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BBC serial

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:50 am
by Ajnos
I know there are a number of us on here that really love the BBC version of the Chronicles. It's a pity they never made all the books. And it would be really cool if they ever decided to make new ones considering the number of talented actors and writers and effects available to the BBC these days. Oh, well.

It's incredible how technology has advanced since these were made. At the time some of their effects were considered "cutting edge".

So what's your opinion of the BBC Chronicles? Which is your favourite? Which actors do you think best portrayed their characters? I think my favourite is The Silver Chair production (yay for Tom Baker Puddleglum!!!). I also really liked Samuel West's King Caspian.

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:28 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Honestly, I'm not a fan of the BBC Narnias (I forced myself to watch all of them all the way through). I recognize the work that they put into them and that technology then wasn't like it is now, but I don't find them particularly stimulating personally.
Of the four, though, I can say I liked SC most (though seriously, what was up with uber-creepy Rilian?!). It might have been simply because SC was my favourite Narnia book at the time (granted, it's still in my top three), or it might have been that the adventure was more interestingly portrayed (to me, anyway) than the others.
As for best actors, the only one that I really remember after a few years for his performance was the kid who played Edmund.

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:45 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
My family watched PC and VDT a looooonnnnnggg time ago. (Seriously, I was, like, 8.) I don't remember much except that I thought Reep looked like a baby bear. I don't know why that stuck with me, but it did.

Jaygee prefers the Walden films, even if they ruined them. :lol:

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:27 pm
by albero1
The thing I remember most about SC (I watched it a few months back) is that Puddleglum was really creepy...

I don't really like BBC very much, probably because most of the movies I watch have really good special effects... or they're animated. :D

Edit: I didn't mean to put that I watched it a few years back... I edited it now, though. :D

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:55 pm
by The Happy Islander
And then there's me, who dislikes fancy special effects much more often than she likes them. ;) Just 'cause I'm weird like that :lol:

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:57 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
I don't remember Puddleglum being creepy (Rilian sure was though!). But then, I haven't watched those for... four to six years.

(Ah, don't judge the BBC by the Narnias. They've made at least a couple other things since that have been very good.)

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:59 pm
by albero1
@Ariel: I meant I don't like the BBC Narnias... ;)

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:21 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Ah, well, if you put it that way. I give them some amount of leeway on the effects front since they were made quite some time ago (even if I still can't get over a winged Bagheera or flying flaming skulls), but I'm not a fan of them either. :)

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:45 am
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
Ariel, I agree BBC Rilian was a little too creepy.

I have very much enjoyed the BBC Narnia versions and I watched them many times when I was little. One strength they have, in addition to being closer to the books, is that the children are really children instead of being teenagers.

One part my family has always found silly is when Rilian takes off and BREAKS the plastic helmet he's wearing! He's like, showing off that it is plastic instead of metal. I guess they thought he needed practice before he took a sword to the silver chair.

Another nice thing is the way Reepicheep is done, I think it is amazing how Warwick Davis plays the character. The mouse costume is obviously a costume, but you forget it when you see his performance. (Or at least, I do, maybe because I was so young when I first saw it.)
Jesusgirl4ever wrote:My family watched PC and VDT a looooonnnnnggg time ago. (Seriously, I was, like, 8.) I don't remember much except that I thought Reep looked like a baby bear. I don't know why that stuck with me, but it did.
Maybe because he also played an Ewok in Star Wars?

Re: BBC serial

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:27 am
by ShiofNarnia
I grew up watching the BBC Narnias. It's true they are not the best in quality, but they are very faithful to the books.
I do not know what they did with Rilian though .... the mask is ridiculous (plastic, indeed, Hermit) and when he takes it off its like he's a completely different person. Before that, they made him really weird, like flying off the handle crazy guy. He wasn't like that in the book.
BBC has come a lot further with their films, I think. They should re-do the Narnia series :)