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Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:14 pm
by Lil
I just watched Marvel Rising: Initiation the other day. Seeing Animated Daisy Johnson was cool.

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:10 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
The Avengers 4 teaser has dropped and I have conflicting desires for this movie. Sad Tony! Crying Cap! Clint at last! Hopeless-ish Cap! Scott doing his thing!

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:48 pm
by Lil
Tony's monologue was so sad!

There's a picture going around of gwyneth paltrow in an Iron Man suit and something about a "Rescue" persona maybe? so I have hope for Tony. And there was another thing about an actress being added to the movie for an unnamed role. So I know there's speculation that it could be Kate Bishop. (Hawkeye's Protegee?) but then that would mean his family got dusted possible then... (or something worse! :shock: ) If he's not on a mission for the avengers but on his own, what if Natasha brings him back to the Avengers, that would be some nice symmetry.

And Cap, oh Cap. He's the one I'm worried about the most. I feel like He's the most probable to die. Although, I suppose he could be left behind in time/space should they do some time or reality travel.

I really hope they bring back Quicksilver, but I mean I kinda doubt it.

Oh That trailer is so exciting I woke up this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. :(

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 4:59 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
I hadn’t really thought of Pepper taking on a superhero role, though that’s not out of the running. (I’m personally hoping she’s pregnant.)
I thought that the speculation about the new girl was an older Cassie Lang. But, since it’s merely speculation, there’s nothing to say that it couldn’t be Kate Bishop. Which, I guess would work because Clint is now Ronin and... yeah.
Hadn’t thought of the Nat-brings-him-back-to-the-Avengers angle! It’s a cool thought.

I’m almost certain Cap is gonna die. And I’m conflicted because I’m protective of him, but at the same time, this is the best and most fitting time for him to do so, especially if it’s a sacrifice he makes (and the likelihood of that is crazy high), so I also want him to die.
Some are thinking that Tony will die, but I think he’s got a 50-50 chance. On the one hand, this is the perfect time for him to die (especially since he started the MCU), but on the other hand, the worst possible time, what with his engagement to Pepper, a kid maybe on the way, and Peter Parker (and maybe Harley?) to mentor. If he lives, though, I expect him to retire as Iron Man. Permanently.

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:17 pm
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
I don't want Cap to die, I mean, if everyone survives Avengers: Endgame is not going to feel as real - especially with what happened in the last movie. But this MCU Captain America was someone I can understand and empathize with much more than the comic book version. The comic book version is so into duty that he doesn't smile or joke much. I get that the actor might want to focus on other things after playing Cap for ten years, though.

I have spent too much time trying to figure out how they are going to solve the Infinity War crisis.

The real question I have is why is Tony in the Guardian's spaceship when he knows it does not have enough power left to get him anywhere. This doesn't sound like something Tony would do. Was the ship attacked by Thanos or did Tony misread the alien language and think it had more supplies than it did?

Also, how did Scott Lang get out of the Quantum Zone?

And I love how they make Hawkeye look like Mordo from Dr. Strange for a second. Luthien and I were speculating that Mordo could defeat Thanos because he has "anti-magic-magic." Does that make any sense?

What if the entire trailer is fake footage this time?

If the purpose of the trailer is to create more suspense than there was before, it worked.

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:27 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
I love Cap, believe me. No one has even come close to dethroning him, even though I do have a bunch of other characters I love. The thing with the possibility of Cap dying, though, is that he’d be 1) the best candidate for death (along with Stark) because he’s had a good run in the MCU and this is the perfect time to phase him out, 2) his death would be the most impactful (also along with Stark) because he’s been such a bulwark — primary leader of the Avengers, the strategist of the team, the one with the best moral compass, etc —, so losing him would hurt, 3) ... listen, if Marvel wants to hit me hard enough to cry (note that I’ve only cried in AoS a couple times), the best/worst thing they can do to me is kill Cap. I have a thing for noble characters dying noble deaths, no matter how much I’d rather keep them alive for my benefit. It’s a love/hate thing. :D

Tony’s only way of getting off Titan are either the Guardians’ ship or whatever Nebula arrived in. He arrived on Ebony Maw’s “flying donut”, which he and Spidey crashed. Nebula’s transportation, I assume, would have been a smaller vessel, chosen for speed, utility, and likely shorter distances. Thus, he and Nebula have no choice but to go with the larger ship. (Also, we don’t know how long they’ve been floating in space before he records his message to Pepper. I assume it’s a while.)

I want to know how Scott gets out of the quantum zone too....

I never even thought of Mordo, probably because I knew it was Clint, haha. His costume appears consistent with his Ronin persona from the comics and I can’t wait to see him in action.

... If it’s all fake footage, then Marvel gets huge points for trolling! Rather doubt it though. :)

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:23 pm
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
I get what you mean about noble sacrifice and that Cap is the best Avenger and the moral center and his death would mean the most to the movie, but I'm still annoyed about losing Spider-man, since he's my favorite - followed by Cap, then Peggy Carter in the MCU.

And I know Spider-man has another movie that is probably not a prequel, but I don't like year-long cliffhangers.

I suppose I should be glad Cap has survived as long as he has in the MCU, in the comics he was assassinated after the Marvel Civil War, and Sam Wilson took over the Captain America costume for a while.

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:06 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
I get ya. Spider-man’s death was the worst. And considering that Bucky’s hit me hard.... But yeah, I’m pretty sure we can expect Spidey to come back, along with Strange, Bucky, T’challa, and at least some of the Guardians.

Hm, yes. Very glad he didn’t just get killed off at the end of Civil War, heh-heh. I was hoping MCU!Bucky would take the Captain America mantle (as he also did in the comics before Sam ever did), but White Wolf is his moniker now, and I doubt that’s gonna change.

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 1:12 pm
by Lil
I just watched the new Endgame trailer. It has a little snippet of Clint teaching someone archery and smiling. I feel like to could be his kids before the devistation :cry: or...... Kate

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:42 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
The Endgame trailer gave me my favourite thing: CHARACTER! Kudos to the marketing team for utilizing the power of storytelling: each of the characters that the trailer focused on (so I’m not counting Rocket, Nebula, or Carol, who basically cameoed) have this personal struggle and goal. And I love that. Especially since it’s done in such a short amount of time.
Also, love the motto and the way it’s delivered: “Whatever it takes.”

Regarding archery-girl... Clint’s smile makes me want to say it’s Lila, but it won’t surprise me in the least if it’s Kate Bishop.