The Lion’s Call Podcast

This podcast presents an adventure on the Dawn Treader and assorted mischief, starring White Rose, Geoffrey F., Tenethia South, Aravir Morningstar and Swanwhite. It has been a long time since the recording, but ancient sounds may still resound in your ears. Enjoy...

Magician’s Nephew Costume Party Wednesday, May 15

Hurrah! Another costume party is upon us. The theme this time is The Magician’s Nephew. Join us in the chat room Wednesday next week, (May 15th) disguised as Helen or Fledge, or the jackdaw etc…. The event will take place all day until revealing at 4:00...

The Lion’s Call Video: How We Looked into a Wardrobe

We made a video 🙂 Starring Kristi, Ajnos, Ariel of Narnia, The Happy Islander, Tenethia South and Swanwhite and including an excerpt of the song “He Will Return” by Dearheart. In it we talk about how we found Narnia and why we love it. Click here to see...