Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by Benisse » Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:14 pm

This year I am reading LWW aloud together with my daughter Eden each day and she will draw as she listens. Here are the pix she did yesterday:
• Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy and the Wardrobe
• Lucy meeting Tumnus for the first time in Narnia at the lamp post (I especially love the way Tumnus' face is drawn), with his parcels scattered all around him in his shock of meeting Lucy
• Tea in the faun's cave: with bookshelves, a photo of Tumnus' father on the right and, in a thought bubble above Tumnus' chair is the White Witch telling him to be a kidnapper; whereas in the roaring of the fire Aslan is telling Tumnus to tell the Truth.



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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by Swanwhite » Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:41 pm

*digs out some old tinfoil hats from the back of the closet for Ajjie and Ariel* ;)

Those are amazing Benisse! Tell Eden I loved them :)

Ch 4. Turkish Delight


Some things I noticed in this chapter:
Sin can appear beautiful
Sin is unfulfilling
Sin is isolating
Sin is deadly
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by Ariel.of.Narnia » Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:39 pm

@Swan: Am I being accused of being a conspiracy theorist now? ;)

@Ajjie: I'm assuming Lewis stuck close to his mythology (ie: female fauns are not a thing), but I prefer the idea of having male and female of everything. Fauns and dryads/naiads are just too different in my mind to have families together and anyway, there are male dryads too.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by Swanwhite » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:24 am

@Ariel It's this old old TLC joke where tinfoil hats are supposed to protect you from brain sharing ie saying the same thing or having the same idea at the same time as someone else. Sometimes we'd say *Tinfoil* as a way to acknowledge that we'd had the same idea.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by Lucy Took » Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:57 am

I was busy today, so I'm winding down tonight with my chapters and just typing some stuff as it comes to mind.

@Benisse Those are adorable.

Chapter 3

Peter's actually a really good brother here. He's humoring Lucy at first, but (In a non-fairy tale) setting he understands that at Lucy's age there's only so far you can go without alienating the other siblings.

The descriptions of what the 4 were doing in their free time makes me want to take a vacation to the Professor's house.

The thought of reindeer the size of shetland ponies. That's a delightful thought. Too bad the movie couldn't go to quite that level of whimsy. Also, the description here really is quite Santa-like. And I feel like there's some symbolism there with the witch bringing Winter but never Christmas.

Chapter 4

I love the illustrations, but I never understood why this particular picture of Edmund makes him look like he has male pattern baldness. Is this an issue with 10 year olds in England?

OK, Tumnus was nice and all so I get why Lucy was on fairy tale mode and went with him for tea. But Edmund. Did you never learn to not take candy for strangers who are mumbling about "It's only one, easy enough to deal with"?

Well, I guess creepy stranger /is/ giving out lattes.

I've actually had Turkish Delight from a gourmet sweets shop in a little village in England and it is....just like the description that Lewis gives here. I've tried to make Turkish delight and failed miserably and I've heard people on here talk about making it and it being just "OK' but seriously, when it's made fresh by someone who knows what they're doing it is just lovely and I split a bag with my sister in an hour. Like we're not talking "Would sell out my family" good here, but lets just say if I was 10 and on bad terms with my family and the Turkish Delight was enchanted...well it would be tempting.

I still have some Turkish Delight left over from Harrod's in a drawer somewhere. I should have some, but I just brushed my teeth for the night.

Pro Tip Eddy. If someone looks like a vampire, don't trust them if they talk about what happens to you when they die. They're probably not dying a natural death. Also, I just realized that the description of the White Witch /is/ very vampire like. Huh. Don't go near vampires, kids.

Lucy accepts that Edmund knows what everyone says about fauns. Either she's humoring him, or she gets that Edmund happens to be smart and just knows these things. After all, later Edmund is a rather clever character. Even if he doesn't understand the whole "Don't accept candy from vampire witches" thing, it's not like he just went from being stupid and traterous to shrewd and loyal? Right? Aslan redeemed Edmund's soul/life. He didn't make him smarter.

I know it's probably the after effects of dark magic and the deep pit in your soul that you're doing something wrong, but my stomach kinda hurt after eating half a bag od Turkish Delight too, Ed. I feel you.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by Lily of Archenland » Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:18 am

"Tumnus' Thaw"
(Yes... I realize this puts me three days behind. :p)

@Tooky - I think the chances are really, really good that The White Witch as such was influenced by George MacDonald's Lilith, who was a vampire, so... probably not coincidence?
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by Ajnos » Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:04 am

@Lily "Tumnus Thaw" - that's a great concept; and beautifully drawn.

@Benisse: I love Eden's drawings; especially the details she includes

@Tooky: Turkish Delight is quite common in SA, though more so at Christmas time. I didn't really like it as a child, but I discovered that of the two common flavours we get, rose and lemon, I quite like the lemon. Rose is kinda the standard, though, which is why I thought I didn't like it. My family has been trying different brands, but we definitely like the Beacon one best, even more than the imported Turkish ones - though perhaps the really expensive Turkish ones that we haven't tried are better. (Beacon is probably the biggest sweet and chocolate brand in SA). I can't really eat more than one at a time but my mom could probably eat half a box. If you visit The Kilns, they usually have some in little bowls around the house (that's how I first discovered I liked tge lemon flavour).

Also, Tooky, I laughted at your reference to Ed's drink as "latte" because it remimded me that in the performance of LWW at a local church that I saw a couple months ago the WW offered Edmund Milo (it's a cocoa and malt drink that's sorta like hot chocolate, but a little different; it's made by Nestle but only made in certain countries). I was worried for a second that Edmund would ask for some kind of South African sweet instead of Turkish Delight (Miss Tumnus had given Lucy some South African things with her tea) but I think they knew how iconic the Turkish Delight is so they kept it (plus we're all familiar with it).

@Ariel: That wasn't a typo above. The play I saw did have a Miss Instead of Mr Tumnus, which made me realise that that's what first got me wondering if there were female fauns. They weren't trying to make as statement, I think they were just using the actors they had available and she played the role so spectacularly you could see why they'd given it to her.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by hobbit_of_narnia » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:54 pm

@Swanwhite (last page): Thanks! :mrgreen:
I've thought the same thing about the constant references to not-shutting-oneself-in-a-wardrobe. Years ago we got a wardrobe for our house, and I was young enough that the only time I'd heard of wardrobes was in the Narnia books. So as soon as the wardrobe was set up I went inside at once (of course!) but was terrified of the door shutting itself on me by accident because I had no idea what would happen, probably something terrible, C.S. Lewis made that very clear!! :lol:
(Also I love your artwork. They look a lot more like the illustrations than my dorky little sketches do, so I'm very impressed. :P I have no idea why I can't get Ed to stay blonde in my drawings...he was in the original light sketch but then I started darkening the lines and suddenly he had his movie hair. :roll: )

@Benisse: Those are adorable! :D It made my day when I saw them.

@Ariel: I'm in favor of having female fauns in Narnia, too. The male dryads and naiads are described in MN as wood-gods and river-gods; maybe there are female fauns after all, they're just not called "fauns".

@Tooky: I was hesitant to try Turkish Delight the first time, too, because I'd actually heard it described as "disgusting" before. But I ended up loving it. (Except the rose-water flavor, which was good but not amazing.) I tried one piece and before I knew what was happening I'd eaten half a dozen. :lol: :lol:

@Lily: :o I think I've said that before, but I needed to say it again.

I'm seriously curious about the Professor's house, though...the line "all manner of stories were told about it, some of them even stranger than the one I am telling you now" is very tantalizing. I mean, it could just be the events from MN, but I like to think that there were other epic (even other magical) things that happened there. :P
I just remembered that we have the BBC LWW among our DVD collection. I'm trying to decide whether to watch it or not...unfortunately I don't have the nostalgia factor going for me here: the one I saw when I was little was the cartoon (the one that has Ed wearing glasses ans Jadis with a buzz cut), and then I saw the Walden Media one years later, and last of all I saw the BBC one.
I did do a drawing for today, but I'll have to put up tomorrow. I waited until this evening to read today's chapters, so it's be too late to scan the drawing. (The scanner is in my parent's bedroom, and it's extremely loud. So I don't want to bother them. :P )
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by narniac101 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:11 pm

Guys! All the art in this thread is awesome! And also some really cool observations and ideas and things. :P

... I do have a project I’m working on to go with the challenge, but it died halfway through, sooo. :? I started over. Hopefully I can finish it before we’re done with the book!

First thing: how does Jadis know where the Wardrobe is?

“Do you see that lamp?” She pointed with her wand and Edmund turned
and saw the same lamp-post under which Lucy had met the Faun.
“Straight on, beyond that, is the way to the World of men.”

Second thing. The Professor is Digory. He’s been to Narnia before. Lucy’s story would be strange, but definitely not impossible or unheard of, given his experience in Narnia and the apparent weirdness of his own house. So maybe it’s not all logic that’s pushing him (to push them) to believe that Narnia is real. Maybe it’s not all “goodness, why don’t they teach logic in these schools!?” and a bit more of “Hey kids, you should really check this out. Narnia is totally possible and you’re upsetting your sister. Byeeeeeeee!”

Soooo hopefully that made a bit of sense. Those are just a couple ideas I had that seemed share-worthy. Also mentionable, I didn't realize how much I missed Narnia. I haven't read all the books in a while, and reading LWW again just feels like being home again, in a way. It's nice. :)
Thank you, Hobbit!
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread 2017

Post by Ajnos » Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:49 pm

@Hobbit: You're one of the best artists on the site; your pics are not "dorky little sketches". ;) I also wondered about all those exciting tales about the house. I think the stranger tale must be something other than the events of MN because the wardrobe room isn't normally part of the tour and I feel like the story referred to is one of the things even the Professor didn't know about the house.

Day 3
Chapter 5: Quotable Lewis

Chapter 5 is so full of brilliant Lewis quotes, sometimes its better to just let him say things in his own words.

Up to that moment Edmund had been feeling sick, and sulky, and annoyed with Lucy for being right, but he hadn't made up his mind what to do. When Peter suddenly asked him the question he decided all at once to do the meanest and most spiteful thing he could think of. He decided to let Lucy down.

It’s interesting that Edmund makes up his mind on the spot. Bad (even evil) choices aren’t necessarily planned well in advance. Sometimes we waver about whether to give into tempation or to do a bad deed and when we do it, it is impulsive and unplanned. But that doesn’t make the consequences any less severe. This is a warning to check ourselves and think before we act.


Look here," said Peter turning on him savagely, "shut up! You've been perfectly beastly to Lu ever since she started this nonsense about the wardrobe and now you go playing games with her about it and setting her off again. I believe you did it simply out of spite.

Peter is just great! Standing up to bullying!!


The result was that next morning they decided that they really would go and tell the whole thing to the Professor. "He'll write to Father if he thinks there is really something wrong with Lu," said Peter; "it's getting beyond us.

I love that Peter and Su take their story to an adult. Adults are often poorly represented in children’s stories and sometimes shown as stupid or undeserving of respect. While Lewis does have silly adults in later books (Gumpas and Uncle A), in the Professor we have a wise man the children can confide in and respect.


The professor’s whole speech is one of my favourite Lewis passages of all time (second to Puddleglum's "Live Like a Narnian" speech). I really love how Lewis works so many truths about life and sticks them into that little speech. The part I like best is the application of Lewis’ own argument about Jesus being either a lunatic, liar or Lord (called the “trilemma” by theologians).

You know she doesn't tell lies and it is obvious that she is not mad. For the moment then and unless any further evidence turns up, we must assume that she is telling the truth.

I also love the bit where he points out that Lucy was unlikely to have stayed in the wardrobe for such a short time and then pretended she’s been away for hours. (Logic!)

And then there's this bit:

My dear young lady," said the Professor, suddenly looking up with a very sharp expression at both of them, "there is one plan which no one has yet suggested and which is well worth trying." "What's that?" said Susan. "We might all try minding our own business," said he. And that was the end of that conversation.


Finally, this really belongs to chapter 4 but it fits with Ed's behaviour in this chapter. I'm sharing this picture, even though its not particularly good, because I found it yesterday and it has an interesting history. I made it back in 2006 not long after the movie first came out. We didn't have internet back then (well that was the year we got our first dialup connection but we only used it for emails and important homework). So the only access I had to pictures of the film were in the insert that came with my brother's copy of "Songs inspired by The Chronicles of Narnia". I scanned them all and made a series of little graphics with a bible verse captioning each picture. I don't even know what graphics programme I used but I know I used "clone" to extend the blue background and was so proud of myself :P I might share a few others as appropriate.
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