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Sept 26, '15 writers' log

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:25 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
Writer's Group opens ~

Ariel.of.Narnia: On that note, do either of you have anything to share?
Sir-William: *bounces around*
Sir-Edward: Absolutely
Sir-Edward: ...nothing.
Sir-William: Maybe...
Ariel.of.Narnia: Way to get my hopes up, Ed.
Sir-William: Is anyone else going to show?
Ariel.of.Narnia: I don't know
Sir-William: LOL
Ariel.of.Narnia: I could try to poke a couple, see if that does anything
Sir-William: I do have something, I guess
Sir-William: I wouldn't want them to come unless they wanted to.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Well, obviously.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Cool!
Sir-William: Besides, I often times come just to read other people’s stuff.
Sir-William: But I do have the results of a Narnian board game
Sir-William: ...
Ariel.of.Narnia: Yeah, unfortunately, I've been really bad at giving you something to read. Though Elanor did get me out of my writer's block on that story I was working on.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha, I could see many things going wrong with that.... :P
Sir-William: lol
Sir-William: Well I don't come just to read your stories (although yours are usually the best) but other people’s too.
Sir-William: So that's fine, yeah
Ariel.of.Narnia: Aw, thanks. But yeah, it's nice to read others' stuffs
Sir-William: Anyway, I think I'll share the results of the board game quickly.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Go for it!

Sir-William shares ~

Sir-William: Peter, enthralled by the magical land around him. "Surely," he thought to himself, "He and his siblings should explore a little before they headed back into the wardrobe. It took some convincing before Susan
agreed to his plan, but Lucy and Edmund both backed him up, so off they went.
It was ever so much fun, and the sight of snow falling through the forest was beautiful sight, to be sure. However, as they continued on, Lucy and Susan stopped more often than there brothers to see various sights along the way, so Peter and Edmund soon found themselves somewhat in the lead.
All at once the sound of flapping wings could be heard, and Peter looked up in time to see a group of eagles swooping towards him. "Run!" he shouted. Susan, Peter, and Edmund took off running immediately, but Lucy hesitated a moment before following. The eagles chased them up one hill and down the next, through narrow openings between trees, and around large rocks until the four Pevensies were nearly out of strength. But fortunately Susan spotted Mr. Tumnus' house, which was odd because she had never seen it before, and she lead the way into it. Now that they were safe from the eagles, they figured that life would treat them well, right? Wrong! The White Witch showed up
and turned Susan to stone, which was odd because Susan had never been turned to stone before. For
some reason, however, the White Witch did not feel like turning the other Penvensies to stone, and when Lucy dropped
two Aslan tokens at the feet of the witch, she screamed and ran away. Oh, and did I mention how Susan was restored from stone during this time?
But the four children had only just left the house when along came a big, bad wolf that jumped on Edmund. Lucky for Eddie, he had his "what to do in case of a wolf attack" hand book on him, and he
sent that wolf flying. Then the wolf leaped at Peter, but Peter had his "how to send a wolf
flying all the way to the White Witch’s castle" handbook, and you know the rest. Peter is attacked by wolf; wolf flies far, far, away; yeah, you know how it goes. A different wolf jumps at Susan, then at Lucy. Susan steps on wolf, leaving wolfy, a vegetable. As for Lucy, well, she just took a step back and the wolf missed her; now how does that make you
feel. Then Oreius was revealed! He came galloping up to Peter just in time to help Peter see that he had dispatched another wolf. The Pevensies were not afraid of the half-man half -horse because, well, duh; he's Oreius! Oreius gave a great shout that raised the spirits of four children greatly; and then he rode away with a glorious wave of his hand.
Time passed, snow fell, trees grew, and by and by Peter was turned to stone.

Sir-William: The end
Sir-Edward: Real cheery ending.
Sir-William: It's stupid, yeah, but that's how the game went
Ariel.of.Narnia: What game were you playing?! Haha
Sir-Edward: The Narnia board game
Sir-Edward: That's what it's called
Ariel.of.Narnia: Huh. Haven't played that one.
Ariel.of.Narnia: *thinks Will would have a blast with narrating table-top role-playing games*
Sir-William: lol, yeah, as long as I get to write them my way.
Sir-William: Anyway
Ariel.of.Narnia: *... thinks Will would have an even greater blast being the gamemaster for a tabletop RPG*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Anyway, anything else to share?
Sir-Edward: Prompt, anybody?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Let's see *fires up randomizer*
Sir-William: Hehe
Ariel.of.Narnia: Here's the first scenario prompt I've got: How would you go about faking your own death? Where would you go afterwards?
Sir-Edward: lol Okeeey
Ariel.of.Narnia: Or there's: You are forging someone's signature but it's for a good reason. What is that reason?
Sir-Edward: Hehehaa
Ariel.of.Narnia: Yeesh, some of these prompts are just messed up
Sir-William: It would disturb me if I wrote about the first prompt because I think about that too much in real life already. :P
Sir-Edward: How about you're stealing someone's valuables but with good reason?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha, I'd like to hear how you'd like to fake your death then.
Sir-William: lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: Sure, we can go with that
Ariel.of.Narnia: Does that inspire you too, Will?
Sir-William: Oh yeah! Me and that idea are *points finger back and forth between self and object*
Sir-William: Like that
Sir-William: Just like that, completely symmetrical
Sir-Edward: Is this a "now" prompt, or a week-long prompt?
Ariel.of.Narnia: How's about we go for a "now" prompt
Sir-William: Well that depends: do I owe you money?
Sir-William: smiley-razz
Ariel.of.Narnia: We can go with this prompt for now and then come up with another for next week. Sound good?
Sir-Edward: Ok
Sir-William: I'll just die instead without faking it.
Sir-Edward: LOLOLOL
Sir-William: It’ll look super real that way, and then the prompt won't matter anymore.
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Will: that's bad for your health, you know.
Sir-William: Lol
Sir-William: I would imagine so
Ariel.of.Narnia: Okay, so stealing valuables for a good reason. Let's shoot for finishing our stories at 6:45.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Ready?
Sir-William: Ready
Sir-Edward: It
Ariel.of.Narnia: *pokes Ed*
Ariel.of.Narnia: Oh, okay.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Go!
Sir-William: He's ready too
Sir-Edward: It's 9:11 here
Ariel.of.Narnia :... 9:45 then.
Sir-William: Whatever, but my story will stink.
Sir-William: *writes*
Ariel.of.Narnia: I'm almost done with mine. How about you two?
Sir-William: I can be done at any time because my story makes no sense at all.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha
Sir-William: Ed's struggling a lot with a story line
Ariel.of.Narnia: Does he need an extension?
Sir-William: Hehe

Sir-Edward shares...

Sir-Edward: I'll do mine first, 'cuz It's really short
Sir-Edward: Here goes
Sir-Edward: Once upon a time, there was a writer who couldn't think of a reason why he would break into someone's establishment and steal all their belongings. The end.
Sir-William: Good argument
Sir-William: Ariel apparently has one
Sir-William: I didn't write about either prompt for a similar reason
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha
Sir-William: But I will share in just a moment
Ariel.of.Narnia: Okay, well, you'll have to sit tight while I finish mine. Will, fire ahead when you're ready.
Sir-William: Ok, thanks.
Sir-William: This story really shouldn't exist though.
Sir-Edward: Burn it with fire!
Sir-William: 5 more minutes, than I'll share
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Ed: lol @Will: sure thing!

Sir-William shares ~

Sir-William: The introduction has nothing to do with the story. Here goes:
Sir-William: Barn Methis began breaking into his burning bungalow. Bringing his broad brussel sprouts bravely before him, he brought the burning bellows back to the backyard with a bravo. But what is this? The backyard is a boat of Boston! Yellow River was swimming down a river when he began to have a vision of a great chief that lived in the forest. At once he mounted his canoe and strayed forth into the raising rapids. He paddled with gusto and more gusto and made the bank with flowers to spare. At once he became gazelle-like and was at the Indian hut just as fast as you can say, "He ran to the Indian hut".
The chief was waiting for him and but Yellows River accidentally stumbled and pushed the leather tent to another place, another time, another life! In this place the trees were tall and wreathed with silver leaves, and the chief was also called Yellow River. The chief also had a daughter that looked suspiciously like a dryad. You know, kind of leafy.
And there was a light of the blue and purple spectrum that called the seagulls from afar, and they came on the North wind and spread white pedals for as far as the eye could see. The silver leaves of the trees were like nets for these petals and caught thousands of the buggers. Quite nice, really, I mean I haven't actually seen it or anything, but boy, I wish I had, and Yellow river certainly did. He and the chief were scooped up by seagulls and taken for a ride like no other ride. The daughter just floated along in leaf form, I guess.
With enough surface area and decreased density, things like that can happen. There are clouds from stem to stern of this world now, but the whitest, puffiest clouds you've ever seen. And-well I'll be a monkey's uncle... The air is almost orange up here! It's like somebody smashed up oranges and then dyed them red and then orange again. A few mountain peaks up here too, but they're so abstract that you pass right through them.
Yellow River is more orange then yellow here. And then we're here. A herd of zebras ran by in cloud of dust. It was odd because they were more than 7,000 feet below, and yet Yellow River could see them like yesterday. The next part I'm arriving at but the disk looks scratch so I think I'll fast forward yellow Rivers life a bit.
Big chief sit on campfire and put it out. Like one moment there, gone the next. Fire. No fire. Light. Darkness. Bright. Dim. Yellow River smiled and looked down the course of a river and smiled at the seagulls in a way that signaled the end of the story.

Sir-William: The end
Sir-William: Whatever, lol
Sir-Edward: It sounded almost like a deep metaphor
Sir-Edward: Almost.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Haha, I think I'd have to agree with Ed. it reminds me of some of the stories I had to read for Lit in college. Ones that hardly made any sense of any sort and yet the teacher would be all like, "So, what's the meaning of the story?"
Sir-William: lol
Sir-Edward: I think this made a little more sense then those stories actually.
Sir-William: Yeah right
Ariel.of.Narnia: *snickers* That's quite possible
Ariel.of.Narnia: Last line of mine
Sir-Edward: Yeah right.
Sir-Edward: That last line sure is "lasting"
Ariel.of.Narnia: Sorry.
Ariel.of.Narnia: It turned into two. :P
Ariel.of.Narnia: Done now
Ariel.of.Narnia: Sooo rough, though...
Sir-Edward: O.O
Ariel.of.Narnia: Anyway
Sir-Edward: That's what they all say.
Sir-Edward: Give us your epic tale!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Okay, so this is a Marvel piece, taking place after Captain America 2
Sir-William: ?!?!?!

Ariel.of.Narnia shares ~

Ariel.of.Narnia: Steve didn’t mind reporters most of the time, but this one really got his goat. She was just so persistent, not to mention apparently clueless about the damage she had done. Or would do, however unintentionally.
That’s why Steve was here playing burglar, despite all the red flags in his mind telling him that he shouldn’t be here. Normally, he’d listen to those red flags. But he couldn’t. Not this time.
He forced the window open and slid into the office. The house was silent and he could only hope that she wouldn’t wake up and find him here. That’d only make things worse. Shining his flashlight around, he found what he was looking for: her camera. It was at times like these he wished he had some of his new companions with him, but he knew how to do this much. So he thought, anyway. The camera was a great deal more complex than the ones he’d somewhat familiarized himself with. He didn’t care what Stark said: modern technology was complicated. He pressed at his earpiece. “Sam?” he whispered.
“Yeah?” came the response, sounding much louder than it probably was.
“I found the camera, but can’t turn it on.”
“Seriously?” Steve heard him sigh. “Just start pushing buttons.”
“I have been.”
“Then take the card. At least she won’t have the pictures.
Steve did so. He hadn’t wanted to actually take anything, but Sam was right: it was the only way to destroy the evidence. Setting the camera down almost exactly as he found it, he turned on his heel to make his exit out the window.
“Might want to take more than just the memory card. Her computer, phone, anything the pictures might be on.”
“What are you talking about? Why?”
“I’ll explain when you get back. And hey, might want to make it quick. I’ve got movement here.”
Steve exhaled and looked around the office again. He already felt bad about the camera. “You better have a good reason for it,” he muttered as he reached for the laptop on her desk. There was no sign of her phone, but after a moment, Steve realized that it’d probably be in her room. He winced at the thought, then opened the office door to peer into the hallway. His only relief was that the house was small, meaning that the reporter’s room would be easier to find. It was, in fact, the next room down, judging from what he saw through the open door.
She was sleeping with her back to him. Her nightstand was, thankfully, on the near side of the room. He crept in, lifted her phone, and slunk back out with hardly a sound. Back in her office, he pocketed her phone and tucked her laptop in his jacket.
“Cap?” came Sam’s voice from the earpiece. “You coming? I’ve got five goons coming out.”
Steve gave the room another once-over before he took the camera for good measure. His exit out the window wasn’t the most stealthy, but the reporter didn’t sound as though she’d heard. He eased the window shut.
“Cap, if we want to get in, we have to do it fast.”
Steve pressed his earpiece. “I’m coming, Sam.” Then he ran off into the night.
Two mornings later found the reporter puzzling over the return of her possessions and an anonymous note that read, “We apologize for the loss of your break-through story, but you’ll find a better one.” Taking up her camera, sure enough, the photos she’d taken of Steve Rogers undercover were gone. They were, however, replaced by a selfie of Captain America and the Falcon in front of an inferno that representeded the HYDRA warehouse that had burned down just the night before.

Sir-Edward: Dun dun DUN!
Ariel.of.Narnia: The end.
Sir-Edward: LOL
Sir-William: Awesome!
Sir-William: I love the ending!
Ariel.of.Narnia: It's so rough, I can't even describe, but I'm glad you liked it.
Sir-William: What and ending! It makes me laugh and smile all at once!
Sir-Edward: "It's so rough!"
Sir-Edward: LOL
Sir-Edward *chokes*
Ariel.of.Narnia: What? It's crummy!
Sir-Edward: HeHAAAAA!!
Sir-Edward: *dies*
Sir-William: I was really beginning to feel sorry for the reporter, too. Take the laundry room, Steve!
Sir-William: And then it was all alright, hehe.
Ariel.of.Narnia: *snickers* Yeah, she didn't realize she was compromising the mission. Poor lass.
Sir-William: Anyway, I think I'll head off now. Thanks, and bye!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Alrighty!
Sir-Edward: And the weekly prompt?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Real quick: the prompt for next week runs thus:
Sir-William: Oh?
Sir-Edward: Thus?
Sir-Edward: That should be easy
Sir-Edward: Once upon a time: thus
Ariel.of.Narnia: Tell of a time in which the Pevensies are the opposite of the titles they're known for (ie: Susan not being gentle, Peter anything but magnificent).
Ariel.of.Narnia: It can be humorous, it can be serious, whatever
Sir-Edward: Is there a choice in prompts?
Sir-William: That's funny, lol
Ariel.of.Narnia: As in another one?
Sir-William: Did you think of that just now?
Sir-William: Reverse of their titles, haha
Ariel.of.Narnia: @Will: about 15 minutes ago.
Sir-Edward: Like a choice of say… two or three?
Ariel.of.Narnia: Lemme think
Ariel.of.Narnia: Okay, here's a first-liner: "As he took in the view from the twentieth floor, the lights went out all over the city."
Sir-Edward: OooOOoOooOOoh!
Ariel.of.Narnia: Have I found a winner?
Sir-Edward: I do believe so.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Excellent!
Sir-Edward: I'll try at least
Ariel.of.Narnia: Hey, that's all I can ask.
Ariel.of.Narnia: Alright, Writers' Group dismissed!

Writer's Group dismissed ~