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Beautiful Dreamer

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:30 am
by Beautiful Dreamer
TLC Name/Pronunciation:
Beautiful Dreamer, or some other recognizable variation, or something that rhymes (ie., dreamer, bd, b.dreamer, breamer, leamur, etc.)

Rank: Contrib (Caption Contest Coordinator)

Daughter of Eve, which puts me in the majority of the gender category here at TLC. :) Also, for random information, I've just discovered that my skin is almost exactly the same colour as Cadbury milk chocolate after you microwave it! (How did I find this out, you ask? Bad question. Bad memories. There might have been minor burns involved, but if I say more I'll have to kill you.)

Age range:
College-age by birth year, 3-year-old by choice.

TLC occupation/Residency:
Resident pencil, with a beautiful avatar from Tooky to prove it. (: Also in charge of the funnies down at the Caption Contest department.

TLC Species:
Human. Pencil. Human-pencil. Possibly the only human pencil ever; but hey, this is virtual reality…I'm pretty sure that, hereabouts, measly rules like "inanimate objects are inanimate" can be ignored.

Location outside Narnia:
The great Canadian north! Okay, not that far north, just Alberta. We do, however, happen to be the province (not territory, though) with the northernmost capital city! So there's a little claim to fame with some northerly-ness.

Favourite Narnian book:
Hmm, that's so difficult. I'm not sure I could pick a favourite, but maybe I can get away with saying that if I'm sitting down to read Narnia for the first time in a little while, I almost invariably reach for HHB or MN first.

Favourite non-Narnian book: Do you like to read more than Narnian books?
Why yes, yes I do. How did you know? Concerning a favourite book, I would, sadly, have to make the cliched analogy that trying to choose a favourite book would be like trying to choose a favourite limb on my body.

Favourite movie:
Narnia, obviously. Lord of the Rings. Action-y stuff (Avengers, X-Men, Batman, Indiana Jones etc) and sci-fi. Long period dramas like BBC's Martin Chuzzlewit or Bleak House and A&E's Pride and Prejudice. All the good classic stuff like The Ten Commandments, Gone with the Wind, My Fair Lady, Singing in the Rain, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Lorna Doone, etc. Strangely, this very old version of the Pickwick Papers. (I’ve yet to read the book, but thanks to the movie “Arabella, darling” is now stuck in my head forever.) Oh, and the 19-something cartoon version of Lord of the Rings!

Favourite foods:
Pizza is good. Brownies/chocolate chip cookies in a mug are both too good and too easy. (But seriously, PM me if you’d like to ruin your plan to eat healthy with basically the best and easiest single-serve desserts ever.)

Favourite drinks:
Tea, coffee, water, apple cider, various and sundry flavours of pop (don’t look at me like that - I’m Canadian, the word “soda” applies only to the powdery stuff for baking), gatorade but not powerade, not milk unless with cookies….oh, and hot chocolate from Cookies by George!!!!!! That right there is the good stuff, try it now, you’ll thank (or possibly hate) me later. :D

Favourite quotes:
Concerning the poems, ideally I’d put the full sonnets, but that would circumvent the “quote” part of the prompt. But seriously, if you have some time on your hands, read them. I’m not an avid lover of poetry - I only really read it because my sister is an Honours English/Creative Writing Major and she points me in the direction of the really good stuff - but these were extremely beautiful to read and very easy to follow. That is, they seem to speak to you whether you understand at only a basic level or much deeper. Anyway, I liked them. :)

Search me, O God, and know my heart:
try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
~ Psalm 139:23-24

“Less! Bread! More! Taxes!”
~ Sylvie and Bruno

"True Ease in Writing comes from Art, not Chance,
As those move easiest who have learn'd to dance"
~Essay on Criticism (Alexander Pope)

"`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.”
~ Jabberwocky

When I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide
Lodged with me useless, though my should more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest He returning chide;
“Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
~When I Consider How My Light Is Spent (John Milton)

"Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
So do our minutes hasten to their end;
Each changing place with that which goes before,
In sequent toil all forwards do contend.”
~ Sonnet 60 (Shakespeare)

Mr. Woodhouse: Must the church be so drafty, Mr. Elton? It is difficult to surrender one's soul when one is worried about one's throat.
Mrs. Weston: Perhaps some tea and cake would revive you, Mr. Woodhouse.
Mr. Woodhouse: Cake! Surely you're not serving cake at your wedding, Miss Taylor! Far too rich, you put us all at peril! Where is Mr. Perry, the apothecary? I'm sure he will support me!
Mrs. Weston: Ah, he is over there, Mr. Woodhouse, having some cake.
~ Emma (1996)

And last but not least, my favourite reply to everything anyone suggests while I’m doing my homework:

“Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat.”

Relatives on TLC:
Sadly, none.

About Me:
“Who am I really?” Man, why would you ask? It’s like you expect me to unravel the mystery of my existence in two or maybe three short lines…I’m not Shakespeare, bro! That being said, I’ll get you started on the Path of Discovering Dreamer by telling you she has been saved by grace and is pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ; she is currently studying engineering at a local university and finds it very tricky at best but rewarding nonetheless; and she really likes reading good books (none of this modern nonsense they call “novels” nowadays >.0), watching good TV shows (Sherlock! etc!) and movies (Marvel stuff!), and then talking about them after. Oh, and she’s lazy and should go to the gym more often but lacks motivation -.- (but don’t tell her I told you this. Our little secret.) The rest is as much a mystery to her as it is to you, so you better get searching!

Honestly I would tell you, but after that whole explanation about myself now I’m lazy and can’t think of what else I like to do. Sometimes I go to Staples and test out pens on those little pads of paper they have while my mom is in line.

Things I Don’t Like:
Generally things with more than two eyes scare me. Also, the dark is terrifying, but I have this truce with the monsters where if I pretend not to be afraid, they leave me alone. Idk, it’s worked so far, I’m trusting them with this one. Things that annoy me include but are not limited to the following: excessively poor grammar, books with dog-ears, ice cream containers that actually contain frozen left-overs, forgetting to take a fork when I have rice for lunch, forgetting things in general, getting the wrong answer to homework problems, getting the wrong answer in general, stepping in random liquids with socked feet, overcooked pasta, misspelling things while writing in pen, running out of lead in my mechanical pencil, insincerity, falling asleep when I have homework to do.

Ending Conclusion:
Umm, don’t take candy from strangers, look both ways before crossing the street, get 8 hours of sleep…? Do not, by all that you hold dear, ever, ever take multivariable calculus. That is all.