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Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:35 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
Here, we can chat about a galaxy far, far away...and I can grill those of you who've seen Force Awakens for spoilers!

First off...I'm still in denial about, well, y'know, a certain someone's death. GEORGE LUCAS, HOW COULD YOU?????

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:24 pm
by cor
Haha Poor Jaygee!

So I just watched it for a second time and during Han's death scene (The title says spoilers!) Ren says, "I know what I have to do. I just don't know if Im strong enough. Will you help me?" He's Asking Han to help him kill his dad. He also said he didn't know if he was strong enough to do it. Which means he still loves him (Or did, I don't know)

I had some other theories but I don't remember them at the time.

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 12:51 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
All I know is, Kylo Ren was/is messed up.

So, who's everyone's favorite character? Mine's Padmé, with Leia a close second.

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 1:54 pm
by knightofnarnia
Harrison Ford years ago said he wanted his character (Han Solo) in Star Wars to die. JJ just gave him his wish. My favorite character is Luke. In the Force Awakens though it's Rey. Personally this movie is my second least liked one of the serie (The worst in my opinion was episode III though some have diffrent opinions of course).

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 3:24 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
Yeah. I blame Harrison Ford for Han's death.

Like is probably my favorite male character. I'm sure I'll like Rey whenever I get to see TFA.

*edit: Luke, not Like. :roll: ( ;) )

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:28 pm
by Lucy Took
jesusgirl4ever wrote:
First off...I'm still in denial about, well, y'know, a certain someone's death. GEORGE LUCAS, HOW COULD YOU?????
He didn't. George Lucas kept his grubby little hands off of TFA. That was JJ. Abrams (And possibly Harrison Ford's) move. And it was one that made sense story-wise.

I really like the direction that this new trilogy is going. The original was rebels fighting the dark side from the outside, the prequils were the dark side working from the inside to corrupt the light side and I'm hoping that this trilogy is about the light side infiltrating the dark side. The most obvious example of that in this movie was Finn discovering that he knew deep down that murder was wrong no matter how hard he'd been trained. There were even signs of Kylo Ren having doubts about what he was doing, and while what he did on the bridge was abominable I think that it's something that he's never going to get over. I'm hoping that this trilogy has a lot of twist and turns of characters switching sides, and not just from good to bad and I think that Finn is a great start.

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:29 am
by knightofnarnia
jesusgirl4ever I think you should watch it soon or we are going to ruin it for you.

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:23 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
I don't really care. I'm probably not seeing it till it comes out on DVD, anyway. :(

(And you can call me Jaygee. ;) )

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 2:00 pm
by knightofnarnia
Alright Jaygee, I was going to post why Rey is my favorite character in the Force Awakens and why she isn't my favorite overall. Here it goes.
Warning Major Spoilers
1 Rey is honest. She could have sold BB8 but the droid didn't belong to her and so she refused. (She may also have been influenced by old memories but it doesn't take away from her honesty)
2 Rey is independent. She scavenges for a living and doesn't hesitate to exchange words or a blow from the stick she caries around.
3 Rey has a great amount of knowledge. Naturally since she is a scavenger you would expect her to know mechanics. But she also has language skills (Wookie and BB8's language to name just two).
But the main reason why Rey isn't my favorite character overall is... her independence. Yes I know that is also a reason why I like her but it is possible to be too independent. Like when she tells Finn to let go of her hand and then later gives him hers so that she can lead him to "safety". Also the fact that she never kisses Finn. Not because she doesn't want to but because it doesn't seem to be compatible with her independent nature (at least that is what I feel from the character).

Re: Star Wars Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!)

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:27 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Just popping in to share a video I found that even I find highly amusing: Star Wars in 99 seconds. (YouTube is not affiliated with TLC; click at your own risk. In addition to that warning, be careful in checking out other stuff by this guy as at least a few of his videos include inappropriate lyrics.)