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Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:20 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia

I won’t be saying much about Endgame, but I did want to put out a bit of info so you know about some of the less desirable content without potential spoilage.
1) We all know Marvel doesn’t shy from swearing. No exception here. In some scenes, it feels more frequent than normal, even though some of the less common choice words from Infinity War do not reappear. Note that a young child says a particular word twice and that Jesus’ name is taken once.
2) There is a conversation in which a date (and a future date) is clearly stated as being of a... nature that TLC policy states there is to be no forum discussion about. For the sake of those who would appreciate the warning, I’m Leaving it at that. (Thankfully, it is not between any of the characters we know.)
3) A couple jokes are made about one character’s physical build. Well, actually, two characters, but the jokes about the one are more problematic.
4) It’s a superhero movie, and one that follows Infinity War no less, so there are a couple moments of intenser violence. Overall, it’s not as bad as Infinity War on that count, but still bears a forewarning.

Edit: I just took a peek at PluggedIn’s review. They’ve kept a lot of information on the down-low, so if you want more particulars on the above, I certify their review as safe from spoilers.

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:36 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Not sure where else to put this, so... here’s my first-ever music video! I’m kinda ashamed that Narnia is not the subject, but inspiration was strong with this one. Presenting “You’re My Little Girl”, featuring Scott and Cassie Lang. (YouTube is not affiliated with TLC, click at your own risk.)

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:29 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
The show’s not over yet (one episode to go), but The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is not cutting it for me. I love these characters and was excited to finally get them in a “buddy cop” sort of shindig that I’ve been wanting since Civil War. This isn’t that (despite the trailers; somebody give the trailer guy a raise). Simply put, I’ gonna have to go back to daydreaming over what a “buddy cop” adventure with Sam and Bucky should actually look like.
(Note that the violence is upped from the usual Marvel fare; it’s more like the Dark Knight trilogy. Note also that language volume is sometimes increased (given 45-min episodes), and there’s so far been one case of a misuse of Jesus’ name.)

(Light spoilers below)

What I’m enjoying:
- Bucky working through having been the Winter Soldier. This arc (not actually explored in the films, but certainly worked over by fans) intrigues me. What are the highs? What are the lows? How does he reconcile his past with his future? This was begun in ep 1 and hasn’t been touched much since (though its culmination will come in the finale... leastwise, it better)
- Zemo. He comes off as a little more carefree than in Civil War (though at least some of that is a front), but he’s calculating and methodical.
- John Walker (aka the “new” Captain America) in ep 5. I despise the character (as I’m supposed to), but ep 5 (and a scene each in eps 2 and 4) offered glimpses of what could lead to character dissection. Personal preference, but I love poking through characters’ minds.
- The occasional humour that sticks the landing.

What I’m not enjoying:
- The theme attached to Sam’s arc. First off, it’s not consistent with what we’ve seen of Sam before. If it wasn’t a big deal to him in prior material, why is it suddenly such a big deal now? Eps 2 and 5 are the main culprits here (and I imagine there’ll be some bleeding over into ep 6 because of the culmination of eps 2 and 5). I’ve seen whole 2-hour films that literally centered around this very theme than handled it WAY better.
- Sam and Bucky’s relationship. These guys were practically pals in Civil War (or were gearing up to be). Whatever is going on here is... not that. Whoever wrote this didn’t understand the dynamic set up before and doesn’t seem to know what setup to go with now, because sometimes they’re cool and sometimes they can’t stand the sight of each other, but not in a buddy-cop-movie sort of way (as it was in Civil War and the trailers). It’s weird and awkward and doesn’t match what we knew of them before.
- Bucky’s skill level. The dude was the Winter Soldier. He should be a greater menace in a fight.
- The Flag Smashers. I get what they’re doing, where they’re coming from, but I don’t much care. The theme attached to them is an interesting enough concept to explore, given the context of Endgame, but its execution feels like another “timely” theme getting shoved on us.
- Poor weaving of themes and arcs. Everything feels so separate from each other, which means that things get inconsistent attention/development. The show feels like it’s crammed with things it wants to say without making it a coherent whole.
- All the humour that doesn’t stick the landing. (I’m looking especially hard at you, ep 2). I struggle with writing humour, so I 100% understand it’s not everybody’s forte, but yikes.

The summary: the characters (particularly Sam and some of Bucky) are off, the themes are hit over the head with all the grace of a Hulk-smash, and while there are scenes and elements I enjoy, overall... disappointing for this Sam and Bucky fan.
That feels better. I wanted to get that all out of system.

Re: Marvel Movies *SPOILERS* Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 8:28 am
by knightofnarnia
I watched the new ant-man and the wasp quantiunium (I think that is the last word there) okay but I prefered the first ant-man.