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Re: The Lone Islands: A Narnia Story

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:51 am
by jasmine_tarkheena
[Another chapter.]

Chapter 10

Cair Paravel

Zoggin and Carlotta looked at the window from Cair Paravel. It's been a day or so since Gale have sailed for Archenland. They both prayed for his safety as he go and investigate the dragon on the Lone Islands. As far they knew, the dragon could come back and terrorize the Lone Islands once again.

"When do you suppose Gale will be back?", asked Carlotta.

"I do not know", said Zoggin, "I've served under his father and now him. He's been a great king, like his father. Their lineage goes back to Frank I and Helen, the first king and queen of Narnia."

"He has told me of his family history before. Do you think there's any rules in society, where a royalty or nobility could only marry other nobles or royals?"

"In some countries, yes. In Calormen, for instance, a husband or wife are chosen by the parents and arranged."

"That is outrageous! I know Gale wouldn't stand for that kind of practice!"

"I actually agree with you. And I am happy for you both."

"Will you officiate, I mean, once he comes back?"

"I haven't thought of that. I suppose we should speak with him about that, once he comes back."

Anvard, Archenland

Gale arrived in Anvard, the capital of Archenland. It was mountainous countries, and the castle was small, compared to Cair Paravel. Over the years, Archenland has been friends and allies of Narnia. Upon his arrival, Gale was greeted by a man.

"Lord Alvin", said Gale.

"Your majesty", said Lord Alvin, "A pleasure to see you. What brings you here?"

"Well, to spend a day or two here", said Gale, "Then Lord Alvin, I need for you to come with me to the Lone Islands."

"This must be about the dragon that has been terrorizing the islands", said Lord Alvin, "That dragon is sure powerful."

"Yes, and we fear that it could come back to terrorize the islands once again. You will be representing Archenland and I would be representing Narnia. We'll be accompanied by other nobles- Ischar Tarkaan of Calormen, Amari, the Duke of Galma, Lord Callaher of Terenbithia, and Filister, the Duke of the Seven Isles."

"Ah, well, you may lodge at our place for the night. We have plenty of room."

"Thank you. Oh, and I also got engaged. You're invited to the wedding, of course."

"Congratulations", said Lord Alvin.

They went to rest for the night. Gale stayed there for about two days. Then Lord Alvin hugged and kissed his wife goodbye, promising he will be back. King Gale and Lord Alvin set sail for Tashbaan, Calormen, to meet with Ischar Tarkaan.

Tashbaan, Calormen

Gale and Alvin arrived in Tashbaan, and were greeted by a dark man with a great beard. They knew at once he was a Tarkaan with the gold ring on his arm.

"You must be the Ischar Tarkaan", said King Gale, "I am Gale, King of Narnia."

"Oh, yes, of course", said Ischar Tarkaan, "The Tisroc (may he live forever).. has told me that he would sent me to accompany you to the Lone Islands."

"Yes, to investigate the dragon that has been terrorizing the islands. Oh, and this is Lord Alvin who will represent Archenland. I will represent Narnia, and you will represent Calormen."

"I see. Are there others who will accompany us?"

"Oh yes, other nobles will as well, each representing their country or region."

"But we are staying here for a day or two, aren't we?", asked Lord Alvin.

"Oh, yes, of course", said Ischar Tarkaan.

They stayed there for about two days. Then they set sail to the Island of Galma, where Galma mentioned that many shippings and navigation take place.

The Island of Galma

King Gale, Lord Alvin, and Ischar Tarkaan arrived at the Island of Galma, and were greeted by the Duke of Galma, Amari. They shook hands, and he invited them for a dinner.

"So what brings you here, your majesty?", asked Amari.

"Well, now that you've met the Lord Alvin of Archenland and Ischar Tarkaan of Calormen", said Gale, "I need for you to accompany us to the Lone Islands. You will represent the Island of Galma."

"We are investigating a dragon that has been terrorizing the islands there", said Lord Alvin.

"I've heard of that", said Amari, "Do you suppose the dragon is from the North? Could Jadis have something to do with it?"

"You mean the powerful sorceress of the North", said King Gale, "The Tree of Protection still strives, and she cannot come down to Narnia. But we fear she is growing stronger."

"We do not know if whether she sent the dragon or not", said Lord Alvin, "It's possible, I suppose."

"It could be a demon in form of a dragon", said Ischar Tarkaan, "That's what Calormenes fear, at least."

"Once we meet with the Lord Callaher of Terenbithia and Filister, the Duke of the Seven Isles", said King Gale, "And arrived at the Lone Islands, we'll hold council concerning the dragon."

They stayed a day or two there at the Island of Galma. Then, they sailed on to the Island of Terenbithia, to meet with the Lord Callaher.

Island of Terenbithia

They arrived at the Island of Terenbithia, and were greeted by a man named Lord Callaher. He asked them to stay at his place for a day or two.

"Your majesty, you say you'd like me to accompany you to the Lone Islands, concerning a dragon", said Lord Callaher.

"Yes, that's right", said Gale, "We're not certain of what this dragon might be."

""Is it a demon? Was it once a man turned into a dragon for his beastly behavior?"

"That I do not know. That's what we're going to find out. And you are going to represent the Island of Terenbithia.

They stayed at the Island of Terenbithia for about two days and they had one more stop to make before they head for the Lone Islands.

The Seven Isles

They arrived at the Seven Isles and were greeted by a man named Filister, the Duke of the Seven Isles. He invited them to stay for about two days before they headed for the Lone Islands.

"So I hear of this dragon that has been terrorizing the Lone Islands", said Lord Filister.

"Yes", said King Gale, "We are to investigate it. And you, of course, will be representing the Seven Isles."

"Oh, your majesty", said Amari, "I've also heard of your engagement to a young woman named Carlotta, the noblewoman from here, the Seven Isles."

"I guess word got out fast then."

"By means, congratulations", said Filister.

"Thank you. And of course, you're all invited to the wedding that will take place once I get back to Narnia."

"How soon will it be?", asked Callaher.

"That we don't know. That will depend on how long we are at the Lone Islands, if we can make it out alive."

"You don't mean that.." asked Ischar Tarkaan.

"Oh, I suppose nothing will happen to any of us."

They stayed two nights at the Seven Isles then sailed on to the Lone Islands. It was going to be the adventure of a lifetime. They were to find out what the dragon could be and why it would be terrorizing the Lone Islands.

Re: The Lone Islands: A Narnia Story

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:49 pm
by jasmine_tarkheena
{Now Gale and his crew had arrived at the Lone Islands. Ready to find out what happens]

Chapter 11


There was a procession in the town of Narrowhaven, on the Island of Doorn, in the Lone Islands. Many of the citizens gathered around to see what it was.

"Make way for Gale, King of Narnia", said a crier as the procession was going on.

"Is that him, the king of Narnia?", asked a little girl.

"It must be", said a little boy.

There were many welcomes and greetings from the town of Narrowhaven. After the procession, King Gale and his comrades arrived in the chambers where they were to stay.

"So this must be the place where we'll hold council", said Amari.

"I think you're quite right", said Gale, "But first, we should get some rest before we hold any council."

So they decided to rest awhile and waited until the next day to hold council. While there, Gale thought of Narnia, his home and kingdom. He thought of Carlotta, his queen-to-be. But how long would he be away? There was no knowing. Then he thought of the dragon that has been terrorizing the Lone Islands. Could it be possible that this dragon was a human turned into a dragon? Then he remembered hearing about Aslan turning Calormenes in Telmar into dumb beasts for their wicked behavior. And could one of them have been a dragon? There was no knowing as of yet.

Cair Paravel

Carlotta was taking a stroll in the castle garden at Cair Paravel. She sure missed having Gale their with her, since they've often taken strolls there together. They even enjoyed riding out to the woods together. Then she saw Aslan appeared before her.

"Aslan", said Carlotta.

"Daughter, come with me", said Aslan, "I want to show you something."

Then Aslan showed Carlotta Cair Paravel and of all that it is.

"Gale must have told you of what is to come in Narnia", said Aslan.

"Yes, he did", said Carlotta, "He even told me of Jadis making herself Queen of Narnia and how four children will come from another world to put an end to her reign."

"Yes, they will. You and Gale are to rule Narnia with wisdom and justice and mercy and love. Some kings or queens will follow after you. But that day will come when Narnia will be oppressed by Jadis. She will care nothing more or less for mercy or justice."

"Oh my. What I am to do?"

"You must care for Narnia as a mother would care for her child. You and Gale must raise your children right."

"Do you know when he'll be back?"

"It all be revealed in time. Now, see those four thrones. Two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve will come from another world and sit on those four thrones."

"Gale has told me of this before. And you say they will come from another world."

"There is a secret passageway between worlds that you may not be aware of. They will when the time is revealed."

Then Aslan took Carlotta back to the castle garden at Cair Paravel. It was almost beyond words of all what Aslan was showing her. She decided to write to Gale to tell him of that Aslan has showed her.


In the meantime, Gale and his comrades were holding council, concerning the dragon that's been terrorizing the Lone Islands.

"So is this dragon is a demon?", asked Ischar Tarkaan.

"It must have been once a human", said Gale, "Aslan turned Calormenes in Telmar into dumb beasts."

"I've heard of that", said Lord Alvin, "I wonder what the dragon would be terrorizing the Lone Islands for."

"Please forgive me for interrupting", said a servant.

"Oh, no, not all", said Gale.

"Sire, a message came from Narnia. It's from Carlotta" and he handed Gale the letter.

Gale opened the letter, and he read it through. Carlotta said in the letter of all that Aslan had showed her, and how her dream or vision was similar to his. And of course, they would not reveal it to anyone else.

"So the dragon, a man?", asked Amari, "I wonder what his beastly behavior was."

"And what a dragon could have his eyes on", said Gale, "Great caution must take place. We do not know when it will be back in Narrowhaven."

"Quite right, Sire", said Ischar Tarkaan.

Cair Paravel

Zoggin was running things in Cair Paravel. He had a council meeting with the nymphs, Cloudwit, a Faun. He invited Carlotta to attend as well, since she was to be the future Queen of Narnia.

"So we hear of your engagement to his majesty, King Gale", said a dryad, "The other nymphs and I will be more than happy to make you a dress."

"I appreciate that", said Carlotta.

"A cherry blossom dryad, Miss Althea, is the palace seamstress", said Zoggin, "And of course, my fellow dwarfs and I will make you a crown."

"So what is there, concerning our new queen to be here?", asked a faun.

"She and Gale will rule Narnia with the help of Aslan and they have our council as well", said Zoggin, "Oh, I just received a message from his majesty. He says that he may be in the Lone Islands for a while. There's no knowing when the dragon will show up to terrorize the Lone Islands."

They all said a prayer to Aslan for protection of the Lone Islands and for their King Gale. Carlotta even said a prayer to bring Gale back to Narnia safely.

Re: The Lone Islands: A Narnia Story

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:29 pm
by jasmine_tarkheena
(I know it's been a while since I've updated on here. Hopefully you're still enjoying things about the Lone Islands)

Chapter 12


Months has passed since Gale and his comrades have arrived at the Lone Islands. He would often greet the people there, and gone to town meetings with the mayor of Narrowhaven. He even broke bread with him at one time or another. However, one night, he had troubled sleeping. He had so much on his mind.

"My lord king", said Ischar Tarkaan, "What is it? Trouble sleeping?"

"Yes", said Gale, "So much I have on my mind."

"What is about? Your country? Your subjects?"

"Well, yes."

"I'm sure you miss Carlotta a lot", said Lord Callahar, "I'm sure she can't wait for you get back home."

"I'm just hoping she's alright. I trusted Zoggin the dwarf and Cloudwit the Centaur to look after her until I got back. Yet it's been months since we came here. There still hasn't been any word about the dragon."

"i don't think she's forgotten about you", said Ischar Tarkaan, "In my country, Calormen, well, they don't have as much freedom. Husbands or wives are often chosen by parents. Even a Tarkaan has been known to have a younger wife."

"That is just wrong!"

"I'm actually thinking the same thing."

"Perhaps, my king, you should get some rest", said Amari, "We'll speak more in the morning."

Gale nodded, blew out the candle, and went to sleep. Even as he did, he kept thinking of Narnia during his absence.

Cair Paravel

It was night fall in Narnia, and Carlotta looked out the window from the bedroom where she was staying. The palace seamstress, Miss Althea, had come to see her.

"I was about to measure you for your wedding dress", said Miss Althea, "Even for your queenly garments. Perhaps we could do it another day."

"Gale has been gone for so long", said Carlotta, "It's been months since he's left for the Lone Islands."

"Have you heard from him?"

"Not in a quite a while. I'm beginning to think something has happened. I don't even know if he's alive."

"I did promise to keep you safe", said Zoggin, who came up, "Now I'm beginning to think the same."

Carlotta looked out and wondered if it was all a dream or reality. She sang as she pondered on this-

When our love all began,
We knew there'd be a price...

Once upon a dream,
We were lost in love's embrace.
There we found a perfect place,
Once upon a dream.

Once there was a time,
Like no other time before,
Hope was still an open door,
Once upon a dream.

And I was unafraid,
The dream was so exciting!
But now I can see it fade...
And I am here alone!

Once upon a dream,
He was heaven-sent to me,
Was it never meant to be?
Was it just a dream?

(spoken) Gale, if you are still out there,

Could we begin again!...
Once upon a dream.

"I'm sure he'll be back", said Cloudwit.

"Yes, but when?", asked Carlotta.


It was morning in Narrowhaven and Gale was having breakfast with his comrades. Soon, after breakfast, they were having another council meeting.

"It's been months since we came here", said Amari, "We still haven't heard word of the Dragon."

"I know", said Gale, "I am to get back to Narnia real soon, but it may be delayed."

"But your subjects may think you're dead", said Ischar Tarkaan.

"I am well aware of that. But I will stay unless I hear otherwise."

Gale went to his quarters for some privacy. All of a sudden, Aslan appeared before him.

"Aslan", said Gale, who kneeled before him, "How?"

"Son, your subjects back home think you are dead", said Aslan, "Even Carlotta, your fiancee, has been wondering the same thing... if it was all a dream."

"I've thought a lot about her, wondering if she's safe."

"Yes, she is. Now, you must come with me. I am to show you something."

"What is it?"

Aslan showed Gale of the eternal winter, the return of spring, and four children reigning at Cair Paravel. Even more so, Aslan showed Gale the kingdom of Archenland, who has been Narnia's friends and allies. Then showed him twins being born to the king of Archenland. One of the twins was stolen, and was adopted by a poor fisher man from Calormen.

"What is that?", asked Gale.

"Keep watching", said Aslan.

Then Aslan showed Gale a boy and a Talking horse, along with a Calormene girl and talking mare making a journey. Then the boy was reunited with his birth father and twin brother. Calormenes have come to invade Archenland and Calormen, but it be saved by one boy, a prince of Archenland. Then there was another vision... another enemy, the Telmarines, coming to invade Narnia. They attempt to wipe out old Narnia, yet would one day be restored by a young prince with help from four children. Then there was another vision. About 30 Calormene soldiers were disguised as merchants, and they were making a deal with a talking ape. Then the Calormene navy taking on Cair Paravel.

"Aslan, what is all this that you're showing me?", asked Gale.

"These are what are to come to pass for many years to come", said Aslan, "For a time, Narnia will be at peace. It will one day be taken by the evil sorceress, Jadis, who will make herself Queen. Then her reign will come to an end at the arrival of four children from another world. They will rule during the time when Calormen will attempt to conquer Narnia and Archenland, but it will be stopped by a young prince of Archenland. Then the Telmarines will come and take Narnia for their own, and try to remove old Narnia. Then a young Telmarine prince, with help of the four children, will bring back the old days. During that time, there will be peace and rest in Narnia. Then, afterwards, the Calormenes will once again attempt to conquer Narnia. For a while they will succeed, but their victory will be short lived."

"So you're showing me the future?"

"Yes, and it will all come to pass. You and Carlotta are to rule your country well with mercy and justice. One more ruler, a Queen, will follow you, before the Tree of Protection dies, and Jadis comes down to conquer Narnia."

"So my child will be the last monarch of Narnia?"

"Yes, right until the four that is to come from another world."

After awhile, Aslan took Gale back to his quarters. Soon, Aslan disappeared at a moment. Gale could not believe what he had just seen. It was almost crazy to think that Aslan was showing him the future of Narnia, even right to the end.

["Once Upon Dream" from Jekyll and Hyde @Frank Wildhorn and Leslie Bricusse, all rights reserved.]