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Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:39 am
by Benisse
Now is the time for you to write Father Christmas in this thread to let him know your preferences and your wishlist for secret-santa-surprises you would like -- e.g., ideas for the kinds of music or video links you might like from your secret pal, or graphics ideas for avvy-signature sets or other requests for virtual goodies (stories, memes, puzzles, etc.) That way the person assigned to be your secret santa will have an idea of what to send you between Christmas and January 6 (Epiphany/Three Kings Day).

Then starting Christmas Day we will open a separate giving thread for you to post your gifts -- Watch for more details coming about secret-santa and elf thread how to's! Also you should be getting the name of who you will secretly be giving to as a secret santa by the end of the week from either Lucy Took or me. The moderator who sends you your assignment will also be the one to send your links to for approval. (Remember there is a rules thread if you need clarification on how all this will work, by the way.)
blessings, Benisse


Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:14 pm
by jesusgirl4ever
Dear Father Christmas,

I've been a good girl, haven't I?

I'd really like sets of Narnia, LotR, Hobbit, Frozen, Tangled, Barbie, Disney Princesses (except Merida, Jasmine, and Tiana), Star Wars (especially Padmé and Leia!) or anything else your elves might think I'd enjoy. Especially with my name on them or with songs by Meredith Andrews, Britt Nicole, Toby Mac, Keith and Kristyn Getty, Kerrie Roberts, FFH, and Casting Crowns.

Fics of those, especially long ones that are completed or updated regularly or good one-shots, would also be nice.

Narnia/LotR/Frozen/Star Wars music videos would also be great.

Anything to do with the Allon Books, that series I love so much, would be appreciated!

Baked good recipes, especially ones involving chocolate, would be great!

Also, crossovers of any of the above fandoms would be wonderful!

Thank you and your elves in advance!

Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:13 pm
by Benisse
Dear Father Christmas,
I've been a brave warrior widgeon and I've kept my sword clean.
Please could you send me some Flash Mob videos (especially Christmas ones), or any graphics I could use in the Prayer Request threads?
I also love a cappella Christmas carols about Jesus, and Nativity ornaments/creche sets.
Thank you!

P.S. What kind of cookies do you like best?

Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:19 am
by always narnian
Hello Father Christmas!!! :D

I have been very good this year, as good as /always narnian/ can be.

I am a HUGE Tolkien and Lewis fan, obviously. I LOVE Lord of the Rings...any music, videos, funny pics etc. associated with LOTRs is greatly appreciated. I am a huge fan especially of Faramir, Pippin, Eowyn, Aragorn, and Boromir.

I really also like the new Pan movie (especially Hook) and I like the film Tron Legacy and the main character Sam Flynn.

I play around with the penny whistle and most recently the mandolin. Any tip videos on those are great.

I also like drawing tips!

Did I mention Narnia?

Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:00 am
by narniac101
Dear Father Christmas,

You could say I've been a good little Stelf this year. I mean, I haven't killed too many people, and when I did, it was usually by accident. ... or you could say I've been a bad Stelf. Either way, um, there're extra cookies out on the mantle this year (and I made sure to leave it out of the dog's reach, this time).

As for things I enjoy...
Narnia (That might be a tad obvious, but I wasn't sure), LotR (especially Gollum; ... which is a bit creepy), and lions. And lampposts. And the movie Inside Out. My favorite character would be Sadness, by the way. ;) Ooooh, and Frozen. Any sets or signatures to do with any of those would be absolutely fantastic. :mrgreen:

I also like Narnian fan art. And generally things to do with art and drawing, and epic crafty ideas. :P

Ehhhh... that's about it. Merry Christmas, and long live the True King!

Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:56 am
by Lucy Took
Dear Father Christmas,

Despite being a graphic design major I can be terribly lazy about making my own forum clothing. I would love some nice new avatars and signatures please.

I'm picky about Wallpapers but if you can find some really high quality ones I would really love that. My screen size is 1366 X 768. Oh, and my phone is 960 by 540.

I'm working on an in depth study of patterns in nature and would love to see both natural and man made interesting patterns.

Free graphic design stuff would be awesome.

Intermediate, Advanced or even clever beginning tutorials for Illustrator and Photoshop would be much appreciated.

I'm a fan of classical music.

I would really love it if you could find a place to buy really chunky yarn on the cheep. Or continuous strips of denim for rag rugs. It's for a project trust me. For the children.

My current fandoms/things that I like sets and such from are-

Narnia (Lucy and Edmund of my favs ^.^)

Lord of the Rings (Really a hobbit person, though I love the ladies)

Pushing Dasies (I love them all so very much)

Downton Abbey (But no spoilers past season 2-3 yet) (I love everyone who isn't evil)

Doctor Who (I'm a Donna person, but when it comes to anesthetics I adore Clara and her wardrobe. So I guess when it comes down to quotes I adore Donna, when it comes to graphics I prefer Clara)

The Flash (How do you NOT like Barry?!)

Agents of SHIELD (FitzSimmons ^.^)

Gail Carson Levine (No real preference at the moment)

The Princess Bride (Quotes on stuff!)

Sherlock (Molly!)

I may edit this list later....

Thank you Father Christmas!

Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:42 am
by hobbit_of_narnia
Dear Father Christmas,
Hullo! How have you been this past year? I hope Dancer got over his cold. I know how awful those can be.
I've been very innocent this year, because I'm a hobbit and we aren't very dangerous most of the time anyhow. And you can check with Alex if you're still not convinced.

Now about things I would like for Christmas. I should probably start by clarifying my fandoms. (I know you're busy and might not be able to keep up, so that's why I'm restating them.)
~Narnia (I lovelovelovelovelove Aslan, of course, and my other favorite characters are Edmund, Reepicheep, Lucy, Tirian, and Peter)
~LOTR (my favorite characters are Frodo, Sam, and Aragorn)
~HTTYD (my favorite characters are Toothless, Hiccup, and Valka)
~Sherlock Holmes (book-version, or else the black-and-white shows with Ronald Howard)
~Other various fandoms, but those are the most obvious ones
Anything based off these fandoms would be fantabulous, but there are a few I'll mention because I don't know whether you like specific things or not.
~I like sets. A lot. They are nice and useful.
~Funny pictures are funny. And funny is good. Therefore funny pictures are good. 'Nuff said.
~Fanart is epic. And epic is good. Therefore fanart is good, etc. etc.
As far as other gifts are concerned, tutorials are great. Particularly drawing tutorials, and online singing lessons (so my parents don't have to pay for actual singing lessons :P ) and photography lessons. Also, music videos. I like music videos. Piano Guys, Peter Hollens, Lindsey Stirling, you name it.

I'll update if I think of anything else. Thanks, Father Christmas! I've got a variety of cookies on a plate just inside the east window of the parlour. Right next to it is a bell off one of your reindeer's harnesses. I found it on the lawn right by the chimney, so I figured I'd return it.
I've got milk in the pantry. I didn't set it out by the cookies because I didn't want it to go bad, but you can get some if you want it.
Thanks, Father Christmas!
~ Hobbit

Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:52 am
by cor
Dear Father Christmas...........

Now assuming I've made you nice list, because I really did try this year! I made you a small list.

I'd go for anything Star Wars. Fics, sets, videos, you name it. (poems if you can find them!)
Anything with animals. Especially hedgehogs, gorillas, and guess what? Hawks!
I love poems. Any poems really. Christmas ones, animal ones, etc.

For sets can I have dwarf related ones, ballet ones, animal ones, star wars ones, etc. Be creative with it!
Whatever you end up giving me (If anything ;) ) I'll be happy with so don't stress!

Love, your friendly neighborhood hawk! :P

Oh, and one more thing. Any ballet tips or strengthening videos would be good.

Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:34 pm
by gypsevedius
Dear Father Christmas,

I'm the worst unicavvey ever because I forgot to put up my Christmas list and also forgot to be good, but I'm the best unicavvey too because I'm the only unicavvey! That has to count for something, right? :mrgreen:

I would like some new sigs and avs. Anything Frozen, LotR, Hobbit (no BotFA though, I haven't seen it yet :P ), and any animals would do good. :mrgreen: And I want a unicavvey sig too, if it's not too much trouble. :mrgreen:

Also, music! :mrgreen: Good, (not slow :? ) new music! :mrgreen:

Thanks and Merry Christmas,
Gypsevedius Lakota Mona Took :mrgreen:

Re: Dear Father Christmas...

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:53 pm
by elanorelle
Dear Father Christmas,

I'm not looking for much this year, so I'll be pleased with anything you and your elves give me.

Here a few of my interests:
German language - free resources, videos, music (no Disney as I have enough of that sort), or anything else you might come across.
Vintage fashion (1910-1945) - hairstyle tutorials, free patterns (dresses, skirts, blouses, etc.)
Music - anything slow and reflective, preferably classical but I also adore soundtracks
History - sites devoted to military history, specifically WWI, would be nice. Articles on military ranks would also be much appreciated.

Sets! I forgot about these. Silly Elanor. ^-^
I have several interests, but I like these when it comes to signatures and avatars:
War Horse - yep, still love this film. Albie, Joey, Capt Nicholls, and Gunther and Michael are my faves. Also quotes from film, book, or play (music too) are awesome.
BH6 - basically anything, but Tadashi and Hiro especially. (and Baymax!)
Agents of Shield - Fitz!! (FitzSimmons is good too, but I like Fitz more :roll:)
Downton Abbey - I like a lot of characters, but for sets I think Tom and/or Sybil are best
*End EDIT*

I'll edit this further if I think of anything else. :)

Merry Christmas to you,