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Re: The Silver Chair?!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:24 pm
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
At first when I heard the news about The Silver Chair, I wasn't scared or excited. I felt nothing.

Then I began to think about it, I'm glad that someone is taking an interest in the Narnia stories and wants to make movies. I am sort of concerned though, because reading the list of Mark Gordon's jobs on IMDB, I didn't see anything I recognized as a kid's movie. However, I think they do not have the same excuses to change up the plot line as the did for Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

The Silver Chair has a plot that builds up to the climax, it does not sidetrack off to other characters like PC or read chapter by chapter like Voyage. Every child can identify with it because everyone wants to escape bullying and prove they are brave (which is exactly what Jill and Eustace do). At the same time, Lewis, being a professor, has Aslan give Jill an assignment, to memorize the four signs. I really hope they will keep this in because memorization is hard, and it's is nice to pretend that when you have to memorize other things for school, that you are really Jill and memorizing the four signs.

Then there is Puddleglum, I think there is a lot of opportunity for him being sort of an icon of the movie, because of his very characteristic and interesting personna. I wonder if Douglas Gresham was serious when he said Andrew Adamson would make the perfect Puddleglum?

Also, the SC is just plain fun, there are talking animals, parliaments of owls, gnomes, underground caves, giants, a snowball dance, and Bism.

The Lady of the Green Kirtle is also a very iconic character, I think it will be easy for them to make her every bit as creepy, if not more creepy, than the White Witch. After all, if it's a choice between being enchanted or turned to stone, what would you rather have?

But the key, I think, for making the movie, is that Jill and Eustace are given a task. The story revolves around them trying to stick to a task, which is another thing every child and every grown-up procrastinator can relate to. The moviemakers may be tempted to have Jill and Eustace, sort of fall into the story, rather than being breathed into it by Aslan. They'll probably be tempted to take out the scenes with Aslan saying "There is no other stream." and Caspian being awakened by blood from Aslan's paw.

I hope they will remember, that if Aslan had not been there, Eustace would literally have fallen into Narnia, and the book would've been very short.

(Am I going overboard with these puns?)

I also hope, that even though we all love Tilda Swinton, that they will not have her return as either Jadis or the Lady of the Green Kirtle.

Re: The Silver Chair?!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:54 am
by Ajnos
I can't remember if I've said this before, but Douglas Gresham, when last I checked, was completely against using the same actress for LotGK and Jadis. So we're safe on that one. Also, if he gets as much say in this film as he wants, we will hopefully at least get the "There is no other stream" line. As I've said elsewhere. I'm cautiously optimistic. I don't expect it will be everything I want, but I doubt it will be anywhere near as bad as VDT. The lack of Disney interference alone is a step in the right direction ;)

Re: The Silver Chair?!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:32 pm
by HermitoftheNorthernMarch
You're right, I realized the other day, that I would probably have thought that Prince Caspian was a really good movie if I had never read the books. I was watching some clips the other day and realized that for a movie, compared to other non-Narnia movies, it's really good. It just doesn't feel like Narnia to me.

Anyway, I wonder if they'll bring back Peter Dinklage for Trumpkin and Ben Barnes for Caspian?

Re: The Silver Chair?!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:59 pm
by always narnian
I'm thinking they definitely will not bring Ben back for SC... I really have nothing to base that statement on that's just what I assume.

Re: The Silver Chair?!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:38 pm
by narniagirl11
Well, why not? I mean, with the make-up and stuff they can accomplish, I'm sure they could make Barnes look old enough. Like in LotR, Arwen's vision where she sees Aragorn become old and grey, and then die. And remember the scene in Aslan's country, when Caspian is made young again? They definitely will need Barnes for that scene. I don't necessarily like Barnes as Caspian, but I think they should bring him back to keep the continuity of the story.

Re: The Silver Chair?!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:49 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
@Engee: Well, Aragorn wouldn't have been that hard to age. But having Barnes back as young-Caspian /at least/ would be nice.