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Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:58 pm
by Grimmsistr
Hello all-
I have been a fan of the Chronicles of Narnia since before I knew what a fan was. The books were read to me many times when I was Little and as an adult I have reread them a couple of times. I also enjoyed the movies, but not as much as the books. I loved all the books, even the last though it was pretty odd :)

I was lured here by a Little fairy called opera13 singing to me on a different fan forum.

Looking forward to checking this great looking site out some more :)

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:24 pm
by albero1
Ooh, ooh, newmembernewmembernewmember! I am Albero, the resident dormouse my brother, Smaug, and I are some of the youngest members, but enjoy this site just as much as everyone else. :mrgreen: I really like Narnia, though 'tis Lord of the Rings (and especially the Hobbit!) where my true passion lies. I love the colors blue, orange, purple, and coral. :mrgreen: I am an artist-wannabe, watch about 18 gazillion episodes of Studio C a day, and have been acting for 4 years. :)

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:34 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
Hello there, I'm Jaygee! Very nice to meet you and hope you enjoy your stay (leave your sanity at the door, please. :P ).

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:08 pm
by ShiofNarnia
Hello I'm Shi, welcome to TLC. I'm a Narnia fan, a Christian, and I'm interested in photography. Again welcome!

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:19 pm
by kristi
Hi Grimmsistr! Good to see you over here. Hope you'll hang out, sip some cocoa, join us in the chatroom. We've got lots of events round here. Prayer group and Writing group on Saturdays, costume parties once a month, usually on the 15th. It's a good time.

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:21 pm
by Tenethia
Hey there!
I'm Tenny, I like happy people, new members, books, weaving, ice cream, and music :). *cheers* book lovers unite! I love the books, but I'm also a fan of the audio dramas and the BBC films :)

I play the piano and I pretend to write, and I like to learn new skills :) I'm currently trying to learn weaving... and Hebrew. :)

Glad you've met Kristi! (that's opera13's name on here ;) )

Glad to have you here!

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:07 am
by The Happy Islander
Welcome! I'm Islie (or Happy, or Islander, or whatever) :) Glad you've come to join us!

I'm a weaver and a writer, and I'm very absent-minded, and I love people :)

Hope you enjoy TLC!

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:55 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Welcome, Grimmster! (Can I call you that? :D) I'm Ariel_of_Narnia, but go by Ariel to keep it short and sweet. :) I'm a Christian, an adult on the younger side, moderator of a couple writing threads, and co-contributor to the writing contest and the YouTube channel. I love reading and writing; video production and graphics stuff are fun-fun.
The books, I agree, are the best Narnia material out there; I also enjoy the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre recordings and, despite my many complaints about the latter two, enjoy the movies.
Welcome and having fun getting to know us and the site!

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:15 pm
by Swanwhite
Hello Grimm :)

Ah the thirteenth opera, also known as our benevolent fisherdess :) I'm very glad you came over. Welcome welcome.

The Last Battle does have its strangeness I suppose, along with its magnificence. :) I think we'll be reading the Last Battle in our summer reading challenge, this year.

Re: Greetings Narnians!

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:16 pm
by Grimmsistr
Thank you all for the welcomes.

Sure Ariel you can call me Grimmster. So Opera is Kristi the fisherdess here huh? guess Im her latest catch then.

More about me: Im a grimm gal. Living in the land of Andersons fairy tales. I am a changeling, I think my better self is around somewhere but I havent found her yet, maybe I will some day, who knows. When I was Little I believed that Narnia would one day appear in the back of my grandmothers closet, instead I found some secrets of the more dusty kind there. I never stopped looking for Narnia, but found I had to look inside my own closet to find the way to get in.

I love speaking in methaphors, hope most of it will be clear enough to follow ;)