Good Idea, Bad Idea

Inspired by the old “Good Idea, Bad Idea” segment of the Animaniacs cartoon show, here’s Good Idea, Bad Idea: Narnia-style. Due to the transition of The Lion’s Call’s server, the option to add your own has been disabled. Feel free to enjoy what others have posted.

Good Idea: Meeting Aslan
Bad Idea: Checking to see if His mane is real.
Good Idea: Visiting a newly-made world
Bad Idea: Visiting a newly-made world with a witch and your crazy uncle
Good Idea: Having tea with the Beavers with your siblings there of course.
Bad Idea: Having turkish delight with an unknown stranger-alone.
Good Idea: Going to Cair Paravel to be crowned as king or queen of Narnia
Bad Idea: Going to the Witch’s house because you think you will crowned a prince and later the king of Narnia, but you find out it’s all a trick
Good Idea: Having a party with the presents Father Christmas gave you
Bad Idea: Telling the White Witch that the presents were from Father Christmas
Good Idea: having a kind (though simple minded) donkey for a friend
Bad Idea: Dressing up the same donkey as aslan and hiding him in a stable and thinking The REAL Aslan won’t care
Good Idea: Listening to stories about Narnia from your nurse
Bad Idea: Telling your estranged uncle about it(when he knows you are the rightful king of Narnia)
Good Idea: Wanting to send your children somewhere safe during bombing raids.
Bad Idea: Sending your children to a place where they have access to an evil witch, wolves, and talking animals.
Good Idea: Eating stag
Bad Idea: Eating a TAKLING stag….ewww
Good Idea: Appeasing the Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time
Bad Idea: Not taking an in-depth course on it
Good Idea: Wanting to avenge your mother’s death
Bad Idea: Falling in love with the serpent – lady who killed her
Good Idea: killing the bad wolf.
Bad Idea: forgetting to wipe you sword.
Good Idea: Traveling to the Eastern End of the World
Bad Idea: Traveling to the Eastern End of the World with Eustace Clarence Scrubb
Good Idea: Running away from giants who intend to turn you into man-pies
Bad Idea: Running away in a bright green dress with a long skirt and a bright red cloak.
Good Idea: Exploring other worlds through magical pools
Bad Idea: Taking a witch who seeks world domination out of one of those worlds
Good Idea: Making plans to attack your enemy country
Bad Idea: Making plans with children hiding behind the sofa listening to your every word
Good Idea: Finding a secret passage.
Bad Idea: Finding a secret passage that leads to your Crazy uncles forbidden room
Good Idea: Leaving Charn
Bad Idea: Striking Bell First
Good Idea: call on Aslan, believing him
Bad Idea: call on Tash although you do not believe him
Good Idea: Acting like Aravis
Bad Idea: Acting like Lasaraleen (I luv her to death, but I wouldnt want to be like her)
Good Idea: Being friends with a donkey. (Puzzle)
Bad Idea: Being turned into a donkey. (Alas poor Rabadash)
Good Idea: Seeking help for your army of Old Narnians
Bad Idea: Recruting Nikabrik’s friends
Good Idea: Going to meet Aslan
Bad Idea: Running away with the Witch
Good Idea: beeing friends with Reepicheep
Bad Idea: fighting with Reepicheep
Good Idea: Drinking deeply of the water from the Last Sea
Bad Idea: Telling your crew about the little people in the Last Sea
Good Idea: Being a guest on the Dawn Treader and respecting everyone
Bad Idea: Being a guest on the Dawn Treader and the first thing you do is pull a mouse’s tail
Good Idea: Minding your own business at Experiment House
Bad Idea: Picking on kids that have other-world royalty for friends
Good Idea: Ignoring your annoying cousin
Bad Idea: Telling him that “Narnia” and “balmier” don’t rhyme
Good Idea: Accepting that “Jesus” is Aslan’s other name
Bad Idea: Then still denying that you need Jesus
Good Idea: Trying to reach Narnia through a wardrobe
Bad Idea: Trying to reach Narnia through a microwave
Good Idea: Naming your firsborn (and only) son
Bad Idea: Naming your firsborn (and only) son Eustace Clarence Scrubb. (even if he does almost deserve it.)
Good Idea: Read the Horse and His Boy oustside on a nice day
Bad Idea: leaving it there in the rain
Good Idea: to belong to Aslan
Bad Idea: to be as silly as uncle Andrew by fooling himself and by doing so make oneself unable to hear the healing words of the son of the great Lion.
Good Idea: Indigo unicorn horns
Bad Idea: Unicorn horns of any other collor
Good Idea: Talking to Reepicheep.
Bad Idea: Trying to talk to him about traps, toasted cheese, or candles.
Good Idea: Going to Narnia and getting to play with swords
Bad Idea: Comming back and getting hit in the head with a cricket ball
Good Idea: Walking through a Narnian wood
Bad Idea: Walking through a Narnian wood and falling out of a wardrobe.
Good Idea: Going into Narnia
Bad Idea: Going into Narnia and getting kidnapped
Good Idea: Look at a picture of a ship with purple sails.
Bad Idea: Look at a picture of a Narnian ship with purple sails and then try to smash the said picture.
Good Idea: Finding a magical world.
Bad Idea: Teasing your little sister that it’s not real and making her cry.
Good Idea: Eating Turkish Delight
Bad Idea: Eating Turkish Delight from the White Witch
Good Idea: Being friends with the Beavers
Bad Idea: Making them into coats
Good Idea: Going to a beautiful lady’s house
Bad Idea: Going to the White Witch’s house~KateNarnia
Good Idea: Going to Narnia
Bad Idea: Getting hit by a train ~ Ruthenium
Good Idea: Calling Reepicheep chivalrous.
Bad Idea: Calling him cute
Good Idea: Noticing that someone is indeed a Mouse,and saying that they are nobel.
Bad Idea: Noticing that someone is indeed a Mouse,and saying there are cute. ~Shasta
Good Idea: grabbing the coats from the wardrobe before journeying into cold Narnia too far.
Bad Idea: leaving your coat at the Beaver’s house while tredging through blizzard like conditions.
Good Idea: posessing a crown which fits nicely on your head, signifying your importance as queen.
Bad Idea: having said crown made of ice, whose stability is conditional upon the season.
Good Idea: Joining with Tirian against the Calormens and believing in Aslan
Bad Idea: Saying the Dwafes are for the Dwarfes
Good Idea: Letting Edmund eat turkish delight in the real world.
Bad Idea: Letting Edmund eat it from the Witch’s sleigh.
Good Idea: Meeting Prince Caspian, face to face.
Bad Idea: Meeting Prince Caspian, with his and your sword, face to face.
Good Idea: hunting but not killing the white stag
Bad Idea: eating talking animals
Good Idea: going to Narnia
Bad Idea: coming back home -NarniaRox!!!
Good Idea: Having a unicorn as a close friend
Bad Idea: Angering a unicorn so that it rears up…then you have its hoofs and its horn and its teeth to deal with at the same time.
Good Idea: Listening to the prophecy
Bad Idea: Saying that it “doesn’t rhyme”
Good Idea: Visiting Narnia
Bad Idea: Visiting Narnia with an evil witch
Good Idea: Meeting a new neighbor.
Bad Idea: Pointing out that he is blubbering.
Good Idea: Watching a dragon from afar. (I love dragons. They’re so cool!)
Bad Idea: Going into it’s lair (even if it is dead) and thinking dragonish thoughts. Especially if you’re wearing Lord Ocsestian’s bracelet.
Good Idea: Catching fish for dinner in Narnia
Bad Idea: Using your little brother’s hat as a basket for said fish (it must have smelled very nasty afterwards)
Good Idea: Riding across the desert
Bad Idea: Riding across the desert in bare feet
Good Idea: Knowing a lot of proverbs
Bad Idea: Getting kicked in the rear because you quote them all the time
Good Idea: Getting into Narnia, and sailing on the Dawn Treader
Bad Idea: While doing these things, blabbing on and on about the British Counsel (Ahem… Eustace)~ Unicorn Girl
Good Idea: Being Good to your sister on your first Narnian Journey.
Bad Idea: Tellin her that she’s “trying to be smart as usual.” ~Princess Caspiana
Good Idea: Thinking your friend’s uncle is mean.
Bad Idea: Taking and wearing a ring from your friend’s mean uncle.
Good Idea: Knowing a Marsh-Wiggle
Bad Idea: Becoming LIKE a Marsh-Wiggle
Good Idea: Mounting a horse.
Bad Idea: Mounting him as though he were a haystack. -Christabelle of Felimath
Good Idea: Having a sister.
Bad Idea: Having a sister who wages war on you and ends up blowing everything up–including you–with the Deplorable Word. -Christabelle of Felimath
Good Idea: Trapping an anoying mouse.
Bad Idea: Trapping an anoying mouse…that can talk.
Good Idea: Trying to shatter a stone knife.
Bad Idea: Trying to shatter a stone knife, with no defense.
Good Idea: Fighting next to a centaur
Bad Idea: Jumping on the centaur’s back (Like Susan does in the night raid…tisk, tisk!)
Good Idea: Comforting Eustace since he’s a dragon
Bad Idea: Turning into a dragon to comfort him, and then wanting to eat him
Good Idea: Going into Narnia for the first time, bringing it’s King with you.
Bad Idea: Bringing the witch with you. ~Princess of Narnia
Good Idea: Not allowing my troublesome nephew to learn about ancient Narnia
Bad Idea: Hiring a half-dwarf to teach him ~Princess of Narnia
Good Idea: Going to battle and using your sword.
Bad Idea: Using your sword, waving it wildly around, almost cutting off your pony’s head. (Umm, Sha…I mean Cor!) ~Princess of Narnia
Good Idea: Telling the truth
Bad Idea: Tell the truth about the picture in your aunt’s house to your annoying cousin
Good Idea: Leaving Charn.
Bad Idea: Going to Charn. ~Princess of Narnia
Good Idea: Making the Voyage of the Dawn Treader into a movie.
Bad Idea: Leaving it for my rivals to make. ~Princess of Narnia
Good Idea: Writing in your ideas for good ideas and bad ideas.
Bad Idea: Using it as a chat room.
Good Idea: Finding out you have a long-lost twin brother.
Bad Idea: Impersonating the above long-lost twin brother and almost leaving him behind.
Good Idea: Being friends with Reepicheep
Bad Idea: Swinging him around by the tail………….dude, not cool!
Good Idea: Going to Narnia with your friend.
Bad Idea: Pushing him off the edge of a cliff upon arrival.
Good Idea: Getting a drink from a stream
Bad Idea: Getting a drink from a stream that turns everything into gold
Good Idea: feeding a centaur
Bad Idea: feeding a centaur only half of its meal. ( centaurs have 2 stomachs, human and horse)
Good Idea: Going to Narnia having read the right books (Lucy and Edmund)
Bad Idea: Going to Narnia having read books about taxes, imports, exports, and excercising. (Ahem, Eustace…)
Good Idea: Having a flask of the juice of fireberries from the Sun
Bad Idea: Trying to go to the Sun to get one~ Irisflower
Good Idea: Play in the backyard.
Bad Idea: Climbing through the rafter of your house to explore.
Good Idea: meeting Aslan
Bad Idea: throwing a lamp post at him (ahem, Jadis…)
Good Idea: Smelling the Narnian Air
Bad Idea: Smelling the Narnian air and sighing in the White Witch’s court.
Good Idea: Riding a horse.
Bad Idea: Riding a Talking Horse! ~ Princes Gracpian
Good Idea: Falling as a bolt of Tash from above.
Bad Idea: Getting caught on a hook halfway.
Good Idea: Repeating the Four Signs
Bad Idea: Repeating the Four Signs out of order
Good Idea: Being the Tisroc.
Bad Idea: Having to hear “may-he-live-forever” everytime your name is said–Kale Allerion.
Good Idea: Riding a sled (what fun!)
Bad Idea: Riding a sled with a witch (not so fun!)
Good Idea: Running into a wardrobe and into a beautiful snowy wood with a lamppost in the middle of it.
Bad Idea: Running into the wardrobe and into a wall (the wall always wins). -Clodsley Shovel
Good Idea: Having lunch in London
Bad Idea: Having lunch in London with the Queen of Charn who’s bent on taking over Earth
Good Idea: Ruling Narnia for 15 years and growing up.
Bad Idea: Returning to England and having to grow up all over again.
Good Idea: Staying at the proffesors house
Bad Idea: Staying at your cousins house
Good Idea: Traveling through Tashbaan to escape to Narnia
Bad Idea: Getting caught by Lasaraleen while you’re at it!
Good Idea: Falling into Narnia through a magic wardrobe
Bad Idea: Running into the back of a regular wardrobe
Good Idea: Fearing Aslan mildly
Bad Idea: Pretending you can’t hear Him speak :-O by nut4narnia95
Good Idea: Being nice to all cats you meet.
Bad Idea: Telling them about throwing rocks at mangey old strays. (You never know which one’s Aslan)
Good Idea: Meeting a centaur
Bad Idea: Inviting said centaur round for breakfast
Good Idea: Being the governer of an independent island
Bad Idea: Being the impudent governor of an island that is not independent and pretends that it is, and giving lip to the TRUE king of Narnia, who is quite capable of killing you.
Good Idea: Going to Narnia with your sister
Bad Idea: Lying about it to your older siblings ~annathegentle
Good Idea: Accepting a Prince’s hand in marriage
Bad Idea: Accepting Prince Rabadash’s hand in marriage *gasp* (Especially if you’re a Queen of Narnia) ~annathegentle
Good Idea: Trying to save Edmund by following him to the Witch’s house
Bad Idea: Shouting his name out loud (tsk tsk.. Peter…) ~annathegentle
Good Idea: Leaving charn
Bad Idea: Bringing jadis with you
Good Idea: Trying to swim up a waterfall in in the REAL Narnia.
Bad Idea: Trying to swim up a waterfall in OUR world.
Good Idea: Going to Narnia
Bad Idea: Leaving your new torch behind
Good Idea: seeing a centaur
Bad Idea: asking it if you can ride on its back
Good Idea: Jumping in puddles
Bad Idea: Realizing you forgot your rings at home -ElvenWind
Good Idea: Going to Narnia
Bad Idea: Running into the Lampost
Good Idea: Wanting to go back to Narnia
Bad Idea: Getting there… and dragging your ultra-annoying cousin with you
Good Idea: Crossing a melting river as quickly as possible
Bad Idea: Stopping to “think about this for a minute”
Good Idea: Reading multiple books by and pertaining to C.S. Lewis
Bad Idea: Reading mulitple books about the history of lint
Good Idea: Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Beaver
Bad Idea: Being there on bath day
Good Idea: Running away from the wolves attacking your house.
Bad Idea: Running away from the wolves attacking your house and taking the time out to pack jam to take with you.
Good Idea: Getting fresh air outside
Bad Idea: Getting fresh air outside while playing baseball and hitting the ball through a stained glass window and then getting caught by Mrs. Macready and then hiding in a wardrobe.
Good Idea: Listening to the signs
Bad Idea: Forgeting the signs
Good Idea: Trying to get to Narnia by going into a wardrobe or opening a door
Bad Idea: Trying to get into Narnia by getting into a train wreck
Good Idea: Buying a book entitled ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’.
Bad Idea: Buying a book entitled ‘Man and Their Ways’ or ‘Man: Real or Myth?’ ~Ellie Brandybuck
Good Idea: Stopping Reepicheep from killing the true heir to the Narnian throne
Bad Idea: Telling him that you have no good reason for the “untimely interruption”
Good Idea: Meeting two of the kings and queens of old, the current king of Narnia, and a talking mouse
Bad Idea: Attempting to enslave them all (Didn’t Pug ever hear of the overprotective older brother?)
Good Idea: Having Fish and Chips.
Bad Idea: Having Fish and Chips made by Mrs. Beaver
Good Idea: Setting on the Witch’s throne after she’s dead.
Bad Idea: Setting on the White Witch’s throne… when she’s standing right by you. (Obviously ALIVE!)
Good Idea: Destroying a small bell with little wierd writing on it’s little colum.
Bad Idea: Ringing it. (Awful idea: Ringing a bell that gets louder and louder until you’re deaf.)
Good Idea: Listening to Aslan.
Bad Idea: Listening to a monkey who says the orders are from Aslan, and not letting you see him at day, or talk to him at the midnight meetings.
Good Idea: finding magic rings that take you to different worlds
Good Idea: Woeking with Walden Media to make narnia movies
Bad Idea: Pulling out after the second one
Good Idea: Launching an arrow at Miraz, because he murdered your nephew’s father.
Bad Idea: Launching an arrow at
Good Idea: Launchingn arrow at Miraz, because he killed your brother in law.
Bad Idea: Lauching an arrow at Caspian, when he’s done nothing.
Good Idea: Leading your army out of the castle that you are being attacked by.
Bad Idea: Leading them out to late.
Good Idea: Shattering the white witch’s ice wall.
Bad Idea: Giving a drop of Adam’s blood to her before you do it.
Good Idea: killing an unwilling victim that has comited treachery and is not killed in a traitors stead. (you)
Bad Idea: killing a willing vitim that has comited no treachey and you are a traitor!!!!! (uh-oh!)
Good Idea: Getting sea sick and throwing up if you need to.
Bad Idea: Throwing up on the dawn treader.
Good Idea: fighting with minitor
Bad Idea: fighting minitor afew hundrud yers later
Good Idea: jumping off a cliff with aslan nereby
Bad Idea: jumping off a cliff without aslan nereby
Good Idea: Going to a a new world
Bad Idea: Taking your crazy uncle with you
Good Idea: Entering a magical land while being chased by bullys
Bad Idea: Coming back at the exact moment you left
Good Idea: wanting to kill the white witch:)
Bad Idea: getting turned into stone because you tried to kill the white witch
Good Idea: Eating toffee
Bad Idea: Buring the wrapper to see if it grows into a tree–ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN
Good Idea: jumping into a puddle that lead to another world
Bad Idea: gettin your clothes and foot wear wet in doing so
Good Idea: Hiding in a wardrobe and falling into a magical world with your skeptical siblings.
Bad Idea: Having to accidentally break the nice old man’s window to get them there.
Good Idea: Plugging your ears when Aslan roars
Bad Idea: Not plugging your ears when Aslan roars and going deaf
Good Idea: telling your siblings that there is a land in the wardrobe.
Bad Idea: telling your siblings that there is a football field in the cabinet/pantry
Good Idea: Just watching a waterfall.
Bad Idea: Going after a lion skin floating around near the waterfall.
Good Idea: Going into a wardrobe
Bad Idea: Going into a wardrobe; only not to find that there is a magial land at the end of it, but walking in it until you find the back… and fall on the floor!!
Good Idea: visiting the Narnian and Archenlandish Nobles.
Bad Idea: being arrogant and rude, making threats and *gasp* making faces at Aslan.
Good Idea: tie up the white witch
Bad Idea: tie up the white witch when she has her wand
Good Idea: take the white wich’s wand.
Bad Idea: try to take the white wich’s wand when she is holding it
Good Idea: Riding in to the battle to help my friends.
Bad Idea: Riding in on a pretty, girlie unicorn when you are trying to be manly by being in a battle.
Good Idea: Going to Narnia.
Bad Idea: Lighting a candle in front of your protective older sister.
Good Idea: Sieging your enemy’s castle
Bad Idea: Sieging your enemy’s castle, then realizing that it is too late to carry out a successful attack, but going ahead anyway ( great idea, peter!)
Good Idea: Staying at the beavers to listen to fasinating and helpful information
Bad Idea: Going to the witch’s house to get very nearly turned to stone
Good Idea: Helping Peter’s army free Narnia for everyone’s own good
Bad Idea: Helping the White Witch’s army ’cause she offered you sweets
Good Idea: Going to Narnia or Archenland
Bad Idea: Going to Calormen
Good Idea: Riding on Bree across the desert (when he allows you to)
Bad Idea: Riding on the White whitch’s sledge (especially when she’s angry at you)
Good Idea: Running away from the White Witch (Peter, Susan, Lucy, Beavers)
Bad Idea: Running TO the Witch (not your best move, Edmund)
Good Idea: running straight when the hermit of the southern marsh tells you
Bad Idea: running bach to tashban
Good Idea: Talking about Narnia
Bad Idea: Making up an ‘assy-thingy-gummy’ about it! ~Princess of Narnia
Good Idea: Making a Narnia FanFic
Bad Idea: Putting a Mary Sue into it
Good Idea: sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night and turning on the lamp to read Narnia
Bad Idea: Getting busted while doing so…
Good Idea: making a wardrobe out of a narnian tree (on earth, of course)
Bad Idea: making firewood out of narnian wood and selling it to the calormenes
Good Idea: Admiring Reepicheep’s tail.
Bad Idea: Pulling Reepicheep’s tail.
Good Idea: Hug a stone lion and take picture.
Bad Idea: Hug a wild wolf you think is stone.
Good Idea: Taking a bath after a hike.
Bad Idea: Taking a bath on Death Water Isle.
Good Idea: Going to a magical world
Bad Idea: PIcking up an evil witch hitchiker trying to conquer your world
Good Idea: sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night and turning on the lamp to read Narnia
Bad Idea: Getting busted while doing so…
Good Idea: Going out with Caspian.
Bad Idea: Kissing him witch would make Lucy scream and pass out(maybe even barf.)
Good Idea: Going out with Caspian.
Bad Idea: Kissing him witch would make Lucy scream and pass out(maybe even barf.)
Good Idea: Killing Ginnabrik.
Bad Idea: Letting him kill your bro first.
Good Idea: Believing in Narnia
Bad Idea: Believing in Narnia and then convincing yourself it does not exist after the 2nt time you go there
Good Idea: Typing Good Ideas and Bad Ideas
Bad Idea: Using the Good Idea, Bad Idea area as a disscusion board
Good Idea: Following Aslan.
Bad Idea: Following a creature appearing to be Aslan, and is Aslan, but you shoot it just to make sure.
Good Idea: Wishing you could go to a new world
Bad Idea: Actually going to a new world called Charn
Good Idea: Kissing Caspian
Bad Idea: Kissing Caspian if your father isn’t Ramandu
Good Idea: Eating sweets like chocolate.
Bad Idea: Eating sweets like turkish delight (oh no! not the turkish delight!! AAAHHH!)
Good Idea: Staying at Aslan’s how and not going on a night raid.
Bad Idea: Going on a night raid, to try to attack a castle that has never been succsessfully taken.
Good Idea: Staying at Aslan’s how and not going on a night raid.
Bad Idea: Going on a night raid, to try to attack a castle that has never been succsessfully taken.
Good Idea: Following your sister to Narnia.
Bad Idea: Following your sister to Narnia and making friends with a witch.
Good Idea: Staying at Aslan’s how and not going on a night raid.
Bad Idea: Going on a night raid, to try to attack a castle that has never been succsessfully taken.
Good Idea: Watching the Prince Caspian movie and thinking that it’s an AWESOME movie (it is!!!)
Bad Idea: Hating the movie, because some things in the movie are not in the book!!!
Good Idea: Giving Caspian a haircut when he’s asleep.
Bad Idea: Giving Caspian a haircut when he’s on the battlefield
Good Idea: Riding a talking horse when on a desprated ride to freedom.
Bad Idea: Riding a talking horse on a stroll thourgh your royal dominions
Good Idea: Not bothering to join the forum “cuz it’s easier to use the humor list.
Bad Idea: Being a ratter named Lucy Took.~Penny Moon
Good Idea: Planning a secret meeting about going to war against Narnia.
Bad Idea: Having couches or tables in your secret room.
Good Idea: Staying in Aslan’s how and not going on a night raid
Bad Idea: Going on a night raid, to try to attack a castle that has never been succsessfully taken. ~ Lover of Narnia
Good Idea: meeting reepicichief
Bad Idea: being his enemy
Good Idea: Saving the heir to the throne from an evil witch
Bad Idea: Forgeting to write down the signs that are meant to help you
Good Idea: Blowing Susan’s horn
Bad Idea: Blowing Trumpkin’s ear trumpet
Good Idea: eating at Aslans table
Bad Idea: eating at Aslans table then falling into an enchanted sleep after fighting
Good Idea: using yellow and green rings to enter another world
Bad Idea: using them if your color blind
Good Idea: Breaking out of the Witch’s castle
Bad Idea: Getting thirsty and licking her throne on the way out
Good Idea: Following a talking Beaver
Bad Idea: Trying to attract hims with noises and hand gestures
Good Idea: meeting reepicichief
Bad Idea: being his enemy
Good Idea: Giving sweet animal kisses to your king.
Bad Idea: Getting him drunk and leaving him behind.
Good Idea: Having a noble mouse on your voyage
Bad Idea: Having him stand on the “poop” all the time.
Good Idea: Running away
Bad Idea: Getting killed by your uncle miraz
Good Idea: Going to Narnia and fighting in the battle for Aslan and then becoming Kings and Queens of Narina.
Bad Idea: Go to Narnia and eat a bunch of candy then turn to the bad side and brtray your siblings.
Good Idea: Listen to King Edmund.
Bad Idea: Fight with Caspian.
Good Idea: Noticing someone is a mouse.
Bad Idea: Getting killed for it.
Good Idea: Having tea with beavers.
Bad Idea: Having your sibling dissappear afterwards.
Good Idea: Going to Narnia.
Bad Idea: Meeting Jadis.
Good Idea: Being a kind and wise and peaceful ecte. ruler of Narnia.
Bad Idea: Being a mean and evil ruler of Narnia who is always attacking peaceful unsuspecting weaker countries.~Penny Moon
Good Idea: Naming your cat Aslan.
Bad Idea: Naming your dog Aslan. -Ellie Brandybuck
Good Idea: Eating Turkish Delight
Bad Idea: Eating Enchanted Turkish Delight given to you by a complete stranger
Good Idea: Meeting Reepicheep
Bad Idea: Telling him he’s cute.
Good Idea: Going into a wardrobe
Bad Idea: Accepting tea with a strage goat like creature you just met.
Good Idea: Going into a wardrobe
Bad Idea: Accepting tea with a strage goat like creature you just met.
Good Idea: going to school
Bad Idea: going to school at experiment house
Good Idea: staying in a warm house to get out of the cold outside
Bad Idea: staying in a warm house that happens to belong to some giants who are planning to eat you
Good Idea: Remembering all the signs Aslan gave you.
Bad Idea: Muffing all of them.
Good Idea: Trying to get to Narnia.
Bad Idea: Then getting killed by trying (then you get there)
Good Idea: Going into Narnia and finding a handsome prince! Yay
Bad Idea: Finding out that you will never be able to see him again then kissing him in front of your supposibly nine year old sister! NOOO!
Good Idea: Beliving in Narnia,,,yay
Bad Idea: Beliving that the White Witch can be brought back by a dwarf and a hag and a werewolf. Boo
Good Idea: Marrying King Caspian
Bad Idea: Getting bitten by a Snake then having your son fall in love with said Snake
Good Idea: Watching Prince Caspian movie
Bad Idea: Crying at the kissing scene because it isn’t you who is doing the kissing
Good Idea: Becoming friends with a talking tree
Bad Idea: Cutting said tree down
Good Idea: having a uncle
Bad Idea: having miraz the usurper for a uncle ~ Destrier
Good Idea: Getting a horse and racing to Cair Paravel
Bad Idea: Do so only to start a war with the high king and kidnapp his sister
Good Idea: Riding a talking horse (in times of need only)
Bad Idea: grabing the reins or his mane when he told you not to
Good Idea: Getting getting rings to go to Narnia…good
Bad Idea: uh oh, you forgot to get the rings that bring you back…only if you don’t like it there.
Good Idea: Beliving in Narnia
Bad Idea: Telling your class you believe in Narnia~Caspian’s Princess
Good Idea: Running away from Reepicheep if you are not on his side and\or he is chasing you
Bad Idea: Not running away and getting yourself killed.- C.S.Lewis kid
Good Idea: Seeing a bell with writing on the pedistal it’s hanging above, and leaving it alone.
Bad Idea: Pretending the bell’s magic and is driving you mad, twisting your freind’s wrist, ringing the bell, and waking up a psycho dictator queen who will end up killing the guy who will help you save your mother.- C.S. Lewis kid
Good Idea: Beings Sweet and kind like Lucy
Bad Idea: Looking at the Fox with glasses and laughing
Good Idea: Eating Turkish Delight.
Bad Idea: Eating Turkish Delight in exchange for betraying your family.
Good Idea: Eating from Aslan’s table.
Bad Idea: Grabbing the knife in the middle of Aslan’s table.~C.S. Lewis kid
Good Idea: Crossing the Ford of Beruna
Bad Idea: Building a bridge over it ~Ariel_of_Narnia
Good Idea: Liking Narnia
Bad Idea: Not liking Narnia. ~Eowyn of Narnia
Good Idea: Walking around Felimath
Bad Idea: Accepting drinks from mean-looking strangers


  1. GoblinQueen

    Good Idea: Writing a Narnian fanfiction

    Bad Idea: Filling said fanfiction with out of character happenings and making true Narnia fans cringe and writhe in pain when they read said fanfiction.

    • An Unknown Pevensie

      It is terrible isn’t it.

  2. jasmine_tarkheena

    I think another I could add is

    Good Idea: Praying

    Bad Idea: Praying to a god you don’t believe in


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