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Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:35 pm
by albero1
So Grimmster... who are your favorite Narnia characters?

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:31 am
by elanorelle
Greetings and welcome Grimmsistr (or Grimmster one of your many-to-come nicknames - we love nicknames here :D )! I'm Elanorelle , a Christian home-schooled hobbit of Narnia and of TLC. (You can call me Elanor, Ela, Norelle, or anything else you can think up).

I wish I could say that about the Chronicles! But I have sort of grown up with them becoming aware that no, unicorns are not evil - especially one in a poster about Narnia at a young-ish age. Later I read all of them for myself (roughly about third grade) and of course re-reading them over and over and over again.

Do you have any hobbies, perchance?

Just so you know everyone here is amazing and welcoming, like a family, ...though we can get crazy. (But don't let that worry you.) ^.^
I certainly hope to see you around!


Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:56 am
by Grimmsistr
Now that I am writing more and elaborating on my thoughts in here I will start by apologizing for any and all spelling and grammar mistakes which will come. Im Danish and not perfect in English, but I hope you understand most of what I try to say.

Maye I should add that Im not a Christian. From what Ive read on other peeps introductions, a lot of you in here are. But I go back and forth from being an Atheist, to an Agnostic, to a Mysticist (if that is a thing) to a sort of buddhist, to a “who knows-you know”. But I very much enjoy discussing faith, religion and the philosophy of it, so if that is a thing in here then count me in.

For Albero1-
I dont have a favorite character per say, because I really love most of them. The Pevensie children, out of them I think I Love Lucy the most for her wit and adventurous spirit, for her never failing trust in Aslan and her always seeing the good in everyone, for her forgiveness of the mistakes her friends make. She is like the light for the other Pevensie children to follow- hence her name Lucy. But then I also very much love Edmund because he is a flawed and dubious character at least at first before he is redeemed. I love him because we see him grow (mentally) and become different from what he was. When maybe he started out being very jealous of Lucy and Peter, he was the middle child just trying to find some way to be meaningful. And he redeems himself and becomes trusting, giving and heroic. Then I also Love Eustace, for some of the same reasons, as what I love Edmund for. He is the “new villainous family member” but he is just very joker like, or how do I put it.. I like the humor that is to his character. I REALLY LOVED the boy that was cast as Eustace in the movie “the Dawn Threader” he was just brilliant and perfect for the role. He played it very much on humor but also with lots of emotion.

Then ofcourse I love Aslan for obvious reasons- he is the golden Lion. Both a very dangerous and lovingly warm force.

Reepicheep, because of his attachment with his tale ;)

Breehy-ny-breeny .. uhm..etc, because he is a talking horse that ‘HAS’ a boy.

Puddleglum. I feel sort of close to him. Because he is a pessimist and so am I (not as chronically as him I might add) He is like the personification of a gloomy, wet Marsh land. But by being together with Eustace and Jill, he ends up with a small hope of a more positive outlook on life and himself, after Jill gives him a hug “I never dreamt of her doing that. Even though I am a good looking chap” he is so sweet.

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:03 am
by Grimmsistr
For elanorelle-

I guess I will call you Ela then unless I end up thinking up something else :D .. My hobbies are: reading for one, I read A LOT. At the moment I am just starting “the wind-up birds chronicle” by Haruki Murakami and Im rereading my favorite author Italo Calvino’s “If a winters night a traveler” Also Im trying to finish the 5th volume of George RR Martin’s “Game of Thrones” series but Ive grown exhausted with all the character jumps and the never ending war talk in those books, so right now I doubt that I will finish them all and then instead just watch the series on tv.

Then I sometimes paint and draw or write my own little stories when I feel the need to artistically express myself.

I have a border collie dog named Luca (actually that name is sort of a play with the Lucy name, it also means -'little light'. But I liked Luca better as a dog name then Lucy) I train her to do funny tricks. Currently Im training her to “dog-dance” very funny.

Y’all seem to be talking a lot in here on the member introduction pages, I like that, then we can get to know eachother beyond the avatar-name and pic easier. That is very different from over on the ‘Once upon a Time’ forum where Kristi caught me on her fish hook.

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:27 pm
by narniagirl11
Hello Grimmsistr!
We met just briefly in chat yesterday. I'm narniagirl11, though most people call me Engee or Arna. I am a Christian, a homeschooler, and a huge lover of Narnia. I also greatly enjoy The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and almost anything written by G. A. Henty and Sir H. Rider Haggard. I enjoy reading, writing, costume planning and making, acting, making movies, and photography. I really hope you enjoy your time here! :D
The Lion's Blessings,

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:11 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
@Grimmster: Hey, you're an OUAT fan too? There are a few of us here, myself included. :D I think I can safely say that my favourite character from OUAT is Rumple.
And no worries on your English; you're actually doing pretty well. :)

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:48 pm
by elanorelle
Reading! It's one of my favourite things to do whenever I can find the time. I haven't heard about the novels you mentioned, (I normally read classics but I have found some good recent ones). I think the majority of the members here are avid book devourers.

Ooh many of us also like to draw or paint as well. We actually have areas to post art or written works if you are interested in that.

I love dogs! Border collies are probably my favourite breed after Labradors and it seems as if you are able to get your dog to do more than I could ever do with mine, (he isn't the best at learning new things but he is a sweetheart nonetheless).

(By the way your English is very good!)

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:17 pm
by lilliandil
G'day, Gimi (cute nickname, isn't it? :) )! My name is Lilliandil; but I am more commonly known as Dilly. Bit about me: An Australian talking faun who loves reading, writing, acting, music, Narnia and kids.
Good to have you here! :)

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:55 pm
by aslansgirl04

I'm Aygee, Jaygee's real-life cousin! I'm one of the very few TLCers who doesn't like to read. I do like watching movies and playing with Jaygee.