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Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 1:07 pm
by hobbit_of_narnia
So far I've still not caught up with everyone in the book (at least not with the drawings part), though I have caught up on reading the thoughts and poems and stuff in here. Again, not much too add, though as usual it's really cool to see others' perspectives on a story that's so familiar to me. (Also all the poetry..... :mrgreen: )
As far as my own thoughts go, it's really aggravating to me at how often Polly and Digory fight. I mean, of course they're young and can't entirely be expected to have good communication, but when you compare their relationship to, say, Eustace and Jill's...! Imagine how much better it would have been for everyone if they hadn't been arguing about something or other every couple of pages during these first chapters.

@Swanwhite's and Ariel's comments on the drawings: Awww, thank you!! :D (Also the pose in the second one....I knew exactly what I wanted but when it came to Uncle Andrew's right shoulder I kept messing up over and over and finally just went and checked what it should look like in the mirror. :lol: )

For chapters 3 and 4:
I feel like these are super ginormous...maybe I should make the next ones smaller so that they don't take up so much of the page.

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 1:54 pm
by Ariel.of.Narnia
(Dear Netflix, may I recommend my friend Hobbit for your concept art team? ‘Cause she did this one sketch of the winged-monster fountain in MN and it’s pretty rad.)

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:21 pm
by hobbit_of_narnia
(That sort of thing is of my dream jobs. :lol: )

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:38 pm
by cleander
@ hobbit: Thanks, now I know what that statue really looked like! (AWESOME art overall btw)
Well, I'm off work today so I was able to get today's reading done a little early.
@ Ariel: I agree with you about the reason behind the effects of the Wood Between the Worlds on Jadis and Andrew. It is in a way a manifestation of the peace and perfection of God; Jadis and Andrew have both set themselves against that power, and it chills and horrifies them both. On the other hand, I find it interesting that the kids, the Cabby, the guinea pig, the horse, (and yes, perhaps even that fish that was swimming around here a while ago) actually feel better for being there. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that they are all simpler, humbler creatures more open to an experience with God. The animals seem to understand it best.
My brother remarked once, upon reading the book, that he suspected the Cabby was a Christian. (Aslan even says later on that he knows him.) I share his suspicions. :)

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:31 pm
by Ajnos
As I said yesterday, I had bible study tonight so I did the reading but haven’t had time for anything else. I’ve got nothing happening tomorrow evening so I’ll get back to Andrew’s journal (he’s had some quite extraoridnary experiences by now).

I loved reading the intial creation scene at the end of chapter 8. It gave me the chills as it always does, even in another language. It will never be as good as the original, but it’s kinda cool how a translator is able to replicate Lewis’ thoughts if not the language.

Speking of translation, I’d forgotten that Strawberry’s name in the Afrikaans version is Rooiman, literally “Redman”. I’ve never undertood why they didn’t use the normal word for strawberry (aarbei), and it doesn’t seem to fit him so well. Oh, well, it’s gonna change soon anyway.

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:46 pm
by daughterofeve3
Hi everyone, I want to apologize in that I fail at reading only two Chapter a day and well... I'm now reading 'Horse and His Boy'. I couldn't help myself but read more, I love those book so much.

I do have something I'd like to share. I made a title screen for a 'Magician's Nephew' movie for one of my class (I wish it was a real movie) and I thought maybe I could show you guys.

Now I had to make a video because I couldn't get it to publish and the button on the bottom are suppose to be green when you roll over them and yellow when you press them, I don't the video shows that.
(Link approved by Ariel_of_Narnia)

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 1:43 am
by Swanwhite
Oh my word! That's so cool DoE!

Chapter 7. What Happened at the Front Door

Aunt Letty is my hero.

Chapter 8. The Fight at the Lamp Post

I found the Hymn on youtube that is generally considered to be the hymn the Cabbie sings.

Harvest Hymn

I made a mini-playlist of it and two other Magician's Nephew songs that I enjoy: ... mNEEsDBZWw

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 5:14 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
No insights on stuff like curiosity and pride today. :)

Can I just say that I love how Lewis makes something of a big deal about Sarah’s day? It’s “exciting” and “wonderful”. Considering how he describes the house (particularly in the afternoon, but elsewhere too), I could well believe it. Mr Ketterley is dressed to the nines! A magnificent (if perhaps a bit unstable) woman in magnificent clothes is in the house! Miss Ketterley has just been tossed across the room! When it rains, it pours, right?

I’m not sure I’ve taken much note of it before, but almost as soon as Jadis shows up in our world, Uncle Andrew becomes something of a comic relief character. He preens in his room. His top hat is crumpled over his face. His jaw drops like a cartoon character who has to pick it up off the floor. Later, he’ll be planted and watered. Besides giving the reader something to chuckle at, Andrew’s status as an alarming figure with nefarious deeds to commit is dwarfed by the true terror Jadis instills.

Oh man. Aunt Letty is a force to be reckoned with! She’s totally unfazed by this strange woman in her house. Either she’s insanely brave or horrifically ignorant (I mean, technically, she is the latter, but still... I think she’s at least got a brand of bravery).

I think I’m also closer than before to loving Frank. He’s such a small character, but he’s got a big heart. He’s determined to do well by his horse, he risks his health in pursuit of calming it, he mentions that his cab is destroyed but he’s more interested in making sure the “Lidy” (who so obviously is the cause of the damage) gets home to rest, he’s polite even though Andrew and Jadis are probably not his favourite people, and even though he hasn’t a clue what just happened to him, he wants to lift everyone’s spirits in the midst of an apparently bleak situation. I mean, man! Is it any wonder Aslan installed him as king?

And aaaaaaahh! the creation of Narnia! This is my favourite part of MN. The darkness... the Voice... the sudden blaze of stars! (The stars in particular are my favourite creations.) I was reading this on my bus home and I know I was smiling the whole time. I don’t know if it’s just because Lewis paints the scene with words or because of the wonder of creation (both Narnia’s and ours) or what (probably a combination of everything). Every time I read this part, I think of Job 38:4-7 (specifically, “Where were you... when the morning stars sang for joy?”) I guess I just get this sense of awe at this fictional glimpse at creation.
(Btw, despite the fact that it has lyrics and a tune, I associate the song “Baba Yetu” to the creation of Narnia, especially the Peter Hollens cover. (YouTube is not affiliated with TLC, click at your own risk.) I imagine the opening solo to be Aslan, the first and second choral additions to be the stars, and then the rest of the song carrying on to the sun, waters, plant life, and then the animals in the final rousing chorus. If I had the skills and ability to film or even animate the scene to the song, I totally would.)

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 5:27 am
by hobbit_of_narnia
@Cleander: Awww, thank you! :mrgreen: I hadn't read your original comment about the statue when I drew the picture, and then I came in and saw it and was like, "Oh. Hmm."

@DaughterofEve: That title screen is so cool....nicely done!

@Swanwhite: I love that drawing of Aunt Letty. :lol: I'm trying to think if I've ever seen a fanart of her before...I don't think I have.

@Ariel: ......Baba Yetu is absolutely the song for the creation of Narnia, thank you forever for pointing that out. If I had any experience with animatics I'd make one now because wow. :P

(My own drawings will be posted later today because I haven't had a chance to do the one for chapter 6 yet.)

Re: Summer Challenge 2019 - MN Sharing thread

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 5:49 am
by Ariel.of.Narnia
@Hobbit: You’re welcome! Happy that you agree on both the fitness of the song and the wish to have the scene visualized to it!