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Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:05 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Today’s word of the day is hyperthral, meaning “partly or wholly open to the sky, having no roof”. My mind went straight to the ruins of Cair Paravel.

Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:15 pm
by cleander
Whilst walking through the department above the one I work in, I chanced to see that their quote of the month was from C.S. Lewis! :D
(The quote was "Integrity is doing what's right even when no one's looking." I'm not 100% sure of the authenticity of that though. I know there are a lot of fake Lewis quotes out there.)

Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:06 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
My Bible study has been going through Romans 8 and talking over the doctrine of election. One thing that my leader said rang a bell: that we respond to the salvation call only because He first chose us. I now see a new layer to Aslan telling Jill, “You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you.” The election angle works further here considering that Jill didn’t know a thing about Aslan till then and yet he still called her specifically.


Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 2:45 am
by daughterofeve3
This isn't something in the books I ever wanted to relate to, but I think know how the Peter, Edmund, and Lucy felt when Susan gave up Narnia. My sister best friend, or... as last use to be, is giving up on their friendship and I fear sister is as well. At least my sister given up on trying to make it.

It hurt me because they been best friends for eight years and have been there for each other in good bad time. They were like sisters and her was like a another sister. Now it like none of matters and I ask my sister if she wanted to pray about it together, but I guess she's done praying about it.

Sorry if this was inappropriate to part, I just... need to talk someone about it.

Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 6:53 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
I’m sorry their relationship is in such a difficult spot. I understand some of the hurt you’re all feeling. Even if your sister shows no interest in praying about it, keep at it. You never know what may come of it.

Watched an episode of the 1960s Batman tonight in which the number seven played a small role. “What else comes in sevens?” Batman asks. I said, “The seven lords of Narnia.”

Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 2:05 am
by daughterofeve3
I'll never stop praying, I know God can mend their friendship and I know he'll never give up on and neither will I.

Also, there was this one time I was in in Walmart wearing a shirt a Lion on it and said "behold the lion of judah". This guy come up to me and ask if the Lion on my shirt was Aslan. I remember smiling and saying in a way he was.

Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 8:54 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Very good. :)

That’s a really cool interaction!

Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 8:08 pm
by cleander
Last week I was reading The Last Battle in the car... when i happened to look out the window and see we were passing a field with a donkey in it!

Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 6:35 pm
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
That's funny, Cleander. At least, in this world the donkey is safe from Shift.

Re: My life is Narnia

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 8:49 am
by Benisse
On my Mother's Day card, my daughter made an acrostic out of my Spare Oom name, and the the "A" stood for:
A Narnia holic