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Narnialympics 2016

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In honour of the 2016 Olympics held in Rio, we at TLC have decided we want some Narnian action!

So the way this works is that I will start us off with an event. The rest of you will chime in with the character you think would win, but you must also defend your case (any character; the olympics are international, after all!). You don't have to make a serious defence; you might find that a funny explanation will earn you a place on the stand! At the end of the day, I will choose the gold, silver, and bronze medal winners based on which entries I agree with; these will then be posted to the TLC homepage. The gold-medal winner will then choose the next event for the following day and select the winners at the end of that day.
Note that if you have not selected the winners of your event by the morning after the deadline, I will jump in and do the honours so we can keep the game going.


So here we go, welcome to that Narnialympics 2016! Today's event is javelin.

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Rabadash. Because he just /seems/ like a javelin-throwing type guy.

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*doesn't know much about the Olympics, but figures I'll give it a shot anyway*

Caspian. After all, he did a bit of that sort of thing in the movie.

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Behold Glenstorm, the mighty Centaur! Behold his solid stance and immeasurable upper body strength! Behold the javelin as it flies from his--YIKES! Watch where you're pointing that thing!

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Oreius, the Centaur. I bet those guys could throw better than anyone else.

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Bronze goes to Caspian X.
Silver to Oreius the Centaur.
And finally, gold to Glenstorm the Centaur!

Congrats, Kristi, you go next!

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The next sport is: gymnastics

For simplicity, let's say individual all-around, rather than team or a single event. Standard equipment for men is rings, floor routine, pommel horse, and parallel bars. Standard for women is balance beam, floor, vault, and uneven parallel bars. So explain why your competitor is the best in all four of their categories, but we'll lump women and men together for the results.

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I think Fauns would be pretty good at gymnastics, perhaps nymphs dryads and the like?

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I think Reepicheep would excel in gymnastics.
His arms would be a little short for the rings, but we all know he's got excellent upper-body strength, what with having performed feats that regular mice would not do (and let's not forget how much he uses his sword). Plus, with the added benefit of his tail, he could really bring something special to the contest!
As for the floor routine, Reep has had years of creative fighting, weaving, leaping, flipping, twisting, turning. He might not be able to display much of his flexibility but he is agile.
The pommel horse event, admittedly wouldn't look so impressive by a mouse, but that would not underestimate his acrobatic skill.
Reep's arms would not reach both bars set at the standard distance, but imagine the stunts he could pull from one to another! There are reasons Aslan didn't let him into this world and this is definitely one of them.

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A new star rises!
Ramandu's Daughter wows the crowd --
balance beam: she demonstrates extraterrestrial lightness of being as she twirls and cartwheels on the beam juggling platters of sweetmeats bound for Aslan's table
floor: her grace and poise coupled with amazing elevation in her powerful somersaults and turns were the perfect lyrical interpretation for the music of the spheres
vault: she sparkled as she bounded onto the vault and seemed to soar up, up and away, turning and twisting again and again before lightly but firmly sticking her landing
uneven parallel bars: her hair, tightly coiled at the nape of her neck seemed to glow and pulsate, exuding radiant trails of light reminiscent of the Aurora Borealis as she soared from beam to beam with power, agility and dizzying pikes, straight body rotations, and multiple somersaults.

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Bronze goes to an Unnamed Faun.
Silver goes to Reepicheep.
And finally, the gold goes to Ramandu's Daughter!

Your turn, Benisse. 🙂

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And the next event is: HIGH JUMP!
(no poles or wings)

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Giant Wimbleweather: *steps up to the starting line and hops once, causing a tumultuous shaking that topples thirteen dwarfs and a nearby pavillion.* "Do I win?"

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A Random Dufflepud-

"I wish I couldn't jump so high because then I wouldn't be so ugly."

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Surprising all who are watching comes Doctor Cornelius. Surely he is not here to compete. Perhaps he has come into the field to correct a forgotten ancient custom regarding the high jump. But wait - there he is at the starting line! He's setting his feet in position! And he's running (at least, as much as one of his stature and girth and age can run). There is no way he can gather the speed, much less the height, required for this event. But what is this? He clears the bar by a wide margin! What have my old eyes missed?! Oh, sorry, my companions have just informed me that he used magic to hoist himself up. Is that even legal? I mean, I know the rules were "no wings or poles", but is this an allowable action? I guess the judges are conferring in their little corner there....

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