Tiz-rock

Re: How do you say it?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 8:35 pm
by jasmine_tarkheena
We see a lot of names you don't hear very often other than in the series.

For instance, Tarkaan is pronounced "tar-con" or "tar-khan". "Khan" is a Hindu word for "King". "Tarkhan" was a title used by a Mongals and Turks over thousand of years ago. Honestly, I don't know how "tar" got to be in there. But CS Lewis may have got the inspiration from ancient history "Tarkhan", though changed the spelling to "Tarkaan." I honestly don't know why "Tarkaan" is used after the name instead of before (must be part of the Calormene culture).

And lot of Calormene names sound interchangeable. In The Horse and His Boy, Aravis mentions that her grandfather's name is Rishti Tarkaan and in The Last Battle, the Calormene captain is Rishda Tarkaan. So it's like there's a Rishti Tarkaan and there's a Rishda Tarkaan.

Re: How do you say it?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:26 am
by knightofnarnia
Ah-ra (like the egyptian god)-vis. Jasmine I say Tar-Khan must be because of the fact that I like history and visited India once or twice.