Listing Category: Long Fic

Memento Mori

The Pevensie rule is challenged by a pandemic. Can Peter withstand the stress or will he go down before his eighteenth birthday?

Golden Fire

Caspian the Conquerer was not the first Telmarine who invaded Narnia.

The Voyage of the Canon Keepers

When movie-Susan shows up aboard the bookverse Dawn Treader, the Narnia Canon Keepers have it all under control…until the two keepers sent get stuck in the story and have to deal with a lovesick Susan, Eustace who thinks they’re Nazis , and much more.


When the evacuation is over and the Pevensies go back home, Edmund looks in the mirror and finds what every soon-to-be teenager dreads& a zit. Watch the Pevensies go through the horrors of growing up… again. Humor w/sibling fluff

If Mum Knew What We Are Doing

What if Mrs Pevensie discovered what her children did when they got evacuated to the countryside during the war?