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Re: Dear Father Christmas

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:29 am
by Tenethia
Dear Father Christmas

How are you? It seems so long since I saw you last (probably because this year is the first in five I've been good enough to receive any presents).

Recently, I've been working really hard on becoming a better leader and teacher. If you could find any exciting/inspiring/challenging quotes or goals or motivational speeches for me, that would be great. Some of my favorite leaders are Aragorn, Samwise Gamgee, Peter Pevensie, basically all of our founding fathers, and Janner Wingfeather. Sets with inspiring leaderly stuff and them would be fabulous, as well as any quotes, pictures, epicness, music, short stories, essays, how-to-be-as-epic-as-Aragorn tutorials, etc, etc....

I'd also like to find a Bible-study plan for myself for the new year, or maybe a journaling plan with ideas for every day or something.

Sheet Music for any PotC, LotR, Narnia, and HtTYD would be amazing as well, for piano.

I'd love to get introduced to some new artists (I love Celtic/Irish stuffs, as well as Christian music, both contemporary and hymns (please someone help me find some recordings of good hymns!) )

Cool ideas for how to easily organize desks and closets would be great as well :)

I do hope I've been good enough this year. I really have tried this time around!!!!

Tenethia Brandybuck South

Re: Dear Father Christmas

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 1:05 am
by narniac101
Dear Father Christmas,
I could say that I have been good this year, but I'm sure you know the truth. (And of course, the truth is that I've been good. I'm a little angel. All of the time. :mrgreen: )
As my request for a hippopotamus has been vetoed, and I have no wish for a rhinoceros or crocodile, and I already have my two front teeth ...

I would like either sets, fan-art, crafty ideas, or computer wallpapers to do with these things:

>> Narnia!
>> LotR (particularly Smeagol ... and hobbitses ...)
>> Inside Out (especially Sadness)
>> Star Wars! (Obi-Wan, Rey, BB-8 and R2 mostly)
>> Wingfeather Saga!
>> Tangled!
>> UP -- especially Dug. :P
I also like potatoes, tumbleweeds, hermit crabs (), and yarn.
If you find any cool patterns for knitting or perler beads, especially if they have to do with aforementioned fandoms, that would be amazing. :mrgreen:

I hope you enjoy the chocolate -- Yes, it is actually chocolate, unlike the Dryad's soil I accidentally left last year ... *grimaces* -- I set out for you!
Merry Christmas, and long live the True King!

Re: Dear Father Christmas

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:07 pm
by kristi
I like the New King James version, since you ask, Sir. It loses a little of the antiquated speech of the King James but still retains the poetic cadence, which I find sticks in my head better.

Re: Dear Father Christmas

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:53 pm
by Swanwhite
Thank you Father Christmas! :D

I really enjoyed the two poems you gave me. I'm sorry I forgot to post my list, but thus far you have correctly perceived my preferences.

Besides poetry my inclinations include:
Book Recommendations (I'm assembling a reading list for 2017)
Narnia (especially the Horse and His Boy.)
Jane Austen
G.K. Chesterton
If you are a maker of graphics I would be interested in any sets with Narnian Pauline Baynes illustrations.
And truly anything at all you give me will be wonderful :)