Petunia the Sea Serpent Tells Her Side of the Story

So there I was, minding my own business, when this big green thing appears overhead, blocking out the sun.  Thought at first that it might be a whale.  George the humpback likes to surface there on occasion.  Good neighbor, though he does attract a lot of barnacles.

Anyway, it wasn’t George, and it wasn’t moving like any proper sea creature should.  I figured the world was coming to an end, sun going dark and all that, but figured I’d take a gander since I didn’t have anything else to do and the cable was out.  So I swam up to the surface and found a rather stiff and ugly dragon with a group of two-legged things on its back. I took them for Sea People and figured they’d best get back into the water right away, so I tried to pull the dragon underwater, but the two-legged things gave me the heave-ho for my trouble.  I hope they were just passing through.  I certainly didn’t get an invitation to their reef-warming party.  And who wants neighbors like that anyway?