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Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:08 pm
by trufflehunter
Did anyone else grow up watching the 1979 cartoon film of LWW? I watched it hundreds of times. I always loved the music, and finally tracked down a rare promo release of it on cd. I found out who composed it, and screwed up my courage. I emailed him to tell him how much I loved the music and what a big part of my childhood it was. He replied! He was so charming and it made my day!

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:39 am
by always narnian
Woah! That's so awesome you got a reply!

But no, I am afraid I did not grow up with it. My best friend did, though, which is quite funny. I saw it later, a year or two ago, and I almost found it kind of...creepy! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I watched it again. But some old cartoons kind of are odd to me. I grew up with the old Lord of the Rings cartoons, though, and always liked them. I think it depends sometimes on if you grew up with it or not. I do not remember the music to the LWW cartoon. Maybe I'll have to give it another go.

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:33 am
by hobbit_of_narnia
Oh, my goodness, the cartoon LWW was my first introduction to Narnia; I must have seen it first when I was four or five, a couple years before I first read it. People may criticize it because of the green-haired orange-skinned Tumnus and the Pevensies' awful clothes, but my having seen it before reading it makes me more loyal to it than to the BBC. :P I just recently watched it again after not having seen it for years, and laughed until I cried because for some reason it struck me as funny. I love Aslan's size, though...
That's so cool that you got a letter from the composer! :mrgreen:

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:48 pm
by trufflehunter
I think if I'd not seen it before, I'd find it a little odd too! And there are funny parts too. But it was my own door into Narnia. In my head the narnia I know is a mixture of this and pauline baynes' illustrations. I think the story was so strong it leapt out at me.

The composer was so lovely. He's British but he lives in America now.

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:00 am
by jesusgirl4ever
I just watched it for the first time. Horray for blonde Lucys!... Have any of y'all watched the deleted scene? If so, what was with Queen Susan the Valiant and Queen Lucy the Wise???

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:36 pm
by hobbit_of_narnia
A deleted scene? :o I don't believe I've seen it.
Queen Susan the Valiant and Queen Lucy the Wise, though... :? Were the boys' titles the same?

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:16 am
by jesusgirl4ever
Yes, they were.

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:50 pm
by Lil
hobbit_of_narnia wrote:Oh, my goodness, the cartoon LWW was my first introduction to Narnia; I must have seen it first when I was four or five, a couple years before I first read it. People may criticize it because of the green-haired orange-skinned Tumnus and the Pevensies' awful clothes, but my having seen it before reading it makes me more loyal to it than to the BBC. :P I just recently watched it again after not having seen it for years, and laughed until I cried because for some reason it struck me as funny. I love Aslan's size, though...
That's so cool that you got a letter from the composer! :mrgreen:
That version holds a special place in my heart. It's funny thought because to my little childish mind it was better than the BBC version. I really have no clue why I thought so except I was very opinionated as a child. One of the things I enjoy (I think Kristi may have mentioned this.) I think it is the only one to include "the romp" before heading out to the battle.

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:10 pm
by hobbit_of_narnia
Ah, yes, the romp! I loved the romp! And the white flowers appearing wherever he stood during it...I've always liked that. :)

Re: Cartoon film of LWW and its music.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:57 am
by hansgeorg
trufflehunter wrote:I always loved the music, and finally tracked down a rare promo release of it on cd. I found out who composed it, and screwed up my courage. I emailed him to tell him how much I loved the music and what a big part of my childhood it was. He replied! He was so charming and it made my day!
Well, what is his name?

His having composed music for that is obviously not a private business, but a public pride of his.