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Jasmine introduction

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 3:44 pm
by jasmine_tarkheena
Hello, I am Jasmine

I've heard about this website, so I decided to join another Narnia community besides Narniaweb. Great way to connect with other Narnia fans around the world. It has helped grow in my faith as a Christian. It's a great time of fellowship as well.

Re: Jasmine introduction

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 8:37 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Hello, Jasmine! We’re always glad to see a new face. It’s pretty quiet on the forum these days, but you’re welcome to continue jumping in as you have; you may find more interaction through the chat on the homepage, as a few of us will pop in and out throughout the day.

Narnia has had a special effect on my own spiritual growth as well, lifting the “veil of familiarity”, as Lewis put it.

What’s your favourite book? Character? Life lesson? Quote?

Re: Jasmine introduction

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:12 pm
by jasmine_tarkheena
Favorite book has changes from time to time. I think it's Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It's kind of a journey story. Caspian is out to seek out seven lords who were banished by Miraz. Reepicheep has this longing to see Aslan's country at the world's end. It's an unique book because this one doesn't actually have a villain (unless you count Governor Gumpas and Pug as villains, though I don't think they're in the story much). Each of the characters struggle within themselves- Eustace with greed, causing him to turn into a dragon (no wonder because dragons have been known for being hoarders), Caspian also with greed, with being the richest king of Narnia, Caspian and Edmund fight over who should be the one in power, even Lucy struggles with wanting to be beautiful like her sister. So it's a journey-type story with obstacles they had to overcome.

My favorite character is Emeth from The Last Battle. He's not a very popular choice because he doesn't have a very big role. I just love how he's not like the other Calormenes (notably Rishda, since those are the only two Calormenes that are named in the book). He has longing to see Tash. There's a moment in the book where Emeth volunteers to go into the stable to see Tash, though Rishda tries to talk him out of it. While not willing, Rishda let him go in. Emeth goes into the stable, and instead of meeting Tash, he meets with Aslan. It turns out he was serving Aslan all this time.

There are so many life lessons to choose from. I really like the lesson in The Horse and His Boy. Shasta has a lot of bad stuff happened to him. He realizes that Aslan has been working behind the scenes. Those sufferings he's been through was meant for a greater purpose. It almost reminds you of the story of Joseph, who had a lot of bad stuff happened to him. God used Joseph's suffering for a greater purpose. Both Joseph and Shasta realize that they were meant to save a nation and family from death and destruction (For Joseph, it was a saving a nation from famine and for Shasta or Cor, it was saving two Kingdoms, Narnia and Archenland, from Calormene invasion).

My favorite quote is from The Last Battle-
"And this is the marvel of marvels, that He called me beloved." Emeth was talking of his meeting with Aslan, which is perhaps my favorite passage in the whole series. Hopefully a movie adaption includes it and have it done right. Emeth was marveled that Aslan called him "beloved." I almost see the whole passage there with the connection with John, who refers to himself as "The disciple whom Jesus loved." The way that Emeth described Aslan is similar to how John described Jesus in Revelation.

Re: Jasmine introduction

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:49 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Fair enough! My favourites have shifted around, so I know the sensation! HHB has been my favourite for a while (because of the same life lesson you selected as favourite), with LB following close behind (mainly for the beauty of the last couple of chapters, and partly because I love bringing characters down to a low place to bring them up again). VDT is definitely more of a character story, so totally solid choice!

Emeth is pretty special. I feel rather like Jewel, who only saw him for all of three minutes this side of the stable door (if that) but loved him. Can’t say I agree with the theological implications, but Emeth nevertheless has a special place.
I’m more predictable in that I go with Peter… except that I may have to do some re-evaluation because Tirian and Trufflehunter have been on my mind more and more for their faithfulness in dark and trying times.

Beautiful quote to choose! It’s definitely up there for me as well, though mine is “another name” from VDT, especially because it applies not just to the kids, but to all of us too.

Re: Jasmine introduction

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:43 pm
by hobbit_of_narnia
Hi Jasmine! You probably won't see me around here much, though I do try to drop in now and again because I made some good friends here and do still love the Narnia series. You can call me Hobbit. :)

Re: Jasmine introduction

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:31 pm
by kristi
Hi Jasmine! I'm a bit late to the party, but so glad to meet you!

Re: Jasmine introduction

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:34 pm
by jasmine_tarkheena
Thank you, Kristi. Nice to meet you as well.

Re: Jasmine introduction

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:10 pm
by Ajnos
Hi Jasmine. Sorry this reply is late but it's been fun chatting to you on chat. I'm Ajnos, as you know, and I'm a Greek lecturer. And I love hedgehogs.

Re: Jasmine introduction

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 5:09 pm
by jasmine_tarkheena
It's nice to meet you as well. And yes, I've been having fun with the chat on the chat page. I don't think I've ever heard the name Ajnos.

A lot of the Narnia creatures and references are from Greek mythology. It might be because that CS Lewis was a literary scholar, so Greek mythology was not a secret to him.