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Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:09 pm
by 1aslanfan
I suppose I should've done this a long time ago, seeing as it's been almost three years since I joined TLC... :shock: Oops...
Anywho, you guys can call me Alice! (Not my real name, but what Tenny has dubbed me :D ) Some of you may have talked to me in the chat room on the main site. I have been born and raised in the United Methodist Church, but I love learning about and am open to all other faiths!
I guess my fascination with Narnia started when I was very (and I mean very) young. In 2005 to be exact. I grew up watching LWW with my siblings, read my dad's boxed set of The Chronicles twice before I even reached the 7th grade, and now avidly collect any piece of movie/book history I can (although that really applies to every movie/book I've ever been a fan of ;) ).
I hail from the Mitten (that's in the USA), and I love reading (surprise, surprise), movies, archery, my dog, my friends, traveling with my family, road trips with my church friends, going to church, listening to music, playing my flute and ukulele, and singing. I don't have any blood relatives or real life friends (that I know of) on TLC, but I consider all of you my family! I hope I get to know you guys a lot better than I have, and to be more consistent in my participation on this site. (inconsistency, I'm afraid, is one of my many flaws) Can't wait!

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:31 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
Hi there! Nice to meet you!

I'm Jaygee! (Gpys and Cor call me Jaygers sometime. Dunno why, but if you like that, you can use it, too.). I'm a Christian homeschooler. Can't remember a time when I wasn't a Narnia fan... ;)
Recently watched LotR and TH and loved BoFA, in an "I'm about to cry the whole time" kind of way. :lol: I've recently read the books for the first time!
I've also seen Star Wars and loved it. :P
I like reading, writing, hanging out on TLC, and playing with my younger cousins. I play the piano and like to sing.

I've also got a cousin called Aygee floating around somewhere. :D

Hope to see you around! :D

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:36 pm
by narniac101
Hi, Alice!! Welcome to TLC! :) It's great to have you back!

I'm Narniac, TLC's resident Stelf, and new crafts contributor. (Stelf would be Narnian Star/Elf. I'm a shapeshifter. ;) ) Mostly everybody calls me Nia, or Nan. I'm a homeschooled teenage girl, and I like Narnia, LotR, Star Wars, and Studio C a loooooot. Either VDT or SC would be my favorite Narnia books. I'm also an archer, not-so-great artist, and I like to sew and knit. I'm partially obsessed with swords, daggers, and Gollum, but don't mind that. :? I hope to get to know you better! :D

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:46 pm
by 1aslanfan
Thanks guys! And Nia, Studio C is life! :D

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:47 pm
by hobbit_of_narnia
Hey, Alice! I'm Hobbit, and Alex is my RL brother. Hope to see you around in the forums! :)

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:14 pm
by daughterofaslan
Hi, Alice!!! I'm Dazzle, an (almost) teenage girl, and a sister of Chess and Pev, and I love Narnia, Animals (mostly dolphins, sharks, horses and cats), reading, movies, church, hanging out with friends, and of course, TLC. :D
I hope to get to know you better soon!!

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:39 pm
by alexandanor
*runs in*
I'm late! I'm late!! I'm late for a... ...never mind.
Hello, Alice! Sir Alexandanor Thiader Gamgee's the name, but you can can call me Alex. I am the royal maker of sets, protector of hobbits, and ranger of forums. :mrgreen: I'm hobbit_of_narnia's real life brother, and albero1 goes to the same home-school group as we do.

I'd seen you around before, but I'm glad to actually meet you. I hope we'll see you around on the forum more!

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:58 am
by ShiofNarnia
Hey there, Alice! Pleased to meet ya! I'm Shi. I've never met you before cause I'm mainly active on the forum. So hopefully I'll see you around!
Anyway, I'm real life sisters with always narnian, and I love Narnia, Lord of the Rings, dogs, otters, the color green, and good food. :)

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:07 am
by anunknownpevensie
Hullo, Alice! I am Pev, for short; to most of the people here. :) I am Bro to Chess and Dazzle, and I hail from US also.
I have been intrigued with Narnia ever since I knew about it. To tell the truth, that was only a couple years ago. :? I breath up anything Narnian I can get my hands on, and I put it in my brain. :) I am an avid fiction-historian and reader in most senses. I too, collect history of my well-liked worlds. If you ever need any info on Arda (the continent middle-earth is on) and it's history or the history of the dwellers therein; or on Narnia and the customs/peoples therein; and recently a little star wars (that will grow slowly over time, I think. I saw them for the first time recently), PM me. :P I am also a student of languages, in another sense. I am learning Sindarin (the form of elvish spoken most at the time of the War of The Ring), and it would be my pleasure to learn about twenty other languages counted. More uncounted.

I play Trombone and Violin decently, I am learning Tin Whistle, and I know nothing but a little idea of guitar; but I play it nonetheless. I love listening to music, and I plan on doing Celtic dance and Parkour sometime soon as well. :) I am probably the oddest combinations of an idea for a career you will see online. :D I am also apart of a form of Christianity, to say something. I do not think it has a name, other than perhaps "Really biblical and friendly".

I am an archer also. That was partly inspired by Susan, to a small degree; but I already had it in me. (I think a lot of it actually came from Legolas). I love most animals, and doing things with my hands.

I will be seeing you around now and then. Due to lack of decent wifi, I am only able to be on now-and-then. :) Go figure. :lol:

Re: Greetings from the Mitten!

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:41 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Hello, Alice! Don't worry about only introducing yourself now; I hung around the site a long while myself before even joining the chat/forum community. :D
I'm Ariel, one of the staff members here on TLC; if ever you encounter any problems, feel free to shoot me a PM! The bulk of my "job" here is to help moderate the forum threads, but I'm also a co-leader of our Writers' Group (to which you're totally welcome; we meet in the chat room every Saturday at 5pm Pacific), the writing contest coordinator, and a contributor to the YouTube channel.
I'm a Christian adult who loves to read, write, watch films, play with videos, mess in Photoshop, and other such things. I'm part of multiple fandoms, but my largest is definitely Narnia (a love which has only increased the older I get ("every year you grow, so shall I"? ;) ), followed by Middle-earth lore and How To Train Your Dragon, and then everything else I'm interested in. I got into Narnia in the summer of 2005 when my best friend at the time forced me to listen to her Focus on the Family CD's. I've wanted to do archery since I was five (thanks to Disney's Robin Hood). I'm not around horses anywhere near enough. I did take eleven years of piano, but have only ever plinked about when in the right mood in the presence of a piano. Like some of our members, I too like to "masquerade" on the site, though I chose the form of a Daughter of Eve who is a knight (or a ranger, when I'm in a more casual mood).
Oh, and I can be crazy, but then, most of us are to some extent or another. :D
Welcome to TLC and I hope to see you around in the forum!