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Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:27 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
(Random thing: Anybody else ever thought that it's too bad the directors and people like that don't read our forums? We can get such good ideas... :P )

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:03 am
by Lily of Archenland
As cool as it would be to have a TLCer on the Narnia creative team, I believe that there are - technically - legal reasons why Folks In Charge of Things tend not to read fan suggestions. If something they do gets too close to a suggestion, then there could potentially be fans claiming that they stole the idea from them, and/or wanting a cut of the profits - not that the fine folks here would act like that, but as a general principle I can see why producers of popular shows want plausible deniability.

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:41 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Quick, someone get a job with them! :lol:

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:50 am
by Shield Maiden
I would love to see HHB hit the big screen - since it's a totally new set of actors, we can see them in the ages they are supposed to be. The Pevensie actors could also return as their adult counterparts :)
Part of me is hoping that they leave LB for the very end, but I think that MN could be a very successfully marketed prequel - since it also isn't dependant on having the same actors as the other movies.

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:31 am
by always narnian
I really think they are going to leave The Magician's Nephew and The Horse and His Boy alone. I don't have any proof for this, this is just me thinking as I type. It seems like they are doing mostly the main films, and who knows if they would attempt all 7 at the rate it's taking to make the films.

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:10 am
by Ajnos
I agree; I'm not convinced we'll see anything beyond SC. Having said that, I always felt TLB would be one they'd leave out because of the message it portrays (and I want to say "allegorical undertones", but using "allegorical" in a broad sense; with the anti-Christ type figures and other themes from Revelation). Having said that, the new Hollywood Left Behind came out last year, so I may be wrong at them avoiding that sort of thing. And you're right that MN and HHB are the outliers whereas TLB is still about Eustace and Jill.

Years ago I might have thought MN would be omitted, except that there was talk about making it after VDT's release (though this admittedly came from Walden and not Douglas or the current production team.

I guess we'll have to keep waiting to find out.

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:11 pm
by hansgeorg
Some political correctness would have prevented both HHB and LB from being made by BBC, if you recall that series.

You know, things like not pointing fingers at Muslims. Which was at the time an unfair charge, but a really occurring one against CSL's view of Calormen.

As to MN, well, its so very broadly and overtly Creationist!

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:07 pm
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
Ajnos wrote:I agree; I'm not convinced we'll see anything beyond SC. Having said that, I always felt TLB would be one they'd leave out because of the message it portrays (and I want to say "allegorical undertones", but using "allegorical" in a broad sense; with the anti-Christ type figures and other themes from Revelation). Having said that, the new Hollywood Left Behind came out last year, so I may be wrong at them avoiding that sort of thing. And you're right that MN and HHB are the outliers whereas TLB is still about Eustace and Jill.
Yes, but according to the review the new Left Behind was more focused on just the action than the original story, of course the original movie was a pretty good adaption of the book, so they kind of had to take a different take.

LB would be particularly hard for anyone to make. I mean, we all probably have immense expectations for how amazing Aslan's Country would look and it would be very hard for any moviemakers to capture it. I mean, Lewis describes colors that no one has ever seen before and fruit that is out of this world. The plot is very linear and strong, with clear goals for the characters, so I think it could be adapted very well.

MN, yes, Aslan does create Narnia in that story. I am unclear why that has to be a problem. There would be people who complain about a movie with a creation scene, but Narnia is a fictional series (yikes, I usually don't describe it that way!), and I would guess there would be enough people who would not mind, or even enjoy seeing Aslan create Narnia. It is a very unique idea that people could be present to see a whole world created, and I think people really like the idea... even people who are athiests. There are a number of sci-fi series and comics (Dr. Who, Fantastic Four, etc.) that have the characters get all excited about seeing a big bang. I think there is a reason for that.

About HHB, I am unsure the Calormenes are like Muslims, I mean, there are some similarities (turbans, similar sounding names) but there are also differences. Like Tash being depicted in pictures and having physical existence and Lasaraleen parading around Tashbaan in her fancy clothes. Also, C.S. Lewis' depiction of Calormenes is more empathetic than many depictions of villains - there are good Calormenes. I think the moviemakers could think of something. I do wonder if actual Muslims like or don't like HHB; it might be a good idea to ask them before assuming.

I just don't think we should rule out any of the books - I mean, LWW went against a number of things not politically correct: the Witch was bad, Aslan came back to life after dying to save a traitor, the girls weren't actually in the battle, and the biggie - saying the word "Christmas" aloud when stores across America were telling their employees you couldn't say it or have it on any signs.

Just make the movies good and don't lose the original audience, I think that's the best advice I have.

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:25 am
by Lily of Archenland
On differences between Calormen and Islam - there is also the fact that Calormens are very obviously polytheists. Tash gets the most lip-service but we also have at least one other named deity (Zardeenah, Lady of the Night and of Maidens) and Shasta listing "or a god" among his flights of fancy for possible parentage - implying multiple local possibilities for that. I seem to have some memory of a couple of lines about what "the gods" do or don't like, but am less certain on that and would need to double-check. Are there some Middle Eastern stereotypes involved in the worldbuilding for Calormen? Yeah, probably. But since strict monotheism is one of the most basic facts about Islam, a transparently polytheist culture with a Chief God who gets more worship than the others on a day-to-day basis wouldn't be considered a likely analogue, would it?

Re: What next? (After The Silver Chair)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:05 am
by hansgeorg
"I seem to have some memory of a couple of lines about what 'the gods' do or don't like"

Like Narnia, Aslan, Narnian freedom, etc being "hateful to the gods" ("courtesy" of Tisroc, not likely to live forever).

I have already mentioned that Telmarines and Calormenes are two takes on his reading about cruel empires like Achaean Greeks (who were apparently, Assyrian style, mixing troops from everywhere within their lingo and empire, up to Iliad B) or Hittite totalitarianism and WWD syndrome? Narnia would obviously in a sense be the Troy of Priam, as excavated by Schliemann, if it had been Christian ...?