In this time of pandemic when schools are being temporarily closed worldwide and people in many places are forced or encouraged to stay home, we are seeing many instances of kindness, sharing, and selflessness as businesses put people’s well-being ahead of making profits. Amazon’s Audible audio-book site has launched a place from which a selected collection of children’s books may be streamed. These book can be accessed for free without a subscription or the need to login or register. Simply visit:

While The Chronicles of Narnia are not included, there is a wonderful selection of Classic and Modern Tales for children of different ages. This includes titles such as The Secret Garden, Anne of Green Gables, Five Children and It, and The Jungle Book, as well as works by Beatrix Potter, Jules Verne, and Jane Austen. The Teen section includes some of CS Lewis’ other works: The Screwtape Letters, his autobiography, Surprised by Joy, and A Grief Observed (note these books and especially the last, contain some difficult content that may not be appropriate for children and screening/adult supervision is recommended).

Visit our sister site, Squeaky Clean Reviews, for reviews and recommendations on some of the books.

Please note: Amazon and Audible are not affiliated with TLC. Not all books on this platform would be recommended by us. Please look for reviews and ensure adult supervision while using the website.

Keep well all, and happy listening.