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Lily's NAPO 2019

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:35 pm
by Lily of Archenland
Looking Glass

Come away with me -

Upon a path of dreaming -

Past the golden sun-drenched mirror’s gleaming,

Into the house beyond the corner of the frame.

Things will be different there.

Our twins will stare

Silently, when we first walk in,

And then they’ll grin.

Re: Lily's NAPO 2019

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:40 pm
by Lily of Archenland

I hold your fragile cup, oh!, carefully.

(Do not let it break.)

It is so full, light dancing on the brim.

(Do not let it spill.)

I bring it to you, stepping shallowly.

(Fingers dare not quake.)

Hold fast though it’s unsteady as a whim.

(Too deep a breath I take.)

I do not dare a drop to lose.

Too late to fail or to refuse.



My words are small,

My thoughts are tall.

I cannot fit them through the wall.

You only see a scurry like mice

Babbling by you in a trice

And not what lurks beyond the door.

The big old rat a-nibbling

Where my heart is sore.

Re: Lily's NAPO 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:15 am
by Lily of Archenland
our house-guest

The tiger sleeps deeply tonight,

Sprawled across my living room.

His teeth are hidden,

His back soft as a carpet.

I am full of fish and tea and contentment

As we talk over and around him

Of everything, and nothing;

All ready to forget things like

The stormy forecast for tomorrow,

And the tiger’s sleeping claws.

Re: Lily's NAPO 2019

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 10:50 pm
by Lily of Archenland

So many songs from you,
My small morning window-guest,
I'd think you multitude.

rereading, again

I hear the echoes of past self
In your pages -
First wonder layered with
New meaning -
Younger paths find
A new beginning.
You are winning
My mind
Again, I'm leaning
In to hear your voice entwine a myth -
I love you more than sages -
You impossible storied wealth.

Re: Lily's NAPO 2019

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:00 pm
by Lily of Archenland

Snatches of story and song swim inside me

While the air is full of freshwater sea.

Do they think my mind is the missing ocean?

Do they come from the clouds to be with me?

I am filled by the fishes’ motion,

Diving and flickering and gleaming free.

after the storm

A drop of wonder

Liquid and living jewel

Unnoticed in leaves

Re: Lily's NAPO 2019

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:15 pm
by Lily of Archenland

Silence is ringing

In a white echo chamber

Abandoning my voice

little sister

My quiet girl

You are finding your voice

Standing tall against the shadows that once

Crawled in the corners and waited

To steal breath,

Learning your own way to walk

Down the uneven paths life sends you.

You are a woman now,

Though you haven’t lost your playfulness

And games and toys,

You often seem to be more grown-up than me

Your elder–

Steadfast, silver-streaked, “hard work and loyalty” girl,

My music-handed number-minded full of light.

Re: Lily's NAPO 2019

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:09 am
by Lil
Lovely Poems, Lily!

Re: Lily's NAPO 2019

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 7:31 am
by hobbit_of_narnia
Wow, these are really amazing! :o I love them!