In a newborn world, one will always find the development of equally new things. King Frank and Queen Helen, being from a world that has seen many inventions simple and great, have decided to host a contest to see what the first Narnians will come up with. These items may be simple or complex, ranging from an article of clothing to a structure, commonly used in Narnia or perhaps never mentioned in the books. (Virtual cookies will be awarded to entries that also give a description!)

Example: The Fauns’ Double-Reeded Flute – Why make a flute with a single reed when you could have the complexities of two? The first double-reeded flute was whittled out of red lancewood and was somewhat on the squeaky side, but the model will be improved upon over the years to produce rich, smooth tones and to become one of the fauns’ favoured instruments!


And the winner is…

For Frying or Fighting? by Rose and Psyche
Article in the Narnia Times – For Frying, or Fighting? Invented: A large cast iron Object, round and indented, with a Useful Handle. Seems extremely Suited to all forms of Uses, including frying bacon, eggs, mushrooms, etc…and also suited for Self Defense in Dire Need. For further Questions, please contact the Black Dwarfs Smithy along the Rush.


Don’t forget to check out the winners of the last .