Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by The Happy Islander » Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:43 am

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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by renegadeoftheshire » Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:46 am

Man, today was BUSY for me. Here's a doodle of Bulgy Bear sucking on his paw (Ariel Knight's request!) :D
First time drawing a bear, so this was fun :)
Loving the posts guys!
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by jasmine_tarkheena » Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:58 pm

Peter sends a challenge to Miraz in a handwritten letter form. In medieval times, a knight would challenge another knight to a duel or a joust in hand-written letter form.

Miraz had manipulated his "flatterers" into begging him to become king. Now, in turned, he was being manipulated by two of his flatterers, Glozelle and Sospesian. It turned out they were not even all that loyal to him. They tried to talk him into refusing the challenge from Peter, but he thought they were bewitched. He even stated that he will accept the challenge!
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by Ajnos » Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:29 pm


Chapter 15
Something I meant to say yesterday, and forgot was that I love how during Aslan & Co.'s romp through Beruna, there were a lot of non-talking animals that followed him. It's not often that we see much of non-speaking animals in Narnia and it was kinda cool to see that they recognised Narnia too. A lot of them would have been Telmarine pets (some better and some worse treated by their masters). I wonder if Aslan made any of them talking beasts like he did with the mice in LWW?

Cheat time now - I'm going to share a little something I wrote almost 10 years ago. I was thinking of it while working on my SusanFic, and thinking about the conversation Aslan had with Peter and Su before they left Narnia. I wrote is as a separate one-shot. ... g-you.html
The blog is my own - not directly affiliated with TLC
Thank you for the set Happy!!

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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by The Happy Islander » Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:11 am

They might not need me but; they might.
I'll let my Head be just in sight;
A smile as small as mine might be
Precisely their necessity.
-Emily Dickinson
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by renegadeoftheshire » Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:29 am

I also finished! Here's a drawing of King Caspian! (As I drew this, I realized that I actually like this costume! I found it really interesting. So this was actually fun to draw :D )
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by Ariel.of.Narnia » Wed Aug 17, 2022 7:58 am

@Aj: I noticed Caspian's "this morning" too. Either Lewis didn't catch an error there or Caspian had intended to blow it again.
@Rennie: Aww, yay, you did the Bulgy Bear!

Chapter 13:
"We don't know when he will act. In his time, no doubt, not ours." Peter's faith is sure and grounded again.
Peter's decision to issue the challenge shows just how flexible he's ready to be. First, to put his own life on the line in a bid to set Caspian on his throne and save Narnian lives; second, to buy time for Aslan to do whatever he is going to do and/or to inspect the army and prep it for battle.
What a contrast between Peter's credentials and Miraz'! In particular, one is king "by the gift of Aslan" while the other is merely "styling himself king". Oof. (Plus, the fact that "by the gift of Aslan" exists and is first in the list is beautiful in itself.)
"We most heartily provoke, challenge, and defy...." Such strong words. I love it.
The Telmarines are certainly at leisure, considering it's been over an hour since the Narnians breakfasted. Of course, they had little to fear, given the size and advantage of their army, plus a track record of keeping the Narnians from victory.
The reverse psychology the lords play on Miraz is simple, but excellent.

Well, I'll be finishing up late, it would seem. Yay for being otherwise occupied in my free time, heh-heh.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by jasmine_tarkheena » Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:54 am

I've enjoyed the summer challenge. It was really fun for a beginner.

It was interesting to see fan arts and thoughts from other Narnia fans about Prince Caspian.

As for the final chapter:
What stood out to me was where Aslan asked Caspian if he feels sufficient to be king. Caspian said he wasn't sure. He was saying he didn't think he was ready to become king. Aslan said it was a very good answer.

Another was that Caspian realized that he was a human, a Son of Adam. He also learns that being a human is both a blessing and a curse. God made humans in His own image, and His most special creation. But there's a sinful nature in one each of us. Aslan tells Caspian that being a Son of Adam was "both an honor and a great shame."

I look forward to do Voyage of the Dawn Treader next summer.
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by Ariel.of.Narnia » Thu Aug 18, 2022 7:35 am

Chapter 14:
Peter's little PS to "say something especially nice to Trumpkin" is remarkable. He's seriously considering the chance of dying in combat and gives the natural instruction to "give my love", but in the very same moment, he wants to pass on a word of encouragement to Trumpkin.
Edmund is clearly a combat pragmatist, haha, despite having the same charge of honour on himself (though he's not high king).
I can't imagine having history lessons as dull as what Lewis described. Who put Miraz in charge of curriculum? lol
I love Nurse's understatement about the "well water".
Man, what a combination to be pinned down by! An army on the one hand (including a large population of the much-feared trees) and an jolly party including a Lion, Bacchus, and some of their own kind.

Chapter 15:
Caspian's lack of sufficiency is one of those gentle nuggets of truth. We are weak, but God's grace is sufficient. This moment also mirrors Frank's response to a similar question: he acknowledged his ignorance and exhibited no pride in having been asked, but could only promise to try to do the right thing.
I wonder what prompted the Mice to come forward with Reepicheep. Their mourning does not suggest that they came to ask that Reep be healed (whether by Lucy or by Aslan). There is no sense of urgency either, even if the goal was to let Reep look on Aslan or to let him be honoured/acknowledged by Peter or Caspian before he died. So what is the motive?
Lewis never fails to make me jealous of Narnian feasts. It all sounds so good. Even the soils, despite the fact that Edmund confirms that they're not all that nice for human consumption. (He'd like my mud cake versions of them though. Those were fun.)
Lewis mentions that "chiefly the young ones" stayed, further describing them as "like Caspian". Obviously, this is in reference to they and Caspian having heard the old stories and loving them, but that gets me wondering... were families broken up here? Were there young teens, like Caspian, or children who wanted to and were permitted to stay behind while their older family members left?
Hm, I guess my earlier question about the state of their schoolclothes is answered: they're "not very fresh now". They haven't even been washed, much less mended, it would seem....
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Re: Summer Challenge Sharing Thread - 2022 'Prince Caspian'

Post by Lily of Archenland » Sun Aug 21, 2022 4:55 am

Chapter 7

I love the sheer variety of suggestions among the creatures - the hints of their different personalities.

Chapter 8

Memories meet the young king's muscle, mettle
He's in fine fettle for a fight
The magic of the past has been in the air all night,
Returning to him his old knowledge, might.
It is indeed a fine kettle
Of fish for the doubting Dwarf,
Coming in ready to teach a child,
And finding a knight's worth.

Chapter 9

Gentle spirit hesitates,
Waits in the face of danger.
Is the monster friend or foe?
How do we know we know?

Chapter 10

The descriptions of the tree-people - that is one thing I really *missed* in all the Walden films. Narnian Dryads as people and trees at once, not leafy elemental sprites or Tolkienish Huorns on the March.

Chapter 11

Lewis describes Trumpkin as "it", when he's talking about his first encounter with Aslan. I seem to recall him also using "it" of children of unknown gender in other books, which I can understand, but I don't follow the grammatical or social logic here?

Chapter 12

"Vermin." The hag and werewolf aren't *people* who are messed up inside and calling on powers they shouldn't mess about with, like Nikabrik, but "vermin." In spite of them clearly being fully as intelligent and capable as a human or Dwarf or Beast. Is there really something besides ideological poison that sets them aside from the true Narnians, or is that a centuries-old prejudice speaking? And if they are truly damaged goods in the midst of creation, where did they come from?

Chapter 13

The Bulgy Bear and the right to marshall–again with Beasts and their long memories.

Chapter 14


Chapter 15

I love the loyalty of the mice, and the illustration of the moles bringing earth-cakes for the dryads.

I must admit I am a little bit concerned about the future of those Telmarines.
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